English for Business B.B.A Question Bank : nmu.ac.in

Name of the University : North Maharashtra University
Degree : B.B.A
Year : I
Name Of The Subject : English for Business
Document type : Question Bank
Website : nmu.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nmu.ac.in/5265-FYBBA_%20FYBCA_%20FYBBM(e-comm)%20English%20for%20Business%20-%20Communicative%20English.pdf

NMU English for Business Model Paper

Pattern (A) shall be Applicable to the Following Subjects at First Year BBM(e-Com)
i) BBA first year – English for Business
ii) FYBCA – Communicative English
iii) FYBBM (e-commerce) – Communication English

Time : 3 Hours
Marks : 80
N.B. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Related : North Maharashtra University Probability Distributions B.Sc Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/5259.html

Model Question

Q. 1. Prepare an outline for a presentation you are to make before the Board of Directors, to
launch your new product in the market (eg. a newmobile, a car, a detergent). (10)
Write a paragraph of ten connected sentence to describe (e.g. a place of tourist, interest,
a factory, a bank, a library etc. (10)

Q. 2. Write a precis of the passage given below and reduce it to 1/3rd its lenght. (10)
Write a summary of the above passage. (10)

Q. 3. Write a report of (e.g. a market survey conducted; a survey to find responses to a government policy decision like octroi or vat; or an event like floods, earthquake, a (10)
Prepare a proposal for a loan to a bank for the expansion of your small – scale industry. (10)

Q. 4. Write a letter to place an order for some goods/letter of complaint. (10)
Write an e-mail for the participation in an international conference / hotel reservation. (10)

Q. 5 Prepare an attractive advertisement for e.g. a new sewing machine, a computer a loptop… (10)
Write your resume for a marketing manager’s job or any such.

Q. 6 a) Sugges five different ways to greet somebody or apologise to somebody. (5)
b) What are the features of good business etiquettes or write some rules of good etiquettes to be followed in college. (5)

Q. 7. a) You have launched a new xerox machine or a cooking gas range. Write five instructions to help the consumer to utilise it effectively. (5)
b) You are to face an interview for the position of a divisional manager in a financial company. Prepare a questionnaire of some expected questions which might be asked regards your professional experience, or your future plans. (At least) (5)

Q. 8 a) You are the Secretary of a sports organisation and have planned a meeting of the
members of the Executive Council. Suggest the steps you have taken to help organise the meeting efficiently.
b) Make a presentation in about 5 sentences to convince some customers about the
services you offer as a travel agent or an event manager. (5)


One Marks Questions :
What is HTML?
a)Hyper Text Marking Language b) Hyper Text Machine Language c)Hyper Text
Middle Language d)Hyper Text Markup Language
IT PAPER I Model Question Paper :
1. In email address ______ character is essential
a) _ b) % c)@ d) *
2. LAN stand for _________
a) Local Area Network b) Linear Area Network c) Link Area Network d) None of these

3. MAN stand for _________
a)Main Area Network b) Middle Area Network c)Metropolitan Area Network d) Mix Area Network
4. WAN stand for _________
a) Wide Area Network b) Web Area Network c) World Area Network d) Width Area Network

5. FTP Stands for ——–
a) Field Transfer Protocol b)File Transfer Protocol c) Fix Transfer Protocol d) Flexible Transfer Protocol
9. Which tag is used to create a list that displays items with bullets?
a) <OL> b)<UL> c)<list> d)<DL>

10. Write a code for making text area?
a) <textarea> b) <input =”textarea”> c) <input type =”textbox”> d) <input type =”text area”>
11. Marquee tag has following attributes
a)behaviour b)direction c)position d)both a and b

12. For largest level of heading which tag is used?
a) <h1> b) <h6> c) <heading> d) <head>
13. To group sentences in paragraph which tag is used?
a) <para> b) <p> c) <b> d) <br>

14. The language used to develop web page is ____
a) HTML b) HTTP c) Brower d)Protocol
15. Font tag has following attribute
a) type b) face c) value d) caption

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Tags: nmu.ac.in
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