NIELIT Question Paper : B Level Course Professional & Business Communication

Name of the Institute : National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (nielit.gov.in)
Name of the Course : B Level Course
Subject Code/Name : B4.2–R4/ Professional And Business Communication
Document Type : Old Question Paper
Location : India
Website : nielit.gov.in

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Professional & Business Communication Sample Paper :

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
1. a) In the present day business environment, what would the basic skills of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic imply?

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b) What is a (i) white paper; (ii) a documentary memo?
c) Company A is celebrating its Golden Jubilee and proposes to bring out a grand Souvenir to commemorate the occasion. Your Company is an old franchisee of Company A. Write a draft of a message for the Souveir on behalf of your CEO in not more than 100 words.

d) Is there a difference in the way a woman employee would perceive a message from the way a man would?
e) Suppose you have been invited to appear for an interview for the post of Assistant Marketing Executive in a relatively new company. What questions you may expect from your interviewers?

f) Discuss assertiveness as a communication skill. How does it differ from submissive and aggressive behaviours?
g) What do you understand by the terms: grapevine and social loafing? (7×4)

2. a) i) Fill up the blanks:
Sit ________ and rest a while.
I saw it with my ________ eyes.
The rich know not how the ________ live.
ii) The following ‘words’ were found in the answer scripts of a certain examination. Guess the possibly intended words and write them correctly. hasitaton, increge, dialema, pyshcological, morden, previledged

iii) Correct the sentences, if necessary:
Cat killed mouse.
It was most ingenious device.
None of his works are well known.

b) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow, based on the contents of the passage. Do not introduce your own ideas or arguments in the answers. In a period of dynamic change, the institution of parliament has to function with speed. Does the parliamentary form of government enable a country to move with speed when speed becomes essential? A great deal depends on the conditions of the times, on the environment and on the problems which a country has to face. Having adopted parliamentary democracy as the right approach, we have to see how to temper and how to fit it in, so that it can answer the major questions of the age.
1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.

2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same sequence.
Sometimes it is said that parliamentary democracy is inevitably combined with a system of private enterprise. Private enterprise may be good or bad, but I do not see any connection between the two except the connection of past habit and past thinking.

In fact arguments about socialism, private enterprise and public sector, important as they are, have tended to become less and less valid. In the USA, which is said to have a highly developed form of modern capitalism and private enterprise, there is more public enterprise than in most countries which apparently have a different objective and ideal. In Europe, we see many countries having advanced very far on the road to socialism.

There is no conflict between socialism and parliamentary democracy. In fact, I would venture to say that there is going to be an increasing degree of conflict between the parliamentary government and full fledged private enterprise. It is only in very recent times that any country has had adult franchise.

The effects of adult franchise are being felt in full only now. This political change having fully established itself, it has become obvious a political change by itself is not enough. From political democracy we advance to the concept of economic democracy. First of all, that means working for a certain measure of well being for all.

Secondly, it means working for a certain measure of equality of opportunity in the economic sphere. We can hardly have political democracy without mass education. In other countries fullblooded political democracy came after education had spread a good deal as a result of the economic revolution which had prepared the ground for it. In India we have taken a huge jump to hundred percent political democracy without the wherewithal to supply the demands which a political conscious electorate makes.

i) Can a parliamentary form of Government function with speed when speed becomes essential?
ii) Is there a link between parliamentary democracy and private enterprise? How is the relationship between the two is going to evolve, according to the author of the passage?

iii) What was different when India opted for universal adult franchise as compared to other countries which opted for the same system? What challenge has it posed for the government? (9+9)

3. a) Suppose you have just completed a survey identifying the retail marketing opportunities in the rural area of your administrative block of the processed food products of your company. Write a covering letter to your Zonal Manager forwarding your Survey Report in which mention briefly three major findings of the survey and the principal challenges for developing the market. Drawhis attention to the sections in the report where you discuss how you will launch the operations?

b) Effective listening can bring many benefits to corporations and also individual employees? Discuss. Describe various categories of people based on their listening preferences. (9+9)

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