Component Based Technology M.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Degree : M.Tech
Subject Code/Name : MCSCS 205.4/Component Based Technology
Sem : II
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5269-1-MCSCS%20205_4%20Componenet%20Based%20Technology%20-set1.doc
II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/5269-2-MCSCS%20205_4%20Componenet%20Based%20Technology%20-set2.doc

MGU Component Based Technology Question Paper

M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Branch: Computer Science and Engineering
Specialization : Computer Science and Engineering

Related / Similar Question Paper : MGU M.Tech Software Testing Question Paper

Paper – I

Second Semester :
MCSCS 205.4 Component Based Technology :
(Elective III)
(Regular – 2011 Admission onwards)
Time: 3hrs
Maximum:100 marks
Answer the following Questions. :
1. a) Describe the characteristic properties of components and objects? (8)
b) Briefly describe the established reuse techniques? (12)
c) Explain the tiered component architecture?(5)

2. a) What are the non technical aspects that contractual interfaces have to obey to be Successful? (6)
b) Explain the sharing of framework at design level? (8)
c) Describe the component architecture? (10)

3. a) Briefly describe the CORBA services? (13)
b) Explain advanced Java services? (12)
4. a) Explain the basic Java services? (16)
b) Describe the enterprise service interfaces?(9)

5. a) Explain in detail about COM? (9)
b) Describe briefly about OLE and compound documents? (10)
c) Describe about .NET software component assemblies? (6)
6. a) Describe COM object reuse? (8)

b) Describe about interfaces and polymorphism? (9)
c) Explain properties of JavaBeans and introspection? (8)

7. a) Explain the tools used for component development? (9)
b) Explain Briefly about Black Box component framework? (16)
8. a) Explain the different contribution of Contextual component framework? (9)
b) Explain Briefly about EJB and CCM Containers? (16)

Paper – II

Model Question :
Answer the following Questions. :
1. a) Explain briefly about components and interfaces?(7)
b) Explain how the system architecture can be shared at the design level? (8)
c) Describe the component architecture? (10)
2. a) Explain callbacks and contracts with examples? (15)
b) Explain the sharing of patterns and frameworks? (10)

3. a) Explain the following.
i. object request broker(6)
ii. object management architecture (6)
iii. system object model (6)
b) Explain the CORBA services supporting enterprise distributed computing? (7)
4. a) Describe briefly about Java beans?(15)
b) Explain briefly about the CORBA component model? (10)

5. a) Describe briefly about interfaces and polymorphism? (9)
b) Write short note on DCOM? (6)
c) Describe about OLE? (10)
6. a) Explain in detail the COM services?(9)
b) Explain .NET software assemblies? (6)
c) Write short notes on appdomains, contexts, reflection and remoting? (10)

7. a) Describe briefly about Black Box component frame work? (16)
c) Write short note on CLR Context and Channels?(9)
8. a) Explain the tools used for component development?.(9)
b) Describe about Contextual component framework versus metaprogramming? (7)
c) Write short notes on EJB and CCM containers. (9)


Module 1 :
Introduction : Components – objects – components and objects – modules – whitebox versus blackbox abstractions – interfaces – component weight – components and interfaces – callbacks and contracts – examples – forms of design level reuse – component architecture.

Module 2 :
CORBA Technologies : Object Request Broker – CORBA services – CORBA component model: portable object adapter – CCM components – CCM containers – Application objects – CORBA, UML, XML and MDA. Java Beans – Basic Java Services – Advanced Java services.

Module 3 :
COM and .NET Technologies : COM – COM object reuse- interfaces and polymorphism – Distributed COM – other COM services – compound documents and OLE – .NET components – assemblies – appdomains – contexts – reflection – remoting.

Module 4 :
Component Frameworks and Development : Frameworks for contextual composition: COM + contexts – EJB containers – CCM containers – CLR contexts and channels – tuple and object spaces – Black Box component framework – component-oriented programming – Tools: component design and implementation tools – testing tools – assembly tools.

References :
1. Clemens Szyperski, “Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming”, Addison Wesley, 2nd Edition 2002.
2. Andreas Vogel, Keith Duddy, “Java Programming with CORBA”, John Wiley & Sons 1998.
3. Corry, Mayfield, Cadman, “COM/DCOM Primer Plus”, Tec media, 1st Edition, 1999.

Information Risk Management Question Paper  :
(Regular – 2013 Admissions)
Time : Three Hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer all question :
1. a) Explain the relationship among different security components. (12)
b) Write note on COSO risk management. (13)
2. a) Describe the ISO 27000 series of security standards (15)
b) Write note on COBIT risk management. (10)

3. a) Describe the Risk analysis and management. (13)
b) Write note on risk management standards (12)
4. a) Explain the guidelines and procedures for Security Management program. (13)
b) Write note on objectives of information strategy. (12)

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