bfuhs.ac.in M.Sc. Nursing Model Question Paper : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences

Name of the University : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
Degree : M.Sc. (Nursing)
Subject : Nursing Management
Year : 2015
Document Type : Previous Years’ Question Papers

Website : http://www.bfuhs.ac.in/examination/oldquespapers/pyqp.html
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
M.Sc. Nursing 1st Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13237-MSCNSG1STYR.docx
M.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13237-MSCNSG2ND.docx
Specialty 2nd Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13237-2NDYRSPECIALITY.docx

M.Sc. Nursing Model Question Paper :

Nursing Management :
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 75
Note : Attempt all questions.

Related : Baba Farid University of Health MPT in Neurology Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/13234.html

1. (a) Describe the styles of leadership a manager can assume. [5]
(b) Discuss different types of planning with examples. [5]
(c) Describe the process of performance appraisal. [5]

2. (a) What is delegation ? [3]
(b) What are the principles of delegation ? [6]
(c) Discuss the errors that can be done while delegation of a job. [6]

3. (a) What are the characteristics of an organizational chart. [5]
(b) Prepare an organizational chart for Nursing services at your institute. [5]

4. (a) What are the stages of group development ? [5]
(b) Describe the types of communication. [5]

5. Write short notes on any FIVE of the followings : [5×5=25]
a. Functions of Administration.
b. Code of Ethics.
c. Lobbying.
d. Managing Conflict.
e. Staff Development Programme.
f. Occupational Health and Safety.
g. Nursing Informatics.

Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing – II :
Note : Attempt all questions.
1. (a) Define Crisis. [2]
(b) Elaborate the phases of Crisis Intervention. [5]
(c) List down the Psychiatric Emergencies and discuss the nursing management of any one of them. [8]

2. (a) List the types of Anger. [2]
(b) Enumerate the non- pharmacological interventions to control Anger.[5]
(c) Discuss the nursing management of patient with Anger. [8]

3. (a) Define ADHD and list down its symptoms. [5]
(b) Elaborate the management issues of the child with ADHD. [5]

4. (a) Discuss the differences between Delirium and Dementia. [5]
(b) Enumerate the management of a 60 years old dementia patient. [5]

5. Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the followings : [5×5=25]
(a) Classes of Psychoactive substances.
(b) Rapid Neuroleptization.
(c) Grief and grief reactions.
(d) Undifferentiated Schizophrenia.
(e) Types of Phobias.
(f) Impulse control disorders.
(g) Tertiary Prevention in Psychiatry

Community Health Nursing – II :
Note : Answer all questions.
1. (a) Discuss the scope of Epidemiology in community health practice. [5]
(b) Explain the most effective epidemiological method which you will consider to measure the prevalence of a disease. [5]
(c) As a community health nurse, how will you prevent Swine Flue at the three levels of prevention. [5]

2. (a) Explain the problems and issues of Elderly population in India. [5]
(b) Write down the government welfare measures for Elderly. [5]
(c) Discuss the roles and responsibilities of geriatric Nurse in the community. [5]

3. (a) What do you mean by the term “Staff Development Programme”. [5]
(b) Plan an in- service Programme on community participation for health workers. [5]

4. (a) Explain factors influencing Mental Illness. [5]
(b) Discuss the National Mental Health Programme. [5]

5. Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following : [5×5=25]
a. ESI Scheme.
b. Need for Guidance and Counseling for School Children.
c. Health tourism.
d. Nursing Audit.
e. Write note on NRHM.
f. International Quarantine.
g. The Public Health Model.

Advance Nursing Practice :
1. (a) Detail the pathophysiology of Oxygen insufficiency. [5]
(b) Elaborate the collaborative management of patient with Oxygen insufficiency. [10]

2. (a) Discuss Human relations in Nursing Practice. [8]
(b) Describe the Code of Ethics for Nursing Profession. [7]

3. Critically evaluate the role of regularity agencies in upholding the nursing care in the country and add a note on Nursing Audit. [10]
4. (a) List down the types of theories in Nursing. [3]
(b) Apply Orem self care theory to an unconscious patient admitted to the ICU. [7]

5. Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following : [5×5=25]
(a) Strategies for improving the image of nursing.
(b) Application of genetics in nursing.
(c) Epidemiological triad.
(d) Health assessment for geriatric population.
(e) Health belief models.
(f) Growth and development of preschool children.
(g) Quality assurance in nursing.

Nursing Education :
1. Explain the considerations for organizing learning experiences of a class of 50 Basic BSc Nursing Students in terms of :-
(a) Knowledge integration. [10]
(b) Sequential learning. [5]

2. (a) Describe the characteristics of an effective educational objective. [5]
(b) Discuss ‘Adult Learning’ in view of the present day Nursing Education. [10]

3. (a) What is ‘Item Analysis’ ? [3]
(b) In a test-paper an item was answered correctly by 7 out of 10 students of the high-scorer group and 3 out of 10 students of the low-scorer group.
Analyse the quality and usability of the item on the basis of its Difficulty Index and Discriminating Power Index. [7]

4. (a) Discuss the need and utilization of research in Nursing Education. [10]

5. Write Short Notes on any FIVE of the following : [5×5=25]
(a) E-learning.
(b) Core Curriculum.
(c) Analogy type of test items.
(d) Difference between Guidance and Counselling.
(e) Faculty supervisor (dual) position.
(f) Accreditation of Nursing Educational Programs.
(g) Preparation of a Professional Teacher.

Categories: Medical
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