Bot211 Morphology of Angiosperms B.Sc Question Bank : nmu.ac.in

Name of the University : North Maharashtra University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Botany
Year : II
Name Of The Subject : Bot211 Morphology of Angiosperms
Document type : Question Bank
Website : nmu.ac.in

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NMU Morphology of Angiosperms Model Paper

Bot. 211 :
Questions each of 2 Marks (108 Questions)

1. What is germination? Name types of germination.
2. What is epigeal germination? Give example.

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3. What is hypogeal germination- Give example.
4. Draw sketch diagram showing epigeal germination.
5. Draw sketch diagram showing hypogeal germination.
6. Sketch and label monocotyledonous endospermic seed.
7. Sketch and label dicotyledonous endospermic seed.
8. Sketch and label embryo showing different parts.
9. Give the functions of different parts of seed.
10. Give functions of root.

11. Give the types of root system with example.
12. What is adventitious root system ? Give example.
13. How root and stem differs from each other?
14. What is root? Name types of roots.
15. What is the difference between parasitic root and epiphytic root?
16. Describe conical root.
17. Describe fusiform root.
18. Describe napiform root.
19. What are lenticels? Where do you get them?
20. What is velamen tissue? Where do you get them?

21. What is modification of root? Name any two modifications of root?
22. Give the characteristics of root.
23. Give the functions of stem.
24. Give the characteristics of stem.
25. Draw and label the figure showing characteristics of stem.
26. Name the types of bulb with example.
27. What is cladode? Give example.
28. What is bulbil? Give example.
29. Give the functions of the offset.
30. Name the aerial modifications of stem.

31. Give any two differences between runner and sucker.
32. Describe tuber as underground modification of stem.
33. Why rhizome is a called a stem?
34. Draw labelled figure showing parts of typical leaf.
35. Give the function of leaf.
36. Name the sub-types of opposite phyllotaxy with example.
37. Why insectivorous plants trap insect? Name any one insectivorous Plant
38. What is venation? Give main types of venation.
39. Describe whorled phyllotaxy.
40. Describe free lateral stipules.

41. Describe adnate stipules.
42. Describe intrapetiolar stipules.
43. Describe interpetiolar stipules.
44. Describe ochreate stipules.
45. Describe foliaceous stipule.
46. Describe spiny stipule.
47. Describe tendrilar stipule.
48. What is stipule? Give its functions.
49. Give the functions of foliaceous stipule and tendrilar stipule.
50. What is palmate compound leaf?

51. Describe leaf tendrils.
52. Describe fleshy leaf.
53. Describe leaf spine.
54. Describe any one modification of lamina.
55. What is inflorescence? Name types of inflorescence.
56. Give the significance of inflorescence.
57. Give the differences between racemose and cymose inflorescence.
58. Describe solitary cymose inflorescence.
59. Name the types of cymose inflorescence with example.
60. Give the difference between scorpoid and helicoid inflorescence.

61. Describe catkin (ament) inflorescence.
62. What is perianth? Give example.
63. What do you mean by complete flower?
64. What is regular flower? Give example.
65. What is irregular flower? Give example.
66. Draw labelled diagram showing parts of typical flower.

67. Give functions of different members of flower.
68. What is bract and bracteole?
69. What is pappus?

70. What is acrescent calyx? Give example.
71. What is macrescent calyx? Give example.
72. Describe persistent calyx.
73. Describe cruciform corolla.
74. Describe caryophyllaceous corolla.
75. Describe rosaceous corolla.
76. Describe tubular corolla.
77. Describe campanulate corolla.
78. Describe infundibuliform corolla.
79. Describe rotate corolla.
80. Describe ligulate corolla.

81. Describe bilabiate corolla.
82. Describe personate corolla.
83. Describe valvate aestivation.
84. Describe contorted aestivation.
85. Describe quincuncial aestivation.
86. Describe syngeny.
87. What is adelphy? Describe any one type of adelphy.
88. Describe synandry.
89. Describe marginal placentation.
90. Describe basal placentation.

91. Describe axile placentation.
92. Describe superficial placentation.
93. What is fruit? Name the parts of fruit.
94. What is simple dehiscent fruit? Give example.
95. Describe any simple dehiscent fruit.
96. Describe any simple indehiscent fruit.
97. What is schizocarpic fruit? Give example.
98. Describe legume.
99. Describe follicle.
100. Describe lomentum.

101. Describe caryopsis.
102. Describe achene.
103. Describe cypsela.
104. Describe nut.
105. Give differences between caryopsis and cypsela.
106. What is aggregate fruit? Name any one aggregate fruit with example.
107. What is composite fruit? Name any one composite fruit with example.
108. Give differences between simple fruit and composite fruit with one example of each.

Categories: Botany
Tags: nmu.ac.in
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