MA/MSc Environmental Economics Question Paper : North-Eastern Hill University

Name of the Organisation : Department Of Economics,North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Exam : MA/MSc Question Papers
Subject :Environmental Economics
Year : 2013
Document Type : Model & Past Question Papers

Website : https://www.nehu.ac.in/
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Environmental Economics 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13339-Evseco12.pdf
Environmental Economics 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13339-Evseco13.pdf

Environmental Economics Question Paper :

Full Marks: 75
Time: 3 hours
** The Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
** Answer Five questions, selecting at least one from each Credit

Related : North-Eastern Hill University Indian Economic Problems & Policy Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/13336.html

1. What do you understand by the ‘environmental cost of economic growth’ and ‘limits to growth’? Discuss the policies a state should adopt to have environmental friendly economic development. (9+6)

2. What are the salient features of sustainable development that distinguish it from the notion of economic development? In this context explain the concepts of uncertainty and irreversibility. (7+8)

3. (a) Define Pareto Optimality. Describe the conditions to be fulfilled for Pareto Optimality in production, consumption and general Pareto Optimality under competitive condition.
(b) Define public good. Show that in case of public good the equilibrium allocation of resources does not match with the Pareto Optimal condition under perfect condition. (7+8)

4. (a) Describe the Free rider’s problem. Provide some appropriate examples of it. Show that under free riding condition the resource will be under-provided.
(b) Define Pigovian Tax. Define how Pigovian fee help in controlling pollution/externality. What are its limitations? (7+8)

5. (a) Define contingent valuation technique. Describe the mechanism of using this technique for the valuation of environmental resources.
(b) Compare iterative bidding with open ended bidding and dichotomous choice of collecting information under CVM survey. Outline the limitations of iterative bidding. (8+7)

6. Distinguish between individual travel cost and zonal travel cost method of environmental valuation. Outline the steps used in ZTC method to estimate the visit demand function/trip generating function and consumer’s benefit. (9+6)

7. Explain with the suitable examples the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources. Derive the condition for optimal extraction of a renewable resource. In this connection what is the relevance of ‘Maximum Sustainable Yield’? (4+9+2)

8. Write short notes on any two: (71/2×2)
(a) Pricing of energy resources
(b) Material balance approach
(c) Green accounting method
(d) Strong and weak sustainability

Environmental Economics 2012 :
1. Explain the concepts of Environment, Ecology and Ecosystem. What are the major components of Environmental Economics? (15+10)
2. What do you understand by sustainable development? Explain the indicators and measurements of sustainable development. (5+10)

3. (a) Define market failure. Describe how market failure arises in case of negative externality.
(b) Define common property resource. Also, show that if the property is common then it will be prone to overutilization. (7+8)

4. (a) Describe the inter-linkage between deforestation, urbanization and the quality of environment of an area.
(b) Define transaction cost. Describe the role of transaction cost in the analysis of Coase theorem. (7+8)

5. (a) Define use value, option value, quasi option value and existence value.
(b) Do you think that willingness to pay and willingness to accept for an identical change in environmental quality will be the same? Provide an appropriate explanation to your answer. (8+7)

6. (a) Define hedonic pricing. Describe how hedonic pricing is used for the valuation of environmental goods.
(b) Give a brief outline of the environmental impact assessment. (9+6)

3. Explain the salient features of environmental laws and regulations in India. What steps an entrepreneur has to follow before establishing an industry to ensure the environmental protection and improvement? (10+5)

4. Write short notes on any two: (71/2×2)
(a) Optimal use of exhaustible resources
(b) Environmental Kuznets Curve
(c) Environmentally Corrected GDP
(d) Existence Theorem

Budgetary Theory and Practice :
Full Marks: 75;
Time : 3 hours
** The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
** Answer five questions, selecting at least one from each Credit

Credit – I :
1. What are the factors that cause inefficiency in a perfectly Competitive Market? What in your opinion should be the response of the government in removing these inefficiencies? 5+10= 15
2. Discuss the nature of federal-fiscal relations in India and suggest any change or improvement which you think is necessary. 10+5=15

Credit – II :
1. “The budgeting process needs both revenue as well as expenditure forecasting”, Explain the above statement 15
2. Examine the alternative decision rules in evaluating a particular hypothetical project. Which decision rule would you choose and why, when there exists a budget constraint? 10+5=15

Categories: Economics
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