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Name of the Organization : College of Visual Effects,Design & Art – VEDA
Exam : Entrance Test Third Year Demo Papers
Department: B.Sc. in Animation
Document Type : Sample Paper
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VEDA B.Sc Animation Third Year Sample Paper

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Related : College of Visual Effects,Design & Art B.Sc Animation Entrance Test Second Year Sample Question Paper :

** Our B.Sc. Animation and M.A Animation Programs are affiliated with UGC approved Universities. UGC approved animation degrees are valid nationally and internationally.

Instructions For The Students

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 80
1. All Questions are Compulsory.
2. Draw suitable diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
3. Assume suitable data if necessary
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.


T97/BMG301/EE/20151125 :
1. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 25 to 30 words each. 16
a) Define a CG.
b) Define a storyboard.
c) How is light important to animation.
d) What is pixel depth?
e) What is track reading?
f) What is moving hold?
g) State any two audio formats and Explain each format in short.
h) What is the use of a video tape recoder?
i) Write the various positions in a major studio.
j) Define staging.
k) State the responsibilities of an art director.
l) What is moving hold?

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45words each. 12
a) Explain the long shot.
b) Draw the symbol used in a flow chart.
c) Explain the live looping.
d) Write a short note on exaggeration?
e) Explain layers in brief.
f) State the eight animation workflow steps.

3. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45 words each. 12
a) Explain MEL in brief.
b) What is the use of the refresh wireframe display option in a render menu?
c) Explain the milestone?
d) Write the typical animation workflow in maya.
e) Write the short note on keyframes in detail.
f) What is the data analysis approach in a storyboard procedure.

4. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Write a note on Dope sheet.
b) Explain the OCG file format.
c) Explain the options present in the render menu.

5. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Write are benefits of a storyboard?
b) Describe how object creation and object editing is done in maya?
c) Explain the designing an interior hall in detail.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 to 120 words each. 16
a) Explain the ADR software in detail.
b) Describe the principles of animation stated by the famous animator John lasseter.
c) Describe the exterior scene in detail.


T97/BMG302/EE/20151126 :
1. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 25 to 30 words each. 16
a) What are Hulls?
b) What is UV?
c) What is field chart?
d) What is snout?
e) What is Topology?
f) How to use twist deformers?
g) When you use Deformers?
h) What are joint chain?
i) Why you use ball joint?
j) What are push/pull?
k) What is finet?
l) What do you understand by “phong or blinn”?

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45words each. 12
a) How to use Isoparm?
b) What is Biracial?
c) Why is it not possible to render joints?
d) What are skeletons?
e) What is a hypergraph?
f) Where is the transformation information stored in maya?

3. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45 words each. 12
a) How to use insert Isoparms?
b) What are parameters?
c) How to use soft modification Tool?
d) When you adding light?
e) Explain lasso tool.
f) What are snaps?

4. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) How to creating a Hierarchy?
b) Explain the importance of a project in maya.
c) Explain two- manifold vs non-manifold geometry.

5. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Explain a blend shape deformer node.
b) Create a standard skeleton setup for a human model.
c) What are the steps involved in modeling a human head?

6. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 to 120 words each. 16
a) Create the model of a bike using the NURBS modeling technique.
b) Explain the disadvantages of polygon modeling.
c) What are the steps required to create a complete skeleton for a character model?


T97/BMG303/EE/20151127 :
1. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 25 to 30 words each. 16
a) What is display layer editor.
b) What is full form of FK?
c) How can you create normal constraints?
d) When will you use Aim constraints?
e) What is the benefit of footstep generators?
f) What is tangent constraints?
g) What is skinning?
h) How to move one joint only?
i) When you use ball joint?
j) What is use of snap?
k) What are tangents?
l) What is key frame?

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45words each. 12
a) What is bind pose?
b) What are control objects?
c) What is rigid skinning?
d) What is non linear animation?
e) Define proxy tags?
f) What are play back looping?

3. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45 words each. 12
a) What is HAS NO Effect?
b) What do you mean by rendering animation?
c) What are the important of animating the scenes?
d) What is the basic concept of animation?
e) What is squash and stretch?
f) What is rigidity?

4. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Explain about playblast.
b) Explain the basic animation principles.
c) How can you set In-between? Elaborate.

5. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Explain walk animation.
b) Discuss animation retargeting.
c) How is smooth skinning of a character done?

6. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 to 120 words each. 16
a) The capability to lock your character’s feet to the ground is significant, but not essential. Explain.
b) Explain retargeting workflow.
c) Discuss the different types of expressions. What is workflow summary?


T97/BMG304/EE/20151128 :
1. Answer any eight of the following questions in about 25 to 30 words each. 16
a) What is hyper shade?
b) What are UV shells?
c) When is the hard reflection pass used?
d) Define passes in brief.
e) What is an intensity of a light?
f) Explain the following key terms”
i) Texture ii) Texture mapping
g) What is batch render?
h) What are dynamic attributes?
i) What are hair constrains?
j) Why is cloth required in Maya?
k) What is camera mapping?
l) Write the full forms of the following:
i) GIF ii) JPEG iii) EPS iv) TIFF

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to45words each. 12
a) Write a short note on matte opacity.
b) How is an attribute editor useful?
c) Explain the importance of camera projection mapping techniques.
d) Explain a reflection pass in detail.
e) How will you create a dome light?
f) Discuss briefly, the different emission attributes.

3. Answer any four of the following questions in about 40 to 45 words each. 12
a) Define planner mapping with an example.
b) What is camera scale?
c) Explain the types of emitters.
d) Explain render layer.
e) What are caustics? Give an example.
f) What is the use of ramp texture?

4. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Define the types of renderings.
b) Explain the different types of processes involved in texturing a model.
c) Define colour balance in detail.

5. Answer any two of the following questions in about 80 to 90 words each. 12
a) Explain the types of lighting.
b) What is a caustic? Explain the types of caustics.
c) Explain planner mapping with an example.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 to 120 words each. 16
a) What are the passes composed during compositing software? Explain the process.

b) Write short notes on the following:
i) Depth Map shadows
ii) Raytraced shadows.
c) Explain three types of particle attributes in detail.

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