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Name of the Board : Central Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Exam : 12th Standard Multimedia & Web Technologies
Document type :Sample Question paper
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Multimedia & Web Technologies Sample Questions :

Code  : 067
Class XII
Max. Marks : 70
Duration : 3 hrs.

Related : CBSE Academic Class XII English Elective CBSE Set B Sample Question Paper :

What is the difference between the Number and Auto Number data types of Access-
Name the following :

i) The extension of an Access database file.
ii) The view in which we can add, edit and view records in MS-Access.
What is the full form of PNG-
Study the following data and answer the questions given below :
Table : Book

(i) What type of relationship exists between table Book and table Issue-
(ii) Name the fields, which can act as the primary key and foreign key for the table
Differentiate between the .FLA and .SWF file formats of a Flash movie.
a) Graphics Cardb) MIDI Interface Cardc) Sound Card d) Network Interface Card
(i) GIF(ii) JPEG(iii) AVI

Answer the following questions based on Macromedia Flash :
What is the full form of fps- What will happen if the Frame rate is decreased
Write the difference between a guide layer and a mask layer.
Differentiate between a Symbol and an Instance.
What is the difference between hiding a layer and locking a layer-
Consider the figure given below and do as directed :. The colour of the image is red.
– The circle on the right hand side shows the position and size of the image for frame
– The circle on frame 1 moves and transforms into a semicircle on frame 20.
Write the procedure and property settings for animating the above scenario..

Answer the following questions based on HTML :
Write the HTML code to create a framed web page in the following format :
Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in the format given below :
Consider the following while writing the HTML code
1. Title of the page should be “Tourism Industry”
2. Background colour of the page should be “Silver”, Link colour should be “Maroon”
3. Picture used in the page is the file “beach.jpg”
4. Table should have a border of width 2.
5. Use the concept of nested lists for creating the list given in the web pag
6. Pages linked to :

Answer the following questions based on ASP :
Name any two technologies which are equivalent to ASP.
Study the code snippet given below :
Whenever the above code is executed it displays an error. There are two ways
Explain with an example the difference between the string operators + and &.
Use the following script to answer the questions that follow :
(i) How many subroutines are used in the above code snippet- Name them.
(ii) What is the value of A and B before the subroutine StartSub ends-
Give output of the following statements :
i) Response.Write(UCASE(MID(“Hello There”),7,3)))
ii) Response.Write(MONTHNAME(MONTH(“15-2-2003”)))
iii) Response.Write((4+5)MOD(3^2))

5. Answer the following questions based on ASP:
a) What is the purpose of using the Global.asa file? 1
b) Differentiate between the RESPONSE object and REQUEST object. 2
c) Rewrite the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined.
<% sub vbproc(num1,num2) request.write(num1*num2) %> </HEAD> <BODY> <p> Result: <%call vbproc(3)%> </p> <%vbproc 3,4> </p> </body> </html>

d) Give the output for the following code segment:
<html> <body> <% sometext = “Bye!”
For i=0 to max newtext=Left(sometext,i)
response.write(strReverse(newtext)) response.write(“<br>”) next
%> 2

e) Shloka International is a company that provides software solutions to their clients. The company wishes to design an ASP coded web page with the following specifications:
To display the current time and the name of the company on the opening page as displayed
To display a greeting message “GOOD MORNING” if the user accesses the website between 5 and 12 A.M. and “GOOD EVENING” otherwise.

6. Answer the following questions based on VBScript:
a) Observe the code segment given below and answer the questions that follow:
A = 10 ^ 3 MOD 4\2
B = 40 MOD 3
C = 5
C = 10
a) Name any one relational operator and one logical operator used in the above code segment
b) Rewrite the statement : IF NOT(B >= A) THEN without using the NOT operator
Name the built-in functions to be used in the following situations:
(i) To return a number rounded to specified decimal places.
(ii) To check if string1 occurs within string2 and return the starting position of string2 in string1. 1

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