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All posts from BPLAN – Winter Exam Sample Question Paper 2016 : Gujarat Technological University

Name of the University : Gujarat Technological University
Exam :BL – Winter Exam 2016
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Planning Theory
Year : 2016
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BPLAN – Winter Exam Sample Question Paper :

Subject Code: 1045501
Subject Name: Planning Theory – II
Time:02:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Total Marks: 50

Related : Gujarat Technological University B. Pharm Sample Question Paper 2016 :

Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Use appropriate examples and illustrations to explain where necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1 Choose the correct option: (1×10=10)
a) A variant of Rational Comprehensive planning approach is…..
(i) Advocacy Planning Approach
(ii) Mixed Scanning
(iii) Incremental Approach
(iv) Systems Approach

b) Which of the following is not a part of Advocacy Planning?
(i) Partnering Firms
(ii) Pluralist Plan
(iii) Stakeholder meetings
(iv) Public Rally

c) Narmada Canal can be called as an example of …. conflict
(i) Political
(ii) Developmental
(iii) Resource
(iv) None of the Above

d) Find the odd one out:
(i) Susan Arenstein
(ii) Paul Davdoff
(iii) Edward Banfield
(iv) Jane Jacobs

e) Pluralism in Planning means…
(i) Plan for multiple problems in a city
(ii) Planning for multiple cities at the same time
(iii) Multiple agencies involved in making a plan
(iv) None of the Above

f) Idea of Core and periphery regions is a part of __________ Theory
(i) World System Theory
(ii) Modernization Theory
(iii) Dependency Theory
(iv) None of the above

g) Which of the following can be a partner in collaborative planning approach for a project:
(i) Agencies that have approval or permitting authority
(ii) Agencies that have expert knowledge about some aspect of the project, e.g. natural resource agencies
(iii) Agencies that could play a role in implementation
(iv) Agencies whose political support is essential for project approval, funding, or implementation
(v) All of the Above

h) What is the other name used for collaborative planning?
(i) Advocacy Planning
(ii) Communicative Planning
(iii) Equity Planning
(iv) Gender Planning

i) Conflict between Social Justice/ Equity and Economic Development leads to……….
(i) Property Conflict
(ii) Development Conflict
(iii) Resource Conflict
(iv) Public Conflict

j) __________________ popularized the term equity planning
(i) Paul Davidoff
(ii) Norman Krumholz
(iii) Jane Jacobs
(iv) None of the Above

Q2 Write Short notes on the following (any five) (5×5=25)
a) Karl Mannheim’s Ideas of Rationality
b) Ladder of Citizen Participation by Susan Arenstein. (with illustration)
c) What do you understand by Individual & Collective Rationality? Explain with an example
d) Paul Davidoff and his ideas of Pluralism & advocacy in Planning
e) Equity Planning
f) What are the institutional development in Advocacy Planning in India? Explain any one briefly.
g) Mixed Scanning Approach
h) Collaborative Planning

Q3 Define the following terms (any two) (2.5×2=5)
a) Unitary Plan
b) Advocacy Planning
c) Gender Planning
d) Rational Planning Approach

Q4 Explain the Critique of the Rational-Comprehensive Planning Model (RCPM) as propagated by Charles Lindblom. What did he recommend as an improvement for the same (10)
Q4 Assume yourself being a planner of a Municipal Corporation of a big city. Being assigned the task to lead a team for formulating a Development Plan for the city what would you propagate – Comprehensive Rational Planning or Incremental Planning approach. Give reasons for your preference. (10)

Subject Code : 1045503
Subject Name: Traffic and Transportation Planning-II
Time:02:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Total Marks: 50
Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Fill in the blanks :
1) Full form of TOD______.
2) Trip distribution is carried out by ______ method and ______ method
3) In road accident reporting the symbol represent________.
4) Smog is result of combination of smoke and ______.
5) In India the government frames rues to control the noise produce by motor cycle by _____________Act. 05

(b) Define the following terms :
1) Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP)
2) Model Split
3) Spot Speed
4) Accessibility
5) Urban Form 05

Q.2 (a) Describe TOD with neat sketch and list out benefits of TOD. 05
(b) Explain impact of urban form on transportation. 05
(b) List out various surveys carried out for traffic and transportation planning. Explain any one survey in detail. 05

Q.3 (a) Explain process of Pre Distribution Model split also draw a flow diagram of the same. 05
(b) Explain Lowery Derivative model for land use transport. 05
Q.3 (a) What are the various techniques for estimating direct road user cost? 05
(b) Explain in brief process of trip distribution. 05
Q.4 (a) What is traffic noise? Explain abatement measures for traffic noise. 05
(b) Explain with neat sketch how traffic accidents are present in collision diagram. 05
Q.4 (a) Explain design consideration for street lighting. 05
(b) Explain transportation planning for adult or handicapped (any one) 05

Q.5 (a) Give review of local level transport policy as per your city. 05
(b) Explain pricing and funding of transport system. 05

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