NIELIT Question Paper : B Level Course Management Fundamentals & Information Systems

Name of the Institute : National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (nielit.gov.in)
Name of the Course : B Level Course
Subject Code/Name : B3.1-R4/Management Fundamentals And Information Systems
Document Type : Old Question Paper
Location : India
Website : nielit.gov.in

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January 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7085-jan12B31-R4.pdf
JULY 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7085-jul12B31-R4.pdf
January 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7085-jan13B31-R4.pdf
JULY 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7085-jul13B31-R4.pdf
January 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7085-jan14B31-R4.pdf
July 2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nielit.in/7085-jul14B31-R4.pdf

Management Fundamentals And Information Systems Sample Paper :

Time: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
1. a) Explain any five barriers to the process of communication.
b) What are the 4P’s of Marketing?

Related : NIELIT Question Paper A Level Course Software Testing & Quality Management : www.pdfquestion.in/7084.html

c) How can ERP system improve a Business System?
d) What is transaction processing system?
e) What is SWOT analysis?
f) What are key objective of performance appraisal? How it benefits an organization.
g) Distinguish between Formal and Informal Organization. Also, distinguish between Technical Approach and Behavioural Approach to Information Systems (7×4)

2. a) “Sound organisational structure is an engine to achieve the goals of an organization.” In the light of the statement, discuss how a sound organizational structure helps the management in achieving the goals of the organization.

b) “Motivation is internally self-driven and can not be externally imposed.” In the light of the above statement, discuss the role of motivation in an organization to ensure sustainable growth of the organization. (9+9)

3. a) Explain the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
b) “Prototyping may be used as an alternative to the Systems Development Life Cycle.” Do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with necessary reasons.

c) “Information security is a well-informed sense of assurance that the information risks and controls are in balance.” Elaborate the statement and also, discuss basic principles of information security. (4+8+6)

4. a) What are the phases of the System Development Cycle? Also, state the contribution of each phase in the overall System Development.
b) “Forecasting of demand plays a crucial role in effective Sales Management.” Discuss the role of
a Decision Support System in forecasting of demand.
c) Explain the role of a feedback loop in a control system. (10+4+4)

5. a) Explain Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation and discuss how it is different from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Motivation.

b) “Untrained man may make a best developed system as the worst system.” In the light of the statement, you are requested to discuss the role of training in the whole system development process.

c) “A significant problem with the organizational change is resistance to change by those affected.” In the light of the above statement, suggest any three ways to overcome user resistance regarding implementation of a new system in an organization. (7+5+6)

6. a) Discuss how Knowledge Management System may help the management in taking more intelligent decisions.

b) “One of the reasons of resistance to the implementation of ERP in an organization is that ERP increases the chances of systemic failure.” In the light of the statement, discuss various risks in ERP implementation in an organization and how the same can be mitigated. (8+10)

7. a) You are required to illustrate how useful the spreadsheets are for a finance manager by considering any two examples of their applications in finance function of an organization.
b) Write short notes on any three of the following:
i) Role of Information Systems in Supply Chain Management
ii) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
iii) Security concerns in E-Commerce
iv) Computer Centre Security Controls
v) Matrix Organization (6+12)

B3.1-R4: Management Fundamentals And Information Systems – July 2012 :
1. a) Describe the relationship between TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS.
b) Explain the concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR).
c) Explain how Rapid Application Development (RAD) is different from Joint Application Development (JAD) method.
d) Explain how encryption protects information.
e) “Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back.” Comment.
f) What is span of control?
g) Explain the concept of cyber crime. (7×4)

2. a) Explain why the testing stage of system development is so important. Further discuss various stages of testing for an information system.
b) Explain how supply chain management systems help reduce the bullwhip effect and how they provide value to the business. (9+9)

3. a) What is the connection between organizations, information systems, and business processes?
b) Discuss four strategies for system conversion that can be employed in the process of changing from old system to new system. (8+10)

4. a) If you were a manager, would you decentralize authority? State several reasons for you answer. How would you make sure that you did not decentralize too much?
b) Discuss general guidelines that can be used to review the input and output controls for any computer application that may be used in an organization. (9+9)

5. a) Explain the role of information systems in improving marketing and sales function of an organization. Give examples to support your answer.
b) How will you ensure quality of the software being developed? (10+8)

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