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Brother’s Academy Sample Question Paper G-SAT Grand Scholarship Admission Test :

Organisation : Brother’s Academy
Entrance Exam : Grand Scholarship Admission Test G-SAT
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Year : 2024
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Brother’s Academy G-SAT Sample Question Paper

There were 35 students in a hostel. Due to the admission of 7 new student the expenses of the mess were increased by Rs. 42 per day while the average expenditure per bead diminished by Rs 1. What was the original expenditure of the mess ?
(A) 425
(B) 410
(C) 420
(D) 430

Related / Similar Question Paper : WBSED Previous Year Question Paper Centrally Sponsored National Means cum-Merit Scholarship Examination West Bengal

Out of 9 persons, 8 persons spent Rs. 30 on each of their meals. The ninth one spent Rs.20 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. The total money spent by all of them was :
(A) Rs. 260
(B) Rs. 290
(C) Rs. 292.50
(D) Rs. 400.50

After replacing an old member by a new member, it was found that the average age of five members of a club is the same as it was 3 years ago. What is the difference between the ages of the replaced and the new member?
(A) 2 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 8 years
(D) 15 years

Two trains start from opposite directions 200 km apart at the same time. They cross each other at a distance of 110 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds?
(A) 11 : 20
(B) 9 : 20
(C) 11 : 9
(D) 17 : 9

An express train travelled at an average speed of 100 km / hr, stopping for 3 minutes after every 75 km. How long did it take to reach its destination 600 km from the starting point ?
(A) 6 hrs 21 min
(B) 6 hrs 24 min
(C) 6 hrs 27 min
(D) 6 hrs 30 min

A walks around a circular field at the rate of one round per hour while B runs around it at the rate of six rounds per hour. They start in the same direction from the point at 7.30 a.m. They shall first cross each other at :
(A) 7.42 a.m.
(B) 7.48 a.m.
(C) 8.10 a.m.
(D) 8.30 a.m.

Twelve men can do a job in 8 days. Six days after they start, 4 more men join them. How many more days will it take to do the job ?
(A) 2.5 days
(B) 3.5 days
(C) 1.5 days
(D) 6 days

A, B and C can do a Job in 11,20 and 55 days respectively. How soon can the work be done if A is assisted by B and C on alternate days ?
(A) 7 days
(B) 9 days
(C) 8 days
(D) 10 days

24 men can complete a work in 16 days. 32 women can complete the same work in 24 days. 16 men and 16 women started working and worked for 12 days. How many more man are to be added to complete the remaining work in 2 days ?
(A) 16
(B) 24
(C) 36
(D) 48

Find the unit digit in the product 254 *361* 159 *18
(A) 6
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 3

If the product of three consecutive integers is 720, then their sum is:
(A) 54
(B) 45
(C) 27
(D) 36

In order to increase sales, price of a product was decreased by 20%. The net sales increased by 28%. What is the increase in unit sales?
(A) 48%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 83%

2/5 of the voters promise to vote for P and the rest promised to vote for Q. Of these, on the last day 15% of the voters went back of their promise to vote for P and 25% of voters went back of their promise to vote for Q, and P lost by 2 votes. Then, the total number of voters is:
(A) 100
(B) 110
(C) 90
(D) 95

An amount of Rs. 735 was divided between A, B and C. If each of them had received Rs. 25 less, their shares would have been in the ratio of 1 : 3 : 2, The money received by C was:
(A) Rs. 195
(B) Rs. 200
(C) Rs. 225
(D) Rs. 245

Zinc and copper are melted together in the ratio 9:11. What is the weight of melted mixture, if 28.8 kg of zinc has been consumed in it?
(A) 58 kg
(B) 60 kg
(C) 64 kg
(D) 70 kg

80 L of mixture of milk and water is in the ratio 5:3. If 16 L of this mixture is replaced by 16 L of milk, ratio of milk and water becomes:
(A) 2 : 1
(B) 6 : 3
(C) 7 : 3
(D) 8 : 3

A bought a cycle and spent Rs. 110 on its repairs. He then sold it to B at a profit of 20%. B sold it to C at a loss of 10%. C sold it at a profit of 10% for Rs. 1,188. What is the price A paid to buy that bicycle:
(A) Rs. 850
(B) Rs. 870
(C) Rs. 930
(D) Rs. 890

Two horses were sold for Rs. 12,000 each, one at a loss of 20% and the other at a gain of 20%. The entire transaction resulted in:
(A) no loss, no gain
(B) loss of Rs. 1,000
(C) gain of Rs. 1,000
(D) gain of Rs. 2,000

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Syllabus For G-SAT Admission Test

COURSE – 1 (For Students of Class 7 going to Class 8)
Physics :
1. Motion
2. Heat
3. Light
4. Magnetism
Chemistry :
1. Acids, Bases and Salts
2. Electrolysis
3. Matter
4. Metals and Non-Metals
5. Pollution
Biology :
1. Nutrition in Animals
2. Digestion
3. Soil and Climate
4. Respiration
5. Parts of Plants
Maths :
1. Number System
2. Polynomials
3. Ratio
4. Exponents
5. Comparing Quantities
6. Linear Equations in one Variable
7. Lines and Angles
8. Triangles
9. Perimeter & Area of Plane figures

COURSE -2 (For Students of Class 8 going to Class 9)
Physics :
1. Motion
2. Light
3. Heat
4. Sound
5. Electricity
Chemistry :
1. Combustion
2. Coal & Petroleum
3. Acids and Bases
4. Chemical & Physical Changes
Biology :
1. Food Production & Management
2. Cell
3. Micro Organisms
4. Conservation of Plants & Animals
5. Reproduction in Animals
Maths :
1. Number System
2. Square & Square Roots
3. Cube and Cube Roots
4. Polynomials
5. Comparing Quantities
6. Linear Equations in One Variable
7. Lines & Angles
8. Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Polygons
9. Perimeter & Area of Plane figures

COURSE – 4 (For Students of Class 10 going to Class 11) : Engineering (IIT-JEE)
Physics :
1. Current Electricity
2. Optics
3. Magnetism
Chemistry :
1. Acids Bases and Salts
2. Chemical Reactions and Equations
3. Metals and Non-Metals
4. Carbon and its Compounds
Maths :
1. Linear Equations in Two Variables
2. Trigonometry
3. Triangles and its properties
4. Quadratic Equations
5. Arithmetic Progressions
6. Co-ordinates Geometry
7. Height & Distance
8. Circles
9. Area related to Circle
10. Surface Area and Volume
11. Probability

Instructions of G-SAT

Read the following Instructions very carefully before you proceed
** The paper is divided into THREE PARTS.
PART – I contains 60 question of Scientific Aptitude.
PART – II contains 40 question of Science .
Part – III contains 20 question of Mathematics.
** It contains a total of 120 questions and 24 printed pages.
** For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET is provided separately. Please fill your Reg. No. and Paper set Properly in the space given in the ANSWER SHEET.
** Please darken the entire circle that corresponds to your answer for each question. Use only HB pencil or Ball Point Pen to mark answer, and erase pencil marks completely to make a change. Do not scribble anything on the answer sheet.
** Full Marks 360. Total Time 2 and 1/2 Hrss.
** Marking Scheme : ONLY ONE correct option and each question carries 3 Marks and –1 will be awarded for every wrong answer. (NEGATIVE MARKING).

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