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Organisation : Bharat Sevak Samaj
Exam : BSS Diploma In Cath Lab Technology
Document Type : Sample Paper
Subject : Cath Lab Technology
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BSS Diploma Cath Lab Technology Question Paper

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** National Development Agency, Promoted By Government Of India
** Central Board Of Examinations
** Bss National Vocational Education Mission
** Ahe027-Bss Diploma In Echo Cardiography & Cardiac Technology


** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry & Pathology

Subject Code : Ahe038-02
Time: 3 Hours
Marks: 100

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) PL __ __ RA.
2) OC __ LO __ MO __O___.
3) P __ R __ CA __ D __ UM.
4) UR __ T __ R.
5) G __ OMER __ L __ S.
6) M__T__CH__ND__IA
7) T__SS__E
8) I__L__TS of L__NG__RH_NS
9) N__PH__ON
10) T__BI__

II. Define The Following :2 x 10 = 20
1) Define Uterus
2) Expand GH
3) Define Metabolism
4) Define Ureter
5) Define Urinary System
6) Define Neuron
7) Define Uterus.
8) Myometrium
9) Define Skeleton
10) Define Propulsion

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Atrial Septal Defect.
2) Leucocytes
3) Ossification
4) General description of a Long Bone
5) Classify Synovial Joints
6) Name the organs of the Alimentary system
7) Blood Pressure
8) ECG

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Classify Tissues. Write in detail about Epithelial tissue with diagrams.
2) Classify bones, giving an example of each type. Describe a long bone of your choice with a diagram.
3) Write in detail about the Menstrual cycle.
4) Describe the Thyroid & write about Thyroxin.
5) Describe the Cardiac cycle.

Pharmacology, Microbiology Techniques

Subject Code : AHE038-03
TIME: 3 Hours
Marks: 100
I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Killing of microorganisms and their spores is called…..
2) …… are the drugs which relieve pain.
3) Rheumatic fever is caused by Beta………
4) __________ is regularly used after coronary intervention as an anti-platelet drug
5) _____________ and magnesium are cardioprotective in ischemic patients
6) In ventricular arrhythmia emergency, a local analgesic drug ___________ can be used to reduce the arrhythmia
7) AFB stands for _______________.
8) ___________is the drug of choice for emergency control of convulsions.
9) ___________ are the drugs which relieve pain .
10) ___________ stands for non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Define Disinfection
2) Portal entry of micro organisms.
3) Define Calcium channel blockers
4) Define AIDS
5) Define Digoxin
6) Define Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
7) Bio-Availability
8) Food poisoning
9) Pericardial Friction Rub.
10) Aortic Stenosis.

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Classification of micro organisms.
2) Classification of drugs.
3) What are the precautions necessary for autoclaving?
4) Advantages and disadvantages of injection.
5) Thrombolytics.
6) Typhoid fever
7) Acid fast bacilli
8) Chemical disinfection.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Describe about oral administration of medicine and explain the five rights.
2) Describe about autoclave with help of neat diagram.
3) Define General anaesthetics. Name the stages anaesthesia .Describe about Intravenous anaesthetics.
4) Write briefly an account of the drugs used in the management of Angina Pectoris.
5) Discuss various prophylactic antibiotics used in cardiac surgery

Cardiac Anatomy & Physiology

Subject Code : AHE038-04
Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Heart is situated in the ___________mediastinum
2) The vessels taking blood back to the heart are called ______________.
3) The pacemaker of the heart is ______________ node.
4) Right ventricle is connected to Pulmonary artery through___________ valve
5) Left main coronary artery divides into _______________ and Left circumflex.
6) Blood Pressure is normally recorded by……..
7) Cardiac output is determined by ——— and heart rate
8) _______ pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure
9) Access for cardiopulmonary bypass is usually done through _________ and venacava.
10) ______________ artery supplies the heart.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Define Coronary sinus
2) Define Connections of the Right Atrium
3) Define Heart sounds
4) Formation of the Circle of Willis
5) Hilum of the lungs.
6) Trace the formation of the Superior Vena Cava
7) Importance of Vertebral arteries.
8) Trace the path of a Radial Artery catheter from wrist to the coronary arteries.
9) Methods to measure central venous pressure.
10) Define Superior Vena Cava.

