webservices.ignou.ac.in Diploma In Retailing Sample Question Paper : The People’s University

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Retailing
Degree : Diploma In Retailing
Subject Code/Name : Brl-001 : Overview Of Retailing
Year : 2016
Document Type : Question Paper

Website : https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/Pre-Question/Question%20Paper%20June%202016/soms/soms.htm#soms1
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Overview of Retailing : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11535-BRLretail.pdf
Retail Marketing : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11535-BRLmarketing.pdf
Retail Management Perspectives : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11535-BRLmanagement.pdf
Customer Service Management : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11535-BRLcustomer.pdf
Buying & Merchandising : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11535-BRLbuying.pdf

IGNOU Diploma In Retailing Sample Question Paper

Download Question Paper of Retailing Department  of Diploma In Retailing Sample Question Paper is now available in the official website of IGNOU The People’s University.

Related : IGNOU Certificate in NGO Management Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11532.html


Overview Of Retailing :
Time : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 50
Note :
(i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Model Questions

1.a. What are the different factors responsible for the recent growth of retailing in India ?
b. Explain the challenges faced by retailers with the help of examples. 5+5
2. a. Explain the various types of retail formats with the help of examples.
b. State the various steps involved in sourcing process. 5+5
3. What are the different methods of setting retail 10 price ? Explain with the help of examples. 10
4. (a) Describe the influence of situational variables on retail consumer shopping behaviour. 5+5
(b) Explain the factors which play significant role in the choice of the store location. 5+5

5. a. Explain the concept of visual merchandising in -retailing.
b. State the various components of display. 5+5

6. a. How can a retailer ensure success in rural retailing ?
b. Do you think e-tailing is a viable concept for rural markets ? Justify your answer. 5+5
7. a. How can you monitor the performance of a retail store ?
b. Explain briefly the various applications of technology in retail industry. 5+5

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5
(a) Private Brands Vs. National Brand
(b) Legal Issues related to Retailing
(c) Ethical Dimensions of Retailing
(d) Psychological Pricing

Customer Service Management :
1. a. Describe the parameters that help in good customer service.
b. Discuss the points that you would like to keep in mind for effective selling via good customer service. 5+5

2. Explain the pre-requisites for selling from a salesperson’s point of view in brief. 10
3. Explain the characteristics of ‘customers based on time’ and ‘customers based on type’. Also state the techniques to handle these categories of customers. 10

4. Describe the issues to be considered for delivering the superior service quality. 10
5. Explain the benefits of customer experience management. 10
6. (a) Describe various types of loyalty programmes.
(b) Discuss the lessons you can draw from the loyalty programmes. 5+5
7. Explain the guidelines for handling customer’s complaints. 10

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5
(a) Elements of customer service
(b) Changing scenario in customer expectations
(c) Managing customer experience
(d) Word of mouth communication

Retail Marketing And Communication :
1. What do you understand by Retailing decisions ? State the emerging trends in retail marketing in India. 10
2. State the major retail activities and the basic reasons for the stores remaining popular. 10
3. Describe the role of Information Technology in personal selling. 10
4. Explain the 12 – step personal selling process in retail. 10

5. What are the objectives of retail promotion mix ? Explain the ways of avoiding errors while communicating retail messages. 5+5
6. Explain Retail advertising and write a note on ‘Below the line advertising’. 5+5
7. Explain the concept of store management and promotional methodologies for a store. 4+6

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5
(a) The wheel of Retailing
(b) Consumer Images of Retail Stores
(c) Closing the Sale
(d) Growth of In-store Promotion

Retail Management Perspectives And Communication :
1. State the importance of planning in a retail store, and enumerate the various steps in the planning process. 4+6
2. Describe the requisites of an effective control system. 10
3. (a) Discuss the benefits of listening.
(b) What are the barriers of effective listening ? Explain. 6+4

4. Discuss the positive and negative impact of technology enabled communication. 10
5. “Transaction analysis is immensely useful to make the communication effective.” In the light of the statement, discuss the application of Transaction Analysis in retail interactions. 10

6. How do cultural differences effect communication ? What measures should be taken to make cross cultural communication effective ? 3+7
7. What do you mean by “Oculesics” and “Haptics” ? Explain the five haptic categories given by Heslin. 4+6

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5
(a) Media of communication
(b) Balance sheet format
(c) Leadership traits
(d) Line and staff structure of an organisation

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