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Orgnisation : Karnataka Department of Pre-University Education
Exam : II PU Geology
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Geology Question Paper :

March, 2009 Geology
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ] [ Max. Marks : 100
Note : i) Answer all questions.
ii) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

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I. Answer all the questions. Each answer should not exceed one sentence :
1. What is an axial plane –
2. To which phylum do the lamillibranch belong –
3. In which period fishes are dominant –
4. What is lava –
5. Name the fossil which has two unequal valves.
6. To which group of rock does gneiss belong –
7. Name the rock which shows amigdoloidal structure.
8. Give an example for Hypobyssal Igneous rock.
9. Name the highest point of a fold.
10. What is a rock –

II. Answer any ten of the following questions : 10 × 2 = 20
11. Write any two uses of joints.
12. What is an intergrowth texture –
13. Define monoclinal fold.
14. Mention the essential minerals and uses of granite.
15. What is correlation –
16. Define the limb of a fold.
17. Define fossil.
18. What is equigranular texture –
19. What is columella –
20. Define graded bedding.
21. What is an Index fossil –
22. Define metamorphism.

III. Answer any one of the following questions : 1 × 5 = 5
23. Write the differences between dextral and sinistral type of coiling in gastropods.
24. Explain the law of order of superposition.
IV. Answer any two of the following questions : 2 × 5 = 10
25. Classify the Igneous rocks based on their texture.
26. Describe the ridge and trough fault.
27. Explain cast and mould.
V. Answer any two of the following questions : 2 × 5 = 10
28. What is unconformity – Describe parallel unconformity.
29. Classify the sedimentary rocks based on their grain size.
30. With a neat sketch, describe the morphological characters of a
Brachiopod shell.
VI. Answer any three of the following questions : 3 × 5 = 15
31. Describe the following Volcanic Igneous rock
a) Basalt
b) Rhyolite.
32. Explain the morphological characters of a Trilobite shell.
33. Explain concordant igneous intrusions.
34. What is a fault – Describe normal and reverse faults.
VII. Answer any one of the following questions : 1 × 5 = 5
35. Explain the uses of fossils.
36. Explain the following :
a) Limestone
b) Sandstone.
VIII. Answer any one of the following questions : 1 × 5 = 5
37. Write the differences between brachiopods and lamillibranchs.
38. Explain Gneissose structure.

IX. Answer any one of the following questions : 1 × 10 = 10
39. Explain the following :
a) Petrificationb) Uniformitarianismc) Dyke.
40. Explain the followig :
a) Dynamic metamorphismb) Geological time scale c) Septa in corals.

March, 2010 :
PART – A :
I. Answer all the questions. Each answer should not exceed one sentence :
1. Define Magma.
2. Which rock shows Columnar joints ?
3. Mention any one Concordant Igneous intrusion.
4. To which group of rocks does shale belong ?
5. What is dip ?
6. Name the Metamorphism in which pressure is predominant.
7. Mention the valves of a Brachiopod shell.
8. Name the fold in which the axial plane is horizontal.
9. In which period are coal deposits abundant ?
10. To which phylum does Coral belong ?

PART – B :
II. Answer any ten of the following questions :
11. What is an Euhedral grain ?
12. Define texture.
13. What is metamorphism ?
14. Define Batholith.
15. What is a fault plane ?
16. Define primary structure.
17. What is an umbo ?
18. Mention the uses of Marble.
19. Name the periods of Mesozoic era.
20. What is Catastrophism ?
21. What is uncomformity ?
22. Define Index fossil.

PART – C :
III. Answer any one of the following questions :
23. Explain inequigranular texture.
24. Describe the classification of Igneous rocks based on their Silica { EMBED Equation.3 } percentage.

IV. Answer any two of the following questions :
25. Explain mechanically formed Sedimentary rocks.
26. Distinguish between Conglomerate and Breccia.
27. What is a fold ? Explain anticlinal and synclinal folds.

V. Answer any two of the following questions :
28. Explain the agents of metamorphism.
29. What is correlation ? Explain palaeontological method of correlation.
30. Describe the morphological characters of Gastropods.

VI. Answer any three of the following questions :
31. What are joints ? Explain columnar joints.
32. Explain stratification and current bedding.
33. Briefly explain Geological Time Scale.
34. Explain the conditions necessary for fossilization.

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