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Structure of Inter atrial septum.
2) Various methods to measure blood pressure.
3) Describe the structure and applied importance of the Right Ventricle.
4) Describe briefly Pulmonary circulation.
5) Describe briefly Cardio-vascular responses to acute hypovolemia.
6) Discuss briefly the purpose of the Renal circulation.
7) Pulmonary circulation.
8) Cardio-vascular responses to acute hypovolemia.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Chambers and divisions of the Heart.
2) Describe the anatomy of Portal Circulation mention its importance.
3) Discuss the Anatomy of the Conduction system and the atrio ventricular barrier.
4) Describe the anatomy of Coronary circulation and its importance.
5) Discuss the mechanism of transport of solutes between the blood and the tissue.

Cardiac Pharmacology & Pathology

Subject code : AHE038-05
TIME: 3 Hours
Marks: 100

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) Heart rate higher than 100 in sinus rhythm is …….
2) Cardiac arrest created is …….
3) Septal malaligament is major factor in the cyanotic condition……
4) Symptomatic Sinus ……-cardia is pharmacologically corrected by Atropine
5) Thrombolysis is commonly done with…….
6) Frusemide is a ……..
7) Alpha Methyl Dopa causes fall in ________________.
8) Disease caused by microbial infection in endocardial layer of the heart is called _______.
9) Increased pressure in Pulmonary circulation is called ____________.
10) Reduced blood supply to the coronary artery causes _____________.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Define Digoxin
2) Coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
3) Define Balloon Valvuloplasty
4) Define Rheumatic fever
5) Pericardial Friction Rub.
6) Define Aortic Regurgitation.
7) Define Cadiomyopathy.
8) Define Aortic Stenosis.
9) Define Café Coronary.
10) Define Ventricular Fibrillation

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Persistent Ductus arteriosus
2) Myocardial infarction
3) Potassium
4) Steroids
5) Warfarin
6) Acute Myocardial infarction ?
7) Coarctation of Aorta.
8) Patent Ductus Arteriosus.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Discuss various drugs used in the treatment of hypertension
2) Shunt lesions of the heart.
3) Discuss briefly the various anticoagulants and their use.
4) Classify Congenital heart disease. Write short note on major congenital heart disease.
5) Describe the causes Pathophysiology and clinical features of Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis.

Cath Lab Technology – I

Subject Code : AHE038-11
TIME: 3 Hours
Marks: 100

I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) The heart rate slower than 60 per minute is called ——–
2) ——— is the recording of electrical activity of the heart.
3) __________ is the time when the mitral valve is open and aortic valve is closed.
4) The basic unit of the cardiac contractile apparatus is ——–
5) Heart is located in _____________.
6) Aneurysm is classified into fusiform and ____________ types.
7) The blood clot obstructing a vein is known as _________.
8) Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) are used in prophylaxis _________- thrombosis
9) Heparin dose is adjusted by estimation of _____ time during cardiopulmonary bypass
10) In hypertensive emergencies __________ is used as intravenous infusion

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Define Mitral Valve
2) Define Formation of the Circle of Willis
3) Define Hilum of the lungs.
4) Define Oxygen Carriage in blood
5) Define Burmen Angiografic Catheter
6) Heparin
7) Define Asprin
8) Define Coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
9) Define Heart Attack
10) Define Double outlet RV

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Explain Cardiac output.
2) Discuss briefly the purpose of the Renal circulation.
3) Mention the precautions to be undertaken for blood transfusion.
4) Mention the Blood groups and their importance.
5) Explain Mitral Valve
6) Protam+ine Sulphate
7) Fibrinolytic agents
8) Which are cheat electrode positions?

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Discuss the Anatomy of the Conduction system and the atrio ventricular barrier.
2) Describe the anatomy of Coronary circulation and its importance.
3) Draw the Heart diagram and Catheter course by femoral approach.
4) Discuss various prophylactic antibiotics used in cardiac surgery.
5) Give Detail dietary advice and cordial Rehebitation.

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