Nutritional Biochemistry B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Home Science
Subject Code/Name : Nutritional Biochemistry
Year : II
Semester : III
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3968.-B.Sc.%20Home%20Science.pdf

Alagappa University Nutritional Biochemistry Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A

Related : Alagappa University Biomolecules B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4032.html

August 2013

Answer all questions. :
1. Mention any two objectives of Biochemistry.
2. What is meant by active transport –
3. Write short notes on lactose.
4. Define iodine number.
5. Give the significance of acid value.
6. List any four EAA.
7. What is isozymes –
8. Write shortly on genetic code.
9. Mention any two biochemical role of fat soluble vitamins.
10. What is oxidative phosphorylation –

Part B :
(8 × 5 = 40)
Answer any eight questions.
11. Explain the inter-relationship between biochemistry and other biological sciences.
12. Write structure and properties of monosaccharides.
13. Give the classification of lipids with examples.
14. Discuss the nutritional classification of protein.
15. List the functions of Carbohydrates.
16. Give the different types of enzymes.
17. Write short notes on urea cycle.
18. Explain Election transport chain.
19. Discuss the types and composition of lipoproteins.
20. Briefly explain Acid-base balance.

Part C : (2 × 20 = 40)
Answer any two questions.
21. Write a detailed account on glycolysis and T.C.A. cycle.
22. Discuss the metabolism of fats with reference to
(a) oxidation of fatty acids and
(b) biosynthesis of fatty acids.
23. Explain Vitamin A, under the following heads :
(a) Chemistry and properties.
(b) Biochemical roles.

April 2011

B.Sc. Degree Examination,
Home Science (Nutrition Food Service Management and Dietetics)
Human Nutrition :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
1. Define Balanced diet.
2. What is BMR ?
3. When does hyperglycemia occur ?
4. What is meant by lipogenesis ?
5. What is meant by protein sparing action of Carbohydrate ?
6. List the essential fatty acids.
7. Name any two weaning foods.
8. Write the ICMR-RDA of protein for pregnant and lactating mother.
9. Mention the three common micronutrients.
10. What is Osteoporosis ?

Part B : (8 × 5 = 40)
Answer any eight questions.
11. Mention any five factors to be considered while planning a menu.
12. Write short notes on physiological fuel value of foods.
13. List the biological functions for Carbohydrate.
14. Explain the Vitamin A deficiency in detail.
15. How do you present anemia in your area ?
16. Give common complications in pregnancy.
17. Write short notes on nutritional care given to lactating mothers.
18. Explain weaning foods, in detail.
19. What are common nutritional problems exist in the community ?
20. Give ICMR-RDA of nutrients for pres-chool girl.

Part C : (2 × 20 = 40)
Answer any two questions.
21. Give an account of the etiology, signs and symptoms and treatment of Kwashiorkor.
22. Discuss about the physiological needs and additional nutritional requirements in pregnancy.
23. How do you assess the nutritional status of young children, using direct methods ?

April 2012

B.Sc. Degree Examination,  :
Home Science (Nutrition Food Service Management and Dietetics)
Diet Therapy—I
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards) :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A : (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
1. Define Dietetics.
2. List any four foods that should be included in restricted fluid diet.
3. What is external nutrition
4. Define Obesity.
5. What is anorexia ?
6. Classify the febrile disease.
7. What is gastric ulcer ?
8. Define steatorrhoea.
9. Define sickle cell anaemia.
10. What is cholecystitis ?

Part B :(8 × 5 = 40)
Answer eight out of ten.
11. Explain how the normal diet is modified into therapeutic diets.
12. Explain the routine hospital diets.
13. Explain the term ‘‘Team approach’’.
14. Explain the causes, effects and treatment of underweight.
15. Explain the causes, sign symptoms and nutritional care for typhoid.
16. Explain the etiology of gastric ulcer and the signs and symptoms of the disease.
17. Explain the causes, types and nutritional care in constipation.
18. Explain the etiology, symptoms and treatment of tropical sprue.
19. Classify the anaemia.
20. Explain the causes, symptoms and nutritional care in pancreatitis.

Part C : (2 × 20 = 40)
Answer any two out of three.
21. Explain the etiology, effects and nutritional care for a person suffering from inflammatory bowel disease.
22. Explain the types of hepatitis. What are the causes of the disease and explain the dietary management for the same.
23. What is parenteral nutrition ? Explain the types and formulations and nutrient content of these feeding.

Categories: Home Science

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