nehu-economics.info : MA/MSc Economics of Development-II Question Paper

Name of the Organisation : Department Of Economics,North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Exam : MA/MSc Question Papers
Subject : Economics of Development-II
Year : 2013
Document Type : Model & Past Question Papers

Website : https://www.nehu.ac.in/
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Economics of Development-II 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13326-Ecodevelop12.pdf
Economics of Development-II 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13326-Ecodevelop13.pdf

NEHU Economics of Development Question Paper

Full Marks: 37 ½
Time : 1 ½ Hours
** The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
** Answer any two questions, selecting at least one from each Credit

Related : North-Eastern Hill University MA/MSc Techniques of Statistical Analysis Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/13322.html

Model Questions

1. (a) Trace out the evolution of the rural economy with the help of development theory and development practice. (9 ½).
(b) Discuss the important features of rural credit market in developing countries and in this context examine the lender’s risk hypothesis (9 ½)

2. (a) Examine the relationship between agriculture and rural development in a framework of evolving development theory. (9 ½)
(b) “Urban Informal Sector has become an integral part of the urban economy of the developing countries”-Examine this statement in the context of the dynamics of economic development in developing countries of the world. (9 ½)

3. (a) Why does the market fail in economic space in developing countries? Analyse some such important failures and mention the implications of such failures for development. (9½)
(b) Discuss the genesis and rationale of the entry of community in development space. Can there be community failure? Explain. (9)

4. (a) What is globalisation? What are the important processes of globalisation? Does globalisation pose challenges to the development process of the developing countries? Explain.(9½)
(b) Give a critical analysis of the WTO as a global institution of economic development (9)

Economics of Development-II

1. (a) Explain the origin and significance of urban informal sector in developing countries. (9 ½)
(b) Discuss the different dimensions of development in the rural economy of developing countries with the help of development theories and practices. (9 ½)

2. (a) Bring out the relationship between economic development, migration and urban informal sector. (9 ½)
(b) What is diversification of employment in the rural economy? Analyse such process of employment diversification in the contemporary developing world. (9 ½)

3. (a) Explain the failure of Government in economic space with examples from the developing world. (9½)
(b) Analyze the nature and reasons of failure of market in the developing world. (9)

4. (a) Critically discuss the opportunities and challenges of globalization in the context of development dynamics of the developing countries. (9½)
(b) On the basis of your understanding of development theory and practice, discuss the rationale of the entry of community in to development space. (9)

Computer Applications in Economic Analysis

Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hours
Note :
** Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
** Answer five, selecting at least one from each Credit

1. Give an account of the various components mounted on the motherboard of a personal computer. Describe their functions. 8+7
2. What is an algorithm? How can you classify them according to various criteria? What are the factors that determine the efficiency of an algorithm? 3+6+6

3. What is von Neumann’s logic? How is it used in programming? How does it differ from (i) evolutionary programming (ii) parallel programming? 2+3+5+5

4. Elaborate on the following :
(a). Local and global variables
(b). Do-While structure in FORTRAN
(c). Blank and Block Common in FORTRAN
(d). Reading and writing from/in sequential files (in FORTRAN)
(e). Compilers and Interpreters 3 x 5

5. Write a program to obtain the estimated values of a and b in y = a + bx + e, while data on y and x in n observations are given. 15
6. Write a program to obtain the largest eigenvalue and the associated eigenvector of a matrix using the power method. 15
Write a program to generate uniformly distributed random numbers in (0, 1). How can you obtain normally distributed random numbers from them? 10+5

7. Describe the methods in STATISTICA or SPSS for data reduction. What are the utilities/usage of the data reduction methods? 10+5
8. Describe the methods available in STATISTICA/SPSS for carrying out non-linear regression. 15

Categories: Economics
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