Brilliant Pala Foundation & Integrated Programme 2020-2021 Class VII Sample Question Paper : brilliantpala.org

Organisation : Brilliant Study Center, Pala
Exam Name : Foundation & Integrated Programme 2020-2021 Screening Cum Scholarship Test
Class : Class VII
Subject : Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology
Year : 2019
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Website : https://brilliantpala.org/

Brilliant Pala Foundation Class VII Question Paper

Download Question Paper of Class VII Foundation & Integrated Programme 2020-2021 Screening Cum Scholarship Test is now available in the official website of Brilliant Study Center.

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1. Number of divisions in a half °C thermometer is
A) 100
B) 180
C) 200
D) 273

2. Melting point of ice is represented in fahrenheit scale as
A) 212°F
B) 32°F
C) –273°F
D) 0°F

3. The reading of fahrenheit and kelvin scale coinsides at
A) –40°
B) 574.6°
C) 273.15°
D) never coincide

4. Find the value of 10°C in °F
A) 41
B) 283
C) 48
D) 50

5. 1 Doctor’s calorie is equal to
A) 4186J
B) 4.186J
C) 1000J
D) 4186 calorie

6. Specific heat of steam
A) 0.47Jg–1°C–1
B) 0.47Cal Kg–1°C–1
C) 0.47 Cal g–1°K–1
D) 0.47Cal g–1°C–1

7. Choose the correct statement
A) Among metals silver is the best conductor next in order are aluminium and copper
B) Graphite is a bad conductor because it is a non metal
C) All liquid except mercury are good conductors
D) Organic substances are bad conductors

8. In wave motion particle of the medium vibrate in the direction of wave propogation. Then the wave is
A) Transverse wave
B) longitudinal wave
C) electromagnetic wave
D) Rarefaction wave

9. The unit of that quantity on which pitch of the sound depends is
A) Hertz
B) meter
C) meter/second
D) second

10. Wave velocity is equal to
A) frequency × waelength
B) frequency × time -period
C) wave length × time period
D) wave length × amplitude

11. SI unit of intensity of sound is
A) watt s–1m–2
B) watt m2
C) joul s–1 m–2
D) Both B and C

12. For echo to take place for least distance, the distance between source of sound and reflecting surface should be
A) 17cm
B) 34cm
C) 17m
D) 34m

13. Speed of sound in air at any temperature, t can be repressented as
A) [330+0.41×t]m/s
B) [330-0.61×t ]m/s
C) [330–0.41×t]m/s
D) [330+0.61×t]m/s

14. Sound travels fastest in following
A) Air
B) Water
C) Iron
D) Vaccum

15. An electric currnet produces
A) Magnetic effect
B) chemical effect
C) heating effect
D) all of the above


16. Which of the following is a monobasic acid?
A) H3PO3
B) H2SO4
D) (COOH)2

17. Choose the correct statement
A) Carbonic acid is a tribasic acid
B) Phosphoric acid is a tribasic acid
C) Hydrochloric acid is a weak acid
D) Nitrogen acid is a strong inorganic acid

18. A teacher performed the following experiment in the class. He took a small amount of lemon juice, apple juice, vinegar in three separate test tubes. He poured a drop of blue litmus in each of the test tubes. What will you notice about blue litmus?
A) Blue litmus turns red only in lemon juice
B) Blue litmus turns red only in apple juice
C) Blue litmus turns red only in vinegar
D) Blue litmus turns red in all the three juices

19. The process due to which an acid completely reacts with base to form salt and water as the only products is called …………
A) Crystalisation
B) Neutralisation
C) Distillation
D) Condensation

20. Which of the following base is used in the preparation of bleaching powder?
A) Calcium hydroxide
B) Calcium oxide
C) Aluminium hydroxide
D) Magnesium hydroxide

Download Class VII Sample Question Paper 2019-20 :


31. Narrow thin ribbon shape leaves and less developed roots are the characters of
A) Xerophytes
B) Hydrophytes
C) Mesophytes
D) Desert plants

32. Deep long wintersleep to escape from harsh cold condition is called
A) Aestivation
B) Migration
C) Summersleep
D) Hibernation

33. Which of the following is not an adaptation of desert animals
A) Urine is very concentrated
B) Nostrils have long hairs to prevent the entry of sand and dust
C) No sweat glands
D) Roots are deeper to absorb water

34. Camouflage means
A) Minimum metabolic activities
B) Thermal regulation
C) Match the colour of the background
D) Store fat in their body

35. The place where an organism found is called
A) Environment
B) Habitat
C) Biotic factors
D) Abiotic factor

36. At high altitude the RBC in human blood
A) Increases in size
B) Increases in number
C) Decreases in number
D) Decreases in size

37. Which trait is not helpful to a fish in adaptation
A) Streamlined body
B) Large pupils of the eyes
C) Gills
D) Beautiful colour of the body

38. The delicate flexible and thin stem is the characteristics feature of
A) Mesophyte
B) Hydrophytes
C) Halophytes
D) Xerophytes

39. Respiration is an example for
A) Catabolism
B) Anabolism
C) Both A and B
D) Metabolism

40. Exchange of gases between tissue cells and extracellular environment is called
A) External respiration
B) Internal respiration
C) Cellular respiration
D) Breathing

Categories: Talent Exam

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  • You could also have added the answers. So that we could have corrected our mistakes . Some answers are not there in google so I was no able to correct my mistake.

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