webservices.ignou.ac.in Bachelors Degree Programme Question Paper : People’s University

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Degree : Bachelor’s Degree Programme
Subject Code/Name : AED Export Procedure And Documentation
Year : 2016
Document Type : Question Paper

Website : https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/Pre-Question/Question%20Paper%20June%202016/soms/soms.htm#soms1
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Export & Documentation : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11546-AEDexport.pdf
Marketing : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11546-AMKmarketing.pdf
Office & Management : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11546-AOMoffice.pdf
Secretarial Practice : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11546-ASPsecretarial.pdf

Bachelor’s Degree Programme  Question Paper :

Export Procedures And Documentation :
Time : 2 hours
Maximum Marks : 50
Weightage : 70%
Note :
Answer any four questions, including question no. 7 which is compulsory.
1. Describe the institutional framework for export 12 promotion in India.
2. a. What is the rationale of Export trade control ? 6+6
b. Describe the procedure of obtaining an export license.
3. Describe the major documents needed by the importing country. Explain their relevance in Import Trade. 12
4. What is post shipment finance ? Explain various methods of post shipment finance. 4+8
5. Distinguish between : 6+6
(a) Deemed exports and actual exports
(b) Financial and fiscal incentives
6. Explain the procedure and related documentation for obtaining Advance license under Duty Exemption scheme. 12

7. Write short notes on any two of the following : 7+7
(b) Self Certification Scheme
(c) Containerisation
(d) Shipping Bill

Marketing :
1. a. Define concept of marketing.
b. Explain its importance in a developing economy. 4+6
2. a. What do you mean by Product Life Cycle (PLC) ?
b. Discuss the marketing strategies at different stages of the Product Life Cycle. 3+7

3. a. What is meant by pricing ?
b. Explain any two methods of price determination of a product. 3+7
4. a. What is channel of distribution ?
b. Discuss the factors to be kept in mind while selecting the channel of distribution of a product. 3+7

5. Explain the steps involved in Marketing Communication Process. 4+6
6. What do you understand by consumer behaviour ? Describe the stages involved in consumer purchase decision. 3+7
7. What is packaging ? Explain the functions of packaging. 4+6

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5
(a) Promotion – Mix
(b) Branding Decisions
(c) Market Segmentation

Office Organization And Management :
1. ‘The office is the nerve centre of business. In the light of this statement, elaborate the role of modern office. 10
2. State advantages of Indexing. Also explain the working of a ‘Card Index.

3. What is meant by ‘Office Layout’ ? Explain briefly the principles developed for designing an office layout. 3+7
4. What is meant by centralised storage ? What are Advantages & Disadvantages 3+7

5. Explain the importance of staff welfare and discuss any two welfare benefits that may be extended to the office staff. 5+5
6. Explain in brief the relative advantages and disadvantages of computerisation of office work. 5+5

7. Define office supervision. Discuss the role of office supervisor in developing sound human relations in an organisation. 3+7
8. Discuss the advantages of using office forms. What principles should be observed while designing office forms ? 4+6

9.Write short notes on any two of the following : 5+5
(a) Flow process chart
(b) Standardisation
(c) Office Manual
(d) Information Economics

Secretarial Practice :
1. Who is a ‘Secretary’ ? What are the qualifications of a secretary ? 2

2. Define the term ‘quorum. What happens if there is no quorum at a meeting ? Can one person constitute the quorum of a meeting ? Give reasons in support of your answer.8
3. As the General Manager of Manica Steel Enterprise, write a letter to the Regional Manager of State Bank of India to open an Extension counter in the premises of your company. 10

4. Define the term ‘motion’. What are the conditions to be satisfied for a valid motion ? How can a motion be withdrawn ? 4
5. What is statutory meeting ? Briefly explain the provisions of the companies Act, 1956 relating to statutory meeting. 8

6. What is an office report ? Explain various kinds of office reports in brief. 8
7. “A good business letter is one which is clear and brief”. Explain this statement and discuss any six principles of letter writing.8

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 5
(a) Duties of Company Secretary
(b) Powers of chairman of a meeting
(c) Minutes of a meeting
(d) Characteristics of a good precis.

Categories: Management Studies
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