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MM2208 Sales and Distribution Management M.B.A Question Bank :

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : M.B.A
Department : Marketing Management
Subject Code/Name : MM2208 Sales and Distribution Management
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Old Question Papers
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UOU Sales & Distribution Management

Fourth/Second Semester – Examination 2012
Time :- 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 60

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Section- A

Answer any two questions. All question carry equal Marks.(2×15 = 30 Marks)
Q.1 What do you understand by the term sales force ? Why is controlling and motivation essential for sales force ?
Q-2 Define public distribution and elaborate its special features. Also discuss its role and importance.
Q-3 Describe the process of Managing dealer –network. Bring out the importance of channels of distribution.
Q-4 How does a sales Manager design a sales territory and what are the different shapes of territory design? Discuss.

Section- B

Q 5. Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. (4×5= 20 Marks)
Q5.1 What are the qualities and duties of a sales manager ?
Q5.2 Brief the importance and objectives of training of sales persons.
Q5.3 What are the methods adopted by sales managers for remunerating sales persons?
Q5.4 Distinguish between salesmanship and Personal Selling .
Q5.5 What are the factors that determine choice of channels of distribution ?
Q5.6 Discuss the different stages of a selling process .
Q5.7 What are the different types of sales quota ?
Q5.8 How is the role of whole seller different from retailer ?

Section- C

Objective type questions
Note- Answer all questions . Each question carries 1 Marks. 10 x 1 = 10Marks
Q-6 Choose the correct alternative .

Q6.1 Which of the following statements is NOT true about the role of sales people within a company ?
a) Sales position are the hardest jobs to fill.
b) Sales consumes an average of one-fifth of a company’s revenue .
c) Sales positions have greater starting salaries on a average than the other positions such as in marketing .
d) Sales managers earn more than managers in other areas
e) Sales position will become harder to obtain because the market for sales is becoming saturated.

Q6.2 The sales function is different from the selling process for which of the following reasons ?
a) The selling process is theoretical but the sales function is empirical.
b) The selling process is performed by sellers but the sales function is performed by buyers .
c) The sales function can only be carried out by salespeople, the selling process refers to many methods of selling.
d) The sales function refers to many methods of selling, the selling process is carried out by sales people.
e) The sales function relies on metrics while the selling process relies on forecasts .

Q6.3 Intrinsic motivation factors are items that,
a) Are given to the sales persons to show that they are doing a good job.
b) Have a high financial value.
c) Give the person a feeling of satisfaction or reward just by doing the activities.
d) Allow the sales person to demonstrate status in the department.
e) Do not cost the company anything, like better job titles and other intangibles .

Q6.4 Which one is not the ongoing step in developing an effective training program ?
a) Identify the firm’s training needs .
b) Assign ownership of the training program.
c) Develop the training program.
d) Deliver the training.
e) Assess the training effort.

Q6.5 A geographical sales structure.
a) Organizes the sale force according to where sales people live.
b) Organizes the sales force in terms of salespeople, each representing different regions.
c) Organizes sales territories by customer account.
d) Organizes sales territories by product sold.
e) Organizes sales territories by physical areas of the word.

Q-7 Write true or false against the following .
7.1 A salesperson write up the previous months sales in what is referred to as a sales forecast .
7.2 Managers must rate salespeople on measures that are difficult to quantify.
7.3 Salespeople all over the world go into carriers in sales because they want to earn large amounts of money.
7.4 Follow- up after a sale is polite, but does not lead to increased sales.
7.5 Sales managers who only manage and do not sell can not understand the selling process.

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