gpsc.gujarat.gov.in Administrative Service Main Exam Geography Sample Paper : Public Commission

Organisation : Gujarat Public Service Commission
Post : Main Exam, Gujarat Administrative Service Class-1 & Class-2
Document Type : Sample Paper
Subject : Geography
Website : https://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/Archieved/sample-papers.html
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25557-Geography.pdf

GPSC Main Exam Geography Sample Paper

Main Examination :
English Medium :

Related : GPSC Gujarat Administrative Service Main Exam Zoology Sample Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25553.html

Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 200


(1) The question paper has been divided into three parts, A, B and C. The number of questions to be attempted and their marks are indicated in each part.

(2) Answers of all the questions of each part should be written continuously in the answer sheet and should not be mixed with other parts’ Answer. In the event of answer found, which are belongs to other part, such answers will not be assessed by examiner.

(3) The candidate should write the answer within the limit of words prescribed in the parts A, B and C.

(4) If there is any difference in English language question and its Gujarati Translation, then English language question will be considered as valid.

(5) Answer should be written in one of the two languages. Write in the language (English or Gujarati) preference given by you. Answer should not be written in both the languages in the same paper.

Sample Question

Instructions :
(1) Question No. 1 to 20.
(2) Attempt all 20 questions.
(3) Each question carries 2 marks.
(4) Answer should be given approximately in 20 to 30 words.

Part – A

1. What is “Continental Shelf” ?
2. Why is “Richter Scale” an open ended scale ? How does it measure earthquake ?
3. What is Reverse and Oblique Fault ?
4. During the eclipse of the moon, what it will causes-Spring Tide or Neap Tide. Explain.

5. Why do areas far away from the epicenter sometime experiences greater damage during an earthquake than areas closer to epicenter ?
6. What is type of bio-mass found in Eurasian Temperate Grassland ?
7. Where is the Neo-tropical faunal (animal) region of the world ? Explain its characteristic feature in brief.

8. What is “Gabbro” ?
9. Explain the components of Disaster Management Cycle.
10. Name the Inland Waterways of India.

11. What is “Agriculture Drought” ?
12. What are “Doons” and where they are found in India ?
13. Distinguish between density and distribution of population.
14. Which are the main components of Sustainable Livelihood ?
15. Why and what for the name of “Lighthouse of Mediterranean” is generally referred ?

16. What do you know about “Jet Stream” ?
17. What is IPCC and what is its basic role in climate change ?
18. Why are Himalaya called “Climate Divider” ?
19. What is the role of NDMA ?
20. Name the soils found in Peninsular India.

Part – B

Instructions :
(1) Question No. 21 to 32.
(2) Attempt all 12 questions.
(3) Each question carries 5 marks.
(4) Answer should be given approximately in 50 to 60 words.

21. Discuss the structural evolution of Peninsular India.
22. Explain the ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) and its effect on Indian Climate.

23. Write critical note on atmospheric stability and instability.
24. What is Tsunami and what is its mitigation strategy in India ?
25. Elaborate on the forces and mode of rift valley formation.

26. Is there any variability in the concentration of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere with changing latitude and seasons ?
27. Why is water erosion usually severe in desert climates than region that has abundant rainfall ?
28. Elaborate the “Half Graben and Ridge Topography” present in the Kachchh Region of Gujarat.

29. Name the types of rainfall and explain convectional rainfall in detail.
30. Examine the prospects of development of food processing industry in Gujarat.
31. Is there any relationship between geo-climatic conditions with drought, flood, cyclone and earthquake in Gujarat ?
32. What is the significance of the “Golden Quadrilateral” in the economic development of India ?

Part – C

Instructions :
(1) Question No. 33 to 39.
(2) Attempt any 5 out of 7 questions.
(3) Each question carries 20 marks.
(4) