webservices.ignou.ac.in : STRIDE Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education Question Paper

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Staff Training & Research in Distance Education (STRIDE)
Degree : Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education
Subject Code/Name : Growth and Philosophy of Distance Education
Year : 2016
Document Type : Question Paper

Website : https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/Pre-Question/Question%20Paper%20June%202016/STRIDE/stride.htm#stride1
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Growth and Philosophy : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11594-ESgrowth.pdf
Design and Development : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11594-ESdesign.pdf
Learner Support Services : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11594-ESlearner.pdf
Distance Education : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11594-ESmanagement.pdf
Communication Technology : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11594-EScommunication.pdf

STRIDE Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education

Download Question Paper of Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education Sample Question Paper is now available in the official website of IGNOU The People’s University.

Related : IGNOU Post Graduate Diploma Educational Management And Administration Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11590.html


Time : 3 hours
Maximum Weightage : 75%
Note :
(i) Answer all the three questions.
(ii) All the three questions carry equal weightage.

Model Questions

1. a. Write a critical essay on the Industrialised features of distance education.
b. Describe Pedagogic applications of Holmberg’s theory of distance education.

2. Answer any four of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) What is face to face education ? How it is different from open and distance education ?
(b) Explain the need and importance of distance education in India.
(c) Explain the relevance of Training programme for teachers in distance education.
(d) Discuss the roles of ‘dialogue’ in distance education.
(e) Discuss the concept of ‘Mega University’.
(f) What is meant by paradigm shift in distance education ?

3. Answer any one of the following in about 1200 words :
(a) Considering growth and development of distance education during the last five decades in India, how do you think that it would increase Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Indian higher education scenario ?
(b) Critically discuss the pedagogical relevance and social justification of distance education in the developing countries.

Learner Support Services :
1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 1200 words :
(a) What is meant by ‘Learner Support Services’ in distance education ? Discuss various types of learner support services available in any open university known to you.
(b) Define ‘Counselling’ in your own words. Discuss the different forms of counselling introduced in Indira Gandhi National Open University, with examples.

2. Answer any four of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) Explain any two important reasons for seeking counselling in distance education by a distance learner.
(b) Write a short note on SQ 3R technique used for reading a text.
(c) Explain with examples any two types of teaching comments a distance teacher may provide while evaluating an assignment response.
(d) Write a short note on continuous assessment.
(e) Write in brief what types of library and information services are needed for distance learners.
(f) List the important features of study centre of an open university.

3. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(a) Explain the strategies for implementing Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA).
(b) Describe the process of institutional appraisal.
(c) Discuss the role and functions of District Education Office.
(d) Briefly explain the steps in School Disaster Management Planning.
(e) Explain the objectives and functions of the Department of School Education and Literacy of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
(f) Discuss the problems hampering the achievement of Universalisation of Elementary Education in India.

4. Answer the following question in about 600 words. As a teacher, prepare a plan to improve the learning achievement of children. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

Growth And Philosophy Of Distance Education :
1. a. Write a critical essay on the Industrialised features of distance education.
b. Describe Pedagogic applications of Holmberg’s theory of distance education.

2. Answer any four of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) What is face to face education ? How it is different from open and distance education ?
(b) Explain the need and importance of distance education in India.
(c) Explain the relevance of Training programme for teachers in distance education.
(d) Discuss the roles of ‘dialogue’ in distance education.
(e) Discuss the concept of ‘Mega University’.
(f) What is meant by paradigm shift in distance education ?

3. Answer any one of the following in about 1200 words :
(a) Considering growth and development of distance education during the last five decades in India, how do you think that it would increase Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Indian higher education scenario ?
(b) Critically discuss the pedagogical relevance and social justification of distance education in the developing countries.

Categories: Education
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