webservices.ignou.ac.in Certificate in NGO Management Question Paper : The People’s University

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : NGO Management
Degree : Certificate in NGO Management
Subject Code/Name : BMS-001 Introduction to NGO Management
Year : 2016
Document Type : Question Paper

Website : https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/Pre-Question/Question%20Paper%20June%202016/soms/soms.htm#soms1
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Introduction to NGO Management : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11532-BMSNGO.pdf
Management Functions : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11532-BMSfunctions.pdf
Health Care Management : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11532-BMShealthcare.pdf

Certificate in NGO Management Question Paper :

Introduction to NGO Management :
Time : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 50
Weightage : 70%
Note :
** Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Related : IGNOU Preparatory Course Commerce Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11529.html

1. What do you understand by Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ? Citing examples, discuss the relevance of adopting MDGs as human development indicators.
2. Why is good governance required for NGOs ? Discuss.
3. With the help of examples, explain how political and economic factors have influenced NGOs.

4. Write short notes on
(a) Capacity building
(b) Types of verbal communication
5. How does ICT impact the poor of rural India in development process ? Discuss.

6. Discuss the importance of feedback in communication.
7. Explain how mobile phones can act as a useful tool for communication in NGOs.
8. Discuss different stages in preparing a report.

Management Functions :
1. (a) Enlist the documents required to form a 10 charitable organisation under the companies Act.
(b) Write the contents of memorandum of Association.

2. Under what provisions of Income Tax Act can the donors to NGOs avail tax rebates ? Explain in detail. 10
3. Define Social Marketing. Explain the components of social marketing. 10
4. List the Annual Financial Statements prepared by the charitable organisations. Write a note on Income and Expenditure account. 10

5. Define a “Budget”. What are the key factors involved in Budget Preparation ? 10
6. Explain the importance of monitoring. What are the tools of monitoring ? 10
7. Give an example of a successful fund raising campaign adopted by a charitable organisation and explain their strategy. 10
8. What are the different methods of generating income within the organisation ? 10

Health Care Management :
1. Discuss in brief about Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA). 10
2. Describe the Action for Welfare and Awakening in Rural Environment (AWARE) in Telangana Region. 10
3. What is the current scenario of health care in India and the policy prescriptions given to address the various problems ? 10
4. Describe the ecosystem and its relevance to health. 10
5. Discuss the influence of the society on sexual behaviour pattern. 10
6. What is strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats analysis ? How it is useful for situational analysis ? 10
7. Describe various elements of advocacy. 10
8. Discuss briefly about the Indian Public Health Standards. 10

Retail Management :
1. (a) Discuss the changes in the Indian Retailing Scenario and also explain the drivers of retailing in India.
(b) Explain the Consumer Decision Rules that act as guidelines to a retailer to help tune his product / service proposition.
2. (a) Briefly discuss the various types of non-store retailing formats. What are their advantages and disadvantages ?
(b) Explain the Margin Turnover Model used in Retail Strategy.
3. (a) What is Customer Relationship Management ? Explain its relevance in Retailing.
(b) Explain the difference between Customer Relationship Marketing and Transactional Marketing.
3. (a) What is Customer Relationship Management ? Explain its relevance in Retailing.
(b) Explain the difference between Customer Relationship Marketing and Transactional Marketing.

5. A national fast food chain has decided to open outlets in a combination of isolated locations, unplanned business districts and planned shopping centres.
(a) What factors play a role in the location of a store ?
(b) Comment on the retail strategy of the fast food chain, giving reasons for your answer.

Total Quality Management :
1. Define Total Quality Management (TQM). Discuss the important features of TQM philosophy.

2. Explain any two of the following :
(a) Quality and low cost
(b) Types of Quality Plans
(c) Achieving Customer orientation
(d) Quality and productivity

3. Attempt any one of the following :
(a) Explain and illustrate the seven Quality Improvement Tools in the context of Statistical Quality Control.
(b) Explain Quality Function Deployment (QFD), describing its rationale and essential components of quality table used as a tool for QFD.

4. Highlighting the importance of human factor in TQM, discuss how a change to quality culture can be initiated and sustained in an organization.

5. (a) Discuss the requirements of establishing and maintaining environmental management system (EMS) in an organization.
(b) Why is safety and health management needed in industries ? Describe the three elements of a safety programme.

6. (a) In the context of TQM, it has been said that awards are not the end in themselves but a beginning to progress further. Comment.
(b) What are the main competitive quality awards ? Discuss with examples.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Quality control and quality assurance
(b) Quality improvement tools
(c) Acceptance sampling
(d) Process capability
(e) Feigenbaum and his main contribution
(f) Re-engineering

Categories: Management Studies
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