BED10 Teaching of Social Science B.Ed Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : B.Ed
Subject Code/Name : BED-10 – Teaching of Social Science
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3519-BED-10_181.pdf

VMOU Teaching of Social studies Question Paper

Section : A
Very Short Answer Type Questions :

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BED09 Teaching of General Science B.Ed Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3517.html


1. Write the meaning of ‘Teaching approach’.
2. Write the name of four teaching method-
3. Write any four shortcomings of ‘Essay Test’.
4. What do you understand by term ‘Standardized Achievement Test’-
5. Write the use of ‘Cumulative Record’ in qualitative test.
6. Give the importance of evaluation.
7. What is use of ‘Inductive Method’ in social study teaching-
8. What is meaning of lesson planning-

Section B
Short Answer Type Question :
1.“Principle of horizontal Integration” ofthe organization of curriculum of social study-
2. What is Historical Approach’ –
3. Taking any topic of social study subject of any class,
4. List the importance of ‘Essay Type Test’ in the evaluation in social study.
5. List the norms for the evaluation of the text-book in social studies.
6. Distinguish between the chronological and concentric-
7. Giving suitable example, explain the importance of ‘Story Telling Method –
8. ‘Web based education-need of the hour’, explain with suitable reasons.

Section C
Longer Answer Questions :
1. Write the components of lesson plan.
2. What is significance of ‘Social Study Subject’ –
3. Write the names of different types of curriculum.
4. Give classification of teaching aids in social study teaching.
5. List the innovations being used in the social study.


Section A
Very Short Answer Type Questions :
9. Give at least four examples of audio-visual mediain social study teaching.
10. Write the definition of ‘Social Study’.
11. Write any four principles of organization of curriculum.
12. Who is known for “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives”.
14. Write the use of ‘Anecdotal Record’ in qualitative test.
15. Write the use of ‘Time Line’ in social study teaching.
16. Give the name of basic elements of curriculum.
Section B
Short Answer Type Question :
9. Giving suitable examples, make differentiation between aims and objectives
10. What do you mean by “Cognitive Map”-
11. Explain “Principle of Vertical Integration” of the organization
13. Critically analyse the importance of ‘Heuristic Method’ in social study teaching.
14. Write importance of web based teaching-learning in social study.
15. What are the uses of audio-usual aids in social-studies-

Section C
Longer Answer Questions :
1. Taking any topic of social study subject of any class –
2. What is evaluation- Critically discuss the qualitative –
3. What are the different approaches of organising the subject matter in social studies-
4. Discuss them critically.
5. Write the systems of lesson planning.
6. Define ‘Teaching method’. Critically evaluate any four teaching methods
7. What is ‘Media integration’- Examine the significance of use of ‘Information and
8.Communication Technology’ in social study teaching.


Section A :(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks. 8×2
17. What is use of ‘Deductive Method’ in social study teaching?
18. What is ‘Programmed Instruction’?
19. Write the four examples of audio-media in social study teaching.
20. Write the four examples of visual-media in social study teaching.
21. Who has been given credit to develop ‘Affective Domain’ of taxonomy of educational objectives?
22. Who has been given credit to develop ‘Cognitive Domain’ of taxonomy of educational objectives?
23. Write the components of a lesson plan.
24. Write four functions of ‘Cognitive Map’.

Section B :
(Short Answer Type Question)
Note : Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each questions question carries 8 marks. 4×8=32
17. Explain “Principle of Flexibility” of the organization of curriculum of social study?
18. Distinguish between ‘Social Science’ and ‘Social Study’?
19. Describe criteria for evaluation of text book of social study.
20. When ‘Project Method’ should be used in social study teaching? Explain.
21. Compare and contrast any two approaches of the organization of syllabus from each other.
22. Distinguish between unit and lesson planning, write at least four differences.
23. List the importance of ‘Diagnostic Test’ in the social study teaching.
24. Discuss the basic elements of curriculum.

Section C :
(Longer Answer Questions)
Note : Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum upto 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks.
1. What is specific objective? Throw light upon the classification of specific objectives.
What principles should be kept in mind while framing syllabus of social studies for higher secondary classes? Explain in briefly.
2. What is ‘Innovation’ in social study teaching? Critically examine the importance of team teaching, multi-media approach, computer assisted instruction and personalised instructional system in social study teaching.
Define the term evaluation. Giving classification of various type tests compare and contrast the essay type test from objective type test.
3. What is an audio-visual aid? Discuss the importance of utilising such aids in the teaching of social studies? Discuss.
What are the qualities and characteristics needed in a social studies teacher? To explain your answers give reasons.
4. Define the term “Cognitive Map”. Giving suitable example, explain steps of development of ‘Cognitive Map’.
Define ‘Teaching method’. Critically evaluate teaching methods : lecture method, observation method, problem solving method and correlation method of social study teaching.

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Tags: vmou.ac.in
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