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TERI Green Olympiad Sample Paper Level –II Classes 6 – 8 :

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Exam : TERI Green Olympiad Exam
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Category or Subject : Level –II (Classes 6-8)
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TERI Green Olympiad Sample Question Paper

GREEN Olympiad examination is open only for schools affiliated to recognized education boards and educational trusts. Students enrolled in such schools from grades IV to X can appear in this examination.

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Sample Paper Level –II

Classes 6 – 8  :
1) According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, differences between species may be a result of which of the following?
a) The disuse of body structures
b) The transmission of acquired characteristics
c) Natural selection
d) Mutagenic agents

2) The place where an earthquake originates inside the earth is called its focus. What is the point on the earth’s surface vertically above the focus called?
a) Epicentre
b) Epix
c) Centre
d) None of the above

3) Mercury occurs naturally on the earth’s crust. It is released into the environment by volcanic activity, weathering of rocks, and also human activity. Which neurological disorder is caused by mercury poisoning?
a) Bright’s disease
b) Hiroshima disease
c) Minamata disease
d) Osteosclerosis

4. Which of the following best describes the geological formation of an aquifer?
a) Does not contain water
b) Contains water but does not transmit
c) Is a rock outcrop
d) Contains and transmits water

5. The Four Pests Campaign of China was initiated in 1958 as a hygiene campaign aimed at eliminating the four common pests, three of which were rats, flies, and mosquitoes. The extermination of the fourth had upset the ecological balance and enabled crop-eating insects to proliferate. Identify the fourth pest.
a) Bees
b) Silkworm
c) Bedbugs
d) Sparrow

6. A rainforest has four layers. Which layer lies below the emergent layer?
a) Forest floor
b) Canopy
c) Under storey
d) There is no layer beneath the emergent layer

7. LED is an efficient semiconductor light source used as indicator lamps in many devices as well as in households, and for other lighting purposes. It is energy-efficient, durable, and long lasting. What does LED stand for?
a) Light-emitting diode
b) Light-efficient diode
c) Light-energy diode
d) Light-emission diode

8. This ornamental invasive plant from South America has spread all over the globe because of human actions. The dense mats of this plant, which grows on fresh water bodies chokes out native vegetation and fish by reducing the dissolved oxygen content of the water. Which is this plant?
a) Water Hyacinth
b) Water Lily
c) Lotus
d) Blue Iris

9. The “grey blanket” over Australia refers to the sporadic spread of a particular animal, which causes extensive agricultural damage to Australia every year. Which is this animal?
a) Rat
b) Rabbit
c) Kangaroo
d) Koala Bear

10. “Permafrost” is permanently frozen soil and occurs mostly in high latitudes storing a massive amount of a particular element. As a result of climate change, permafrost is at the risk of melting and releasing the stored element in the form of a gas. Identify the gas.
a) Ozone
b) Hydrogen
c) Nitrogen oxide
d) Carbon dioxide

Sample Paper Level –III

Classes 9 – 10 :
1) The passenger pigeon, dodo, and stegosaurus are examples of species that are no longer living on the earth. What term is used to describe these?
a) Extinct species
b) Active species
c) Volatile species
d) Threatened species

2) A highlight of the annual Earth Day ceremony at the United Nations is the ringing of the Peace Bell. Which country gifted this bell?
a) France
b) Japan
c) Sweden
d) India

3) Which branch under entomology deals with the scientific study of butterflies and moths?
a) Scientology
b) Apiology
c) Lepidopterology
d) Anthropology

4) When rain water comes in contact with the dry earth (containing a certain bacteria) it lets out a pleasant earthy odour. Which word is used to describe “this pleasant smell of rain”?
a) Nectar
b) Petrichor
c) Ambrosia
d) Dust

5) The Jog Falls located in Karnataka is one of the highest plunge waterfalls in India. Which river creates Jog Falls?
a) Sharavathi
b) Mandavi
c) Kalinadi
d) Gangavalli

6) ‘Limnology’ is a study of inland bodies of water and related ecosystems. Limnology divides lakes into three zones: littoral, photic, and profundal. Which of the following zones receives the least light?
a) Photic zone
b) Profundal zone
c) Littoral zone
d) Limnetic zone

7) The term ‘smog’ was first used in 1905 to describe the conditions of fog that contained soot or smoke in it. Smog is basically a combination of various gases with water vapour and dust. Which of the following persons used the word ‘smog’ for the first time?
a) H A Des Voeux
b) Oscar Auerbach
c) Robert O Becker
d) Robert M Jacobson

8) A “sink hole” is a natural depression or hole in the Earth’s surface underlain with soluble rocks. It may be referred to as a collapse of the ground into a void below caused by which one of the following?
a) Tunnelling
b) Water
c) Volcano
d) Earthquake

9) This book written by former US Vice President Al Gore in 2009 is the sequel to his famous documentary and book An Inconvenient Truth. Name the book.
a) Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis
b) Earth in the Balance
c) The Riverkeepers
d) Climate Capitalism

10) This indicator is a measure of human demands on the Earth’s ecosystems. It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area necessary to supply the resources a human population consumes, and to assimilate associated waste. Identify the term given to this indicator.
a) Population footprint
b) Growth footprint
c) Sustainable footprint
d) Ecological footprint

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    1. Prepare For Green Olympiad Online :
      Get the advantage of the latest technology to kickstart your exam preparation and get the finest learning experience.

      Go to the link to take a mock test online.

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  23. Answers For Above Questions:

  24. Shreeanshi Malhotra

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  29. Please give the answers near the questions. It will be more easier to us.

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    1. Sample Paper: Level 2 – Class VI-VIII is available in the below pdf.

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    1. Answers :


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    1. Check in the below link for class 6 question paper.

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    1. Answer key is available along with the sample questions, which is at the bottom of pdf.

  39. I need answers of sample papers.

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