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All posts from B.Sc Biotechnology Model Question Papers : Acharya Nagarjuna University

Name of the University : Acharya Nagarjuna University
Degree : B.Sc. Degree Examinations
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Name of the Subject : B.Sc Biotechnology
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Acharya Nagarjuna B.Sc Biotechnology Model Question Papers

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BTT- 601:
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75


Section –A :
Short Answers Questions :
Answer any five of the following questions 5X5=25 M
1. Multiple alleles
2. Pleiotropism
3. Histone proteins
4. Interaction between gene and environment
5. Point mutations
6. SOS repair system
7. Retroposans
8. Yeast Ty elements

Section –B :
Essay Questions :
Answer all of the following questions 5X10=50M
9. a) Define genetics? Write an account on Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
b) Define Epistatis and write about 12:3:1, 9:3:4, and 9:6:1.
10. a) Write an essay on organization of Eukaryotic Chromosome.
b) Discuss about Structure of gene in Eukaryotes
11. a) Define Mutation? Discuss about different types of mutations.
b) Define Mutagens? Discuss about physical and chemical mutagens.
12. a) Write an essay on DNA damage.
b) Discuss about Excision and mismatch repair systems.
13. a) Describe the structure and molecular basis of Ac-Ds transpositions in maize
b) Discuss about “P” elements of Drosophila.

Plant & Animal Biotechnology

BTT- 602:
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks:75
Section –A :
Short Answers Questions :
Answer any five of the following questions 5X5=25 M
1. Callus culture
2. Suspension culture
3. Ti plasmids
4. Micro propagation
5. Cell lines
6. Somatostatin
7. Recombinant vaccine
8. Patent

Section –B :
Essay Questions :
Answer all of the following questions 5X10=50M
9. a) Discuss about plant tissue culture media composition and preparation.
b) Describe the Methods for Obtaining Single Cell Clones from Callus Culture
10. a) Discuss about transgenic plants and its applications.
b) Write an essay on Somatic hybridization
11. a) Discuss about animal tissue culture media
b) Give a complete note on characteristics of cells in culture.
12. a) Define gene therapy? Write an essay on in vitro gene therapy
b) Discuss about In vitro fertilization (IVF)
13. a) Give a complete note on Intellectual property rights.
b) Write an essay on ethical aspects of Biotechnology

Industrial Biotechnology

BTT- 603:
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 75
Section –A :
Short Answers Questions :
Answer any five of the following questions 5X5=25 M
1. Inoculum preparation
2. Sterilization of media
3. Air lift Bioreactor
4. Fed batch fermentation
5. Wine production
6. SCP
7. Recombinant Vaccine
8. Production of Insulin

Section –B :
Essay Questions :
Answer all of the following questions 5X10=50M
9. a) Explain how industrially important microbial strains are improved.
b) Discuss about methods used to preserve the microorganisms
10. a) Discuss about basic principles and design of Bioreactor
b) Write an essay on batch fermentation
11. a) Describe the commercial production of citric acid.
b) Give a complete note on production of Beer.
12. a) Describe the production of Amylase.
b) Discuss about production of Penicillin.
13. a) Discuss about production of Monoclonal antibodies.
b) Write an essay on production of Growth hormone by recombinant DNA technology

Project Guidelines For 6Th Semester Students :
1. The project work should be done by a group of TWO – FIVE members.
2. They should submit their project dissertation reports in duplicate. One copy for the department and one copy for self duly signed by the project guide.

3. The project dissertation reports should contain the following:
a) Title Page
b) Certificate
c) Acknowledgement
d) Chapter – 1: Introduction
e) Chapter – 2: Material and Methodology
f) Chapter – 3: Result and Discussion
g) Chapter – 4: Conclusions
h) Bibliography/ references

Scheme of valuation –Project -50Marks
The Project work and Dissertation – 40M
Viva voce by the examiner (On their Specific Project) – 10M

Model Paper-Practical :
(Question paper Setting Pattern)
I/II/III B.Sc., Degree Examinations
Title of the Paper
Time: 3 hours
Maximum marks: 50 marks
Section A :
I. Major practical: Perform the given practical; write the principle,
procedure, result and discussion. ————————————–15 marks
Scheme of valuation:
Performance of Practical ————————————–5marks
Aim & Principle————————————————-3 marks
Procedure———————————————————4 marks
Results and discussion ——————————————3 marks

II. Minor Practical: write the principle, procedure, result and discussion for the
given practical. ———————————————————–10 marks
Scheme of valuation:
Aim & Principle————————————————– 4 marks
Procedure———————————————————- 4marks
Results and discussion —————————————— 2 marks
Section B :
III. Spotters ( Five Spotters ) ———————————————5X3=15 marks
Scheme of valuation:
Identification of spotter ————1 mark
Description (at least 4-6 points) — 2 marks
IV. Viva voce —————————————————————————5 marks
V. Record —————————————————————————5 marks
Total 50 marks

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