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CS6301 Programming & Data Structures Question Bank :

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Subject : Programming And Data Structures
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Document type : Question Bank

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DMI Programming & Data Structures Question Paper



** What are the basic concepts of OOPS?
** What are objects and class?

Related : DMI College OF Engineering Crystal Physics B.E Question Bank :

** What is encapsulation and data abstraction?
** Give any four advantages of OOPS.
** Give the difference between class and structure.
** What is a scope resolution operator?
** State the advantages of new and delete over malloc ( ) and free( ) functions
** What is the need for initialization of objects using constructors?
** Explain the multiple meanings of the operators << and >> in C++ and their precedence
** What are manipulators?
** What do you mean by enumerated data type?

** What is the difference between pointer and reference?
** What is an inline function and write some situations where inline expansion may not work
** Justify the need for static data members and member function?
** How the objects are used as function argument?
** Define pointers to member
** Define constructor and give its characteristics
** Distinguish default and parameterized constructor.
** Define destructor. Illustrate
** Define Friend function with its rule.


** Explain the idea of Classes, Data abstraction and encapsulation. [8]
** Write a C++ program that inputs two numbers and outputs the largest number using class. [8]
** Consider a Bank Account class with Acc No. and balance as data members. Write a C++ program to implement the member functions get_Account_Details ( ) and display_Account_Details (). Also write a suitable main function. [10]
** Write a C++ program to explain how the member functions can be accessed using pointers. [6]
** What are the characteristics of constructor functions? Explain the various types of constructors and destructors. Illustrate with example programs [16]
** Write a C++ program to multiply two matrices and print the result. [8]
** Write a C++ program to generate Fibonacci using Copy Constructor. [8]
** Explain Friend Function with example. [8]
** Write a C++ program to construct student mark list for three subjects. Write the program to display name, rollno, marks, avg and total. Use class and objects. [8]
** Distinguish between call by value, call by pointer and call by reference in C++ [8]
Write short notes on
i. Static Member function
ii. This Pointer and references [8]
** Explain the basic concepts of object-oriented programming with an example program. [16]
** Explain in detail the storage classes in C++ using example [16]
Write a C++ program that
(i) Calculates and prints the sum of the integers from 1 to 10
(ii) To calculate x raised to the power y. [16]
** Explain Inline function with example [10]
** Write a C++ program that asks will ask for a temperature in Fahrenheit and display it. [6]

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