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Anatomy Physiology And Health Education B.Pharm Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : 4253/Anatomy Physiology And Health Education
Year : I
Paper : III
Document Type : Question Bank
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TNMGUMU Anatomy Physiology & Health Education

[KY 759] Sub. Code: 4253
(Regulations 2009)

Related / Similar Question Paper : TNMGRMU B.Pharm Biostatistics Question Bank

Candidates Admitted from 2009-10 onwards

February 2011

Q.P. Code : 564253
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 80 marks
I. Essay Questions :
Answer any TWO questions. : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Explain the following with neat diagram a) Neuron b) Nephron.
2. Anatomy and Physiology of Heart.
3. Explain the functions of blood and lymphatic system.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any SIX questions. (6 x 5 = 30)
1. Types of synovial joint.
2. Hepatic circulation.
3. Lung volumes.
4. Composition of pancreatic juice and its functions.
5. Scapula.
6. Uterus and its functions.
7. Posterior pituitary gland.
8. Causative agent, Mode of transmission and treatment of tuberculosis.
III. Short Answers: Answer any FIVE questions. (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Pulmonary circulation.
2. Reflex arc.
3. Any two contraceptive methods for Male.
4. Phaeochromocytoma.
5. Myxoedema.
6. Caisson’s disease.
7. Composition of urine.

August 2011

I. LONG ESSAYS (2 x 20 = 40)
1. With a neat diagram explain the Anatomy of the Heart. Explain the cardiac cycle.
2. Explain the structure of the kidney with a neat labeled diagram. Discuss the functions of kidney.
II. SHORT NOTES (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Explain the anatomy of respiratory tract.
2. Discuss the various stages of menstrual cycle.
3. Write note on blood grouping and its significance.
4. Discuss the various methods of family planning.
5. Describe the physiology of audition.
6. Discuss the physiology and functions of thyroid gland.
7. Explain the preventive measures and treatment of vitamin deficiency disorders.
8. Write a note on cranial nerves and their functions.
III. SHORT ANSWERS (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Types of cells
2. Define spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
3. Functions of skeleton
4. What is cyanosis?
5. Causative agents and modes of transmission of chicken pox and measles.
6. What is blood pressure?
7. Composition of lymph.
8. What is reflex arc?
9. What are the various heart sounds?
10. What is a balanced diet?

February 2012

I. Elaborate on: (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Give the physiological functions of female sex hormones. Explain the physiology of menstruation
2. With neat labelled diagram, explain the anatomy of respiratory system.
Give the functions of respiratory organs. Add a note on regulation of respiration.
II. Write notes on: (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Give the composition and functions of cerebrospinal fluid.
2. Write a note on the bones of the skull
3. Draw the structure of a human skin and give its functions.
4. Explain the regulations of erythropoiesis
5. Briefly write about blood pressure
6. Write a note on liver
7. Enumerate the functions of epithelial tissue
8. Name various types of muscle. Explain the properties of skeletal muscle
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Name the disorders of Vitamin K and Iron
2. What is vasectomy?
3. Name the causative organism of Tuberculosis, chicken pox, Diphtheria, Filariasis.
4. What is balanced diet?
5. What is resuscitation?
6. What are rods and cones?
7. Define coagulation, erythropoiesis.
8. Name two important functions of Kidney
9. Diagrammatically represent the action potential of muscle
10. Give the composition of bile.


(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on:
1. With a neat diagram explain the Anatomy of Brain. Add a note on its functions.
2. Draw a neat diagram of eye. Discuss the physiology of vision.
II. Write notes on:
1. Explain the cardiac cycle.
2. Discuss the physiology of cell membrane.
3. Write note on disease causing agents and their prevention.
4. Describe the different phases of menstrual cycle.
5. Write notes on Oral contraceptives.
6. Discuss the mechanism of coagulation.
7. Explain the anatomy of the pituitary gland.
8. Discus the causative agent, modes of transmission and prevention of AIDS.
III. Short Answers:
1. Define Vital capacity.
2. Composition of lymph.
3. Functions of neuron.
4. What is mountain sickness?
5. Characteristic features of muscular tissues.
6. Resuscitation methods.
7. Functions of reticulo-endothelial system.
8. Deficiency of fat soluble vitamins.
9. What is ECG?
10. Types of joints.

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  1. I am from Gayatri College of Pharmacy, Sambalpur Odisha. I want more questions.

  2. I am from Vivekanada pharmacy college Karnataka. I need to know as is it same for all.

  3. I want to know more details about this.

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