Goa Public Service Commission Question Paper Veterinary Officer : GPSC
Organisation : GPSC Goa Public Service Commission
Recruitment Name : Veterinary Officer
Document Type : Question Paper
Year : 2024
Website : https://gpsc.goa.gov.in/question-paper/
GPSC Goa Veterinary Officer Question Paper
1. Neurocysticercosis in man is caused by
A Hydatid cyst
B Cysticercus cellulosae
C Cysticercus bovis
D Coenurus cerebralis
E None of the above
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2. The predominant sign of stage 3 milk fever in cattle is
A Lateral recumbency
B Elevated body temperature
C Hyperesthesia
D Increased pulse
E None of the above
3. Indias milk production is …… million tons and per capita is ……. gms per day
A 500 mt- 600 gms
B 230 mt – 459 gms
C 150 mt- 150 gms
D 50mt – 350 gms
E None of the above
4. What is the rank of India in Livestock population in the world?
A Second
B Seven
C First
D Eight
E None of the above
5. Which of the following protein is present in cow milk?
A Casein
B Albumin
C Globulin
D All of the above
E None of the above
6. Transmission of leptospirosis in dog is through
A Urine
B Rodents
C Skin penetration
D All the above
E None of the above
7. The hormone responsible for holding up of milk
A Adrenalin
B Oxytocin
C Thyroxin
E None of the above
8. Any animal that’s diseased, fatigued that is used for transport is punishable under rule of
A The Prevention of Cruelty to Draught and Pack Animals Rules 1965.
B The Transport of Animal Rules 1973.
C The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Licensing of Farriers) Rules 1965
D The Performing Animals (Registration) Rules 2001.
E None of the above
9. The normal position of a bovine foetus at parturition is:
A right dorsal ilial
B dorsal pubic
C dorsal sacral
D right cephaloilial
E None of the above
10. National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADPCP) was launched with the objective of eradicating—
A FMD and Brucellosis
C All Livestock Diseases
D Brucellosis
E None of the above
11. Meat.Net a certification system for export of meat products is developed by which organization?
A Export Inspection Council
E None of the above
12. World milk day is observed on
A 01 June
B 01 July
C 01 August
D 01 May
E None of the above
13. Simultaneous Detection of Beef, Buffalo, Chicken, Cat, Dog, Pork, and Fish in Raw and Heat-Treated Food Products
Is done by:
A PCR Assay
B Chemical tests
C Macroscopically
D All of the above
E None of the above
14. Guillain Barre syndrome Reactive Arthritis in human is associated with which of the following poultry origin zoonotic
A Campylobacter jejuni
B Salmonella Enteritidis
C Avian Influenza type A
D Avipathogenic E. coli
E None of the above
15. The most common metabolic disorder affecting high producing dairy cattle indicating disturbed calcium metabolism
(hypocalcaemia) during immediate post-partum period.
A Eclampsia
B Ephemeral fever
C Diarrhoea
D Milk fever
E None of the above
16. Major contribution to world meat production is
A Poultry meat
B Pork
C Beef
D Mutton and Chevon
E None of the above
17. The conception rate of cattle by AI in India is about
A 40%
B 70%
C 10%
D 60%
E None of the above
18. Mischief by maiming or killing animal is punishable under IPC section
A 420
B 427
C 428 and 429
D 430
E None of the above
19. Which bacteria will cause foodborne intoxication in humans?
A Bacillus cereus
B Lactobacillus acidophilus
C Yersinia enterocolitica
D Salmonella Enteritidis
E None of the above
20. The range of ultimate pH of meat is —?
A 6.8 – 8.0
B 4.8 – 5.3
C 5.8 – 6.2
D 5.3 – 5.7
E None of the above
21. The recommended treatment for lead poisoning in cattle is:
A Calcium disodium edentate(Ca EDTA)
B Dextrose saline
C Dextrose
D All of the above
E None of the above
22. In cows what is the dominant reproductive hormone in circulation during diestrus?
A Progesterone
B Estrogen
C Testosterone
D Prostaglandin F2alpha
E None of the above
23. The first post parturient ovulation in most dairy cows is silent because circulatory levels of …….. are low
A Progesterone
B Oxytocin
C Estrogen
D All of the above
E None of the above
24. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001 have been amended and now known as?
A Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Amendment Rules, 2010
B Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Amendment Rules, 2009
C Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Amendment Rules, 2019
D Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Amendment Rules, 2012
E None of the above
25. What is the upper limit that FSSAI has set for urea in milk?
A 70 mg/100 ml
B 50 mg/100 ml
C 100 mg/100 ml
D 140 mg/100 ml
E None of the above
Syllabus of Veterinary Officer
I. General English including Grammar – 10 marks
II. General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Events of National and International Importance – 10 marks
III. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability – 25 marks
IV. Core: – 30 marks
1.Communicable diseases, zoonosis; detection, monitoring, surveillance, milk and meat borne diseases; classification of food borne disease; emerging and re-emerging zoonoses; prevention and control of food borne zoonoses.
2. Role of various Authorities in the prevention, control, detection and elimination of diseases of zoonotic importance.
1. Role of livestock in Indian economy; food animals and human nutrition; commercial dairy; meat and poultry production; grading of live animals and meat carcass; clean milk and meat production; good dairy farming practices.
2. Rules and regulation for improving animal production, animal welfare and prevention of animal diseases.
3. Commercial dairy, meat and poultry production; clean milk and meat production; good dairy farming practices; composition and nutritive value of milk, meat and eggs.
1. Principles underlying food safety; classification of food borne diseases; food risk analysis; spoilage and preservation of animal origin foods.
2. Milk adulteration; testing, grading of foods of animal origin. Sanitation in animal food industry, prevention and detection of any adulteration and also prevention and detection of any disease of zoonotic importance.
1. Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.
2. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, with amendments and rules made there under.
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Question Paper of CBRT for the post of Veterinary Officer – https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/pdf2024/42466-q.pdf