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Techniche Technothlon Question Paper Download

Name of the Organisation : IIT Guwahati
Exam : Technothlon Junior
Document Type : Previous Question Paper
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Technothlon Junior Sample Question Paper

Technothlon 2008 Junior Sample Question Paper

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1. Candidates must fill the Team Details above before starting to attempt the questions.
2. This Question Paper consists of 6 parts and carries a total of 100 Marks.
3. NO Question contains negative marking.

4. Each section contains details on how to attempt the question of that section and the marks that they carry.
5. ALL ANSWERS must be written in the answer space provided at the end of this booklet. No extra space will be provided.

6. ALL ANSWERS must be clear and legible. In case of any ambiguity, the decision of the evaluator is final.
7. In case an answer has to be changed, neatly cross out the initial answer before writing the next one.

Sample Questions

A-Comprehension :
This section consists of 4 questions. Each question carries 2.5 marks. 2.5 x 4 = 10 Marks
Hostel Manas of IITG has two wings, the east wing and the west wing. Some east wing rooms but not all, have an River view. All west wing rooms have a sports complex (S C) view. The charge for all rooms is identical except for the following.

There is an extra charge for all S C view rooms on or above third floor. There is an extra charge for all river view rooms except those without balcony. Some S C view rooms on the first two floors and some east wing rooms without River view have A\C facilities for which there is an extra charge. Only the River view and S C view rooms have balconies.

1.1 A guest may avoid an extra charge by requesting
(a) A west wing room on one of the first two floors.
(b) A west wing room on the fourth floor without balcony.
(c) An River view room without balcony.
(d) Any room without A\C.

1.2 Which of the following must be true if all conditions are as stated?
(a) All rooms above the third floor involves extra charges.
(b) No room without an River or S C view or A\C facilities involves extra charge.
(c) There is no extra charge for an east wing room without River view.
(d) There is no extra charge for any room without A\C facilities.

1.3 Which of the following must be false if all conditions are as stated?
(a) some River viewing rooms do not involve an extra charge
(b) all rooms with A\c facilities involve an extra charge
(c) some west viewing rooms above the second floor do not involve an extra charge.
(d) none of the above.

1.4 Which of the following can not be determined on the basis of the information given?
(a) whether there are any rooms without a balcony for which extra charge is imposed
(b) whether any room without A\C or a view involves an extra charge
(c) whether two extra charges are imposed for any room
(d) none of the above

C- Play with Numbers :
This section consists of 7 questions. Each question carries five marks. 5 x 7 = 35 Mark
1. In a factory there are 13 machines that produces tablets(medicines).Out of the 13 ,12 of them are produce tablets of exact weight, the other one produces tablets that weigh 1gm less. All the machines are numbered from 1 to 13.In how many minimum chances (chances refers to the number of times you use the balance) can you find out the faulty machine if you are given a balance that displays the weight digitally.

2. Can you use all 9 numerals – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 – above and below a fraction symbol, to create a fraction equalling 1/3 (one third)?

3. Find the smallest number such that
When I divide it by 2, the remainder is 1.
When I divide it by 3, the remainder is 2.
When I divide it by 4, the remainder is 3.
When I divide it by 5, the remainder is 4.
When I divide it by 6, the remainder is 5.
When I divide it by 7, the remainder is 6.
When I divide it by 8, the remainder is 7.
When I divide it by 9, the remainder is 8.
When I divide it by 10, the remainder is 9.
It’s not a small number, but it’s not really big, either!!!

5. I am looking for a number consisting of 9 digits such that the digits from 1 to 9 appear only once. The number is divisible by 9, but when the right most digit is removed, the remaining number is divisible by 8. Again, when the right most digit is removed, the remaining number is divisible by 7. This property is maintained until the last remaining number of one digit which is divisible by 1.What is the original 9-digit number?

6. In a race course there are 5 tracks .In how many minimum number of chances can you find out the fastest three horses, if there were 25 horses initially.
7. What 5-digit number has the following features? If we put numeral 1 at the beginning, we get a number three times smaller, than if we gave the numeral 1 behind this number.

D-Miscellaneous logic :
This section consists of 10 questions. Marks allotted to each question are written alongside the question. 21 Marks
1. How would a circle look in 2-Dimensional world :1 Mark
2. Having 2 sand-glasses: one 7-minute and the second one 4-minute. What is the least number of rotations that you require to correctly time 9 minutes. How? 2.5 Marks

3. Rearrange the following to make the name of a noted personality – Hall, tie, ford! (Any punctuation is only there to throw you off.) 2 Marks

4. One of Mr. Sonu, his wife, their son, and Mr. Sonu’s mother is a doctor and another is a lawyer. a) If the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the doctor and the lawyer are not Blood relatives. b) If the doctor is a woman, then the doctor and the lawyer are blood relatives. c) If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man. Whose occupation you know? 2.5 Marks

5. A cable, 16 meters in length, hangs between two pillars that are both 15 meters high. The ends of the cable are attached to the tops of the pillars. At its lowest point, the cable hangs 7 meters above the ground. How far are the two pillars apart? 2 Marks

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  1. The missing number is 462.

    2 6 12
    63 99 143
    420 ? 506

    1. The missing number is 72.

    2. 483 is the missing word

    3. 483 is missing number.

  3. According to the periodic laws of the elements,the variation properties elements is related to what?

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