Microprocessors And Interfacing B.Tech Question Bank : tits.ac.in

Name of the College : Turbomachinery Institute of Technology &Sciences (TITS)
University : JNTU Hyderabad
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Subject Name : Microprocessors And Interfacing
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : tits.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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TITS Microprocessors & Interfacing Question Paper


Questions (Theory type) :
1. Distinguish between the terms microprocessor, microcomputer and micro controller. Write about the evolution of microprocessor.
2. Draw the architectural diagram of 8085 and explain the function of each block in detail.April-09

Related : Turbomachinery Institute of Technology & Sciences Software Engineering B.Tech Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3064.html

3. Give the brief overview of 8085 microprocessor
4. With a neat architectural diagram, explain the functioning of an 8086. April-09
Explain, why 8086 internal architecture is divided into BIU and EU? Discuss the A-bus, B-bus and C-bus and their use.Nov/Dec-05

5. Discuss briefly about pre-fetch queue in 8086.April-08.
6. Explain the function of following registers 8086 microprocessor. April-09
a) AX,BX,CX,DX b) CS,DS,SS, ES c) BP,SP, SS, ES d) IP and instruction queue
Discuss the functions of all general purpose registers of 8086.Explain the special function of each register and instruction support for these functions.

7. What is memory segmentation ? Explain the use of segmentation in different applications. Explain how segmentation provides effective task switching mechanism.Aug-07
List out segmentation register of 8086. Explain how 8086 provides 1 MB memory address space using the segment registers. What is the purpose of extra segment.August-06.
8. Compare the flag registers of 8086 and 8085.April-09.
9. Write detail about the addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor.April-09.
Describe the following addressing modes with some examples (i) Indexed addressing with displacement; (ii) I/O port addressing.April-09.
Explain detail about the following addressing modes of 8086 with examples. ((i) I/O addressing (ii) Based indexed addressing with displacement.April-09
10. Explain the meaning of the following 8086 instructions, (i) Mov [3845h],bx (ii) add ax, [SI] (iii) Mov bx,2956h (iv) adc ax,bx (v) MUL (vi) IMUL (vii) DIV (viii) IDIV. Aug-08, . April-09.
11. Discuss the assembler directives with examples.Aug-07,April-07
12. Develop an assembly language program to multiply two BCD numbers of 2-digits each. April-07
13. Explain with an example, how a far procedure is declared as PUBLIC? Show how an external near procedure is called in main program?Aug-07, April-07
What is a procedure? Give an example to declare a procedure as near. Make this procedure as PUBLIC procedure. Set 1 May11,Aug-07, April-07. April-09
What are the different ways of passing parameters to and from procedures? Explain the methods with examples in assembly language.Aug-07.
14. Develop a PUBLIC procedure to convert 4-digi Hex to BCD number and return the value. April-07
15. Differentiae between procedures and macros using certain examples.Aug-08, April-08.
16. (a) Explain in detail the coding template for 8086 MOV instruction? (b) Write briey about i. PUBLIC directive ii. EXTERN directive Set 2 May 11
17. It is necessary to check the parity of the data byte in location 2000H:01FEH.If the parity is even store 00H otherwise store 0FFH in location 8000H:1000H. Give the instruction sequence for every addressing mode to achieve the above result. Set 2 May 11
18. (a) Discuss various branch instruction of 8086 microprocessor, that are useful for relocation?
(b) Using a do-while construct, develop a sequence of 8086 instructions that reads a character string from the keyboard and after pressing the enter key the character string is to be displayed again.Set 4 May 11


Questions (Program type) :
1. Give the assembly language implementation of the following, (i) DO-WHILE (ii) FOR.August-07
2. Discuss various branch instructions of 8086 microprocessor, that are useful for relocation. April-07,April-06, April-05
3. What are the loop instructions of 8086? Explain the use of DF flag in the executin of string instructions. Aug- 06, Nov-05,May-04.
4. Write an ALP in 8086 to move block of N bytes of data from source to destination. April—09,Aug-08.
5. Write an ALP in 8086 to add 5 bytes of data in an array by making use of procedure. April-09,Aug—08.
6. Write an ALP in 8086 to add two 16-bit hexa decimal numbers. April-09,Aug—08
7. Write an ALP in 8086 to find a maximum number in the array of 10 numbers. April-09,Aug-08,April-08.
8. Write a recursive program in 8086 ALP to find the sum f the first n-integers. April-09,Aug-08,April-08.
9. Write a program in 8086 to ad two 8-bytes of data available in memory location array1 and array2. Store the result in aray3. April-09
10. Write an ALP to count number of 0s in a 16 bit binary string. April-09
11. Write an ALP in 8086 to add two 16 digit packed BCD numbers. April-09,April-08
12. Write an ALP in 8086 to divide a 32-bit number by a 16-bit number. April-09, April-08.
13. Write an ALP in 8086 to sort a given set of 8-bit unsign integers into ascending order b bubble sort method. Aug-08.
14. Write an ALP in 8086 to display the string “WELCOME” on the screen. Aug-08
15. Write an ALP in 8086 to count number of positive and negative numbers from an array of 8-bit integers. Aug- 08, April-08

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