bfuhs.ac.in B.Sc. Nursing Model Question Paper : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences

Name of the University : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
Degree : B.Sc. (Nursing)
Subject : Microbiology
Year : 2015
Document Type : Previous Years’ Question Papers

Website : http://www.bfuhs.ac.in/examination/oldquespapers/pyqp.html
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BFUHS B.Sc.Nursing Model Question Paper

Microbiology :
1. (i) (a) Define Sterilisation. [3]
(b) Enumerate the different methods of Sterilisation. [8]
(c) Discuss the principles of Autoclave. [4]

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(ii) (a) General guidelines for collection of samples for Microbiological Testing. [5]
(b) Collection of Blood for Culture. [5]
(c) Collection, transport and storage of Urine samples for culture. [5]

2. Regarding Dengue.
(a) What is the source of Infection ? [3]
(b) What is the Clinical Presentation ? [4]
(c) Laboratory Diagnosis. [8]

3. (a) Laboratory diagnosis of Cholera. [5]
(b) Opportunistic Mycosis. [5]

4. (a) Enumerate the different Culture Media with one example each. [5]
(b) Widal Test. [5]

5. Write Short Notes on any FIVE : [5×5=25]
(a) Standard Precautions.
(b) Primary and Secondary Humeral Immune Response.
(c) Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
(d) Germ Tube Test.
(e) Classification of Fungi.
(f) Testing of Disinfectants.
(g) Water Borne Diseases.

Nutrition & Biochemistry

Section-A : [45 Marks]
Nutrition :
1. (a) Define unit of energy. [2]
(b) What is dehydration. [3]
(c) Define RDA. [5]

2. (a) Explain four functions of calcium. [2]
(b) Describe the deficiency diseases of calcium. [3]
(c) Describe the sources and requirements of calcium. [5]

3. (a) Define Weaning. [2]
(b) Describe the six advantages of breast feeding. [3]
(c) Plan one day diet for a Nursing/ Lectating Mother. [5]

4. Write Short Notes on any THREE of the following : [3×5=15]

(a) Vitamin A supplementation (b) Glycemic Index
(c) Infantile Scurvey (d) Substitute for Non- Vegetarians foods
(e) Discuss the methods of Nutritional Assessment.

Section-B : [30 Marks]
Biochemistry :
1. (i) (a) Explain briefly about Polysaccharides. [5]
(b) Discuss briefly Biosynthesis and regulation of Vitamin ‘D’. [5]
(ii) (a) Explain briefly Pentose Phosphate Pathway. [5]
(b) Describe briefly regulation of Blood Glucose Level. [5]

2. (a) Discuss the functions of Steroid Hormones. [3]
(b) Explain briefly Co- enzymes. [2]

3. Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following : [3×5=15]
(a) Blood Glucose Test.
(b) Transport of Lipids.
(c) Types of Proteins.
(d) Properties of Vitamin ‘K’.
(e) Heme and Chlorophyll.
(f) HLS- Typing.
(g) Chromatography.

Anatomy & Physiology

1. (i) (a) Describe the structure of Thyroid Gland with the help of diagram. [2]
(b) Illustrate the blood supply of Thyroid Gland. [4]
(c) Explain hormones of Thyroid Gland. [4]
(ii) (a) Name the organs of Digestive System. [2]
(b) Explain blood supply and function of Stomach. [4]
(c) Write difference between Small Intestine and Large Intestine. [4]

2. (a) Describe the parts of Respiratory System. [2]
(b) Describe the structure of Lungs. [4]
(c) Enlist the muscles of Respiration. [4]

3. Describe in brief on any TWO of the following : [2½x2=5]
(a) SA Node.
(b) Larynx.
(c) Gross Anatomy of Spleen.

4. Write Short Notes on any FOUR of the following : [3×4=12]
(a) Abduction at the Shoulder Joint.
(b) Arch of Aorta.
(c) Lymph Node.
(d) Ligaments of Uterus.
(e) Umblical Cord.
(f) Spermatic Cord.

Section-B : [38 Marks]
1. (i) (a) Define C.S.F. [2]
(b) Describe the composition and circulation of Cerebro Spinal Fluid. [4]
(c) Describe functions of C.S.F. [4]
(ii) (a) Define Immunity. [2]
(b) Give classification of Immunity. [4]
(c) Differentiate between Active and Passive Immunity. [4]

2. (a) Define Blood. [2]
(b) Describe Extrinsic mechanism of Blood Coagulation. [4]
(c) Explain functions of Haemoglobin. [4]

3. Describe in brief any TWO of the following : [3×2=6]
(a) RH Incompatibility.
(b) Functions of Male Reproductive System.
(c) Vertebral Column.
4. Write Short Notes on any FOUR of the following : [3×4=12]
(a) Portal Vein.
(b) Cerebellum.
(c) Mechanism of Hearing.
(d) White Blood Cells.
(e) Menopause.
(f) Functions of Overy.

Categories: Medical
Tags: bfuhs.ac.in

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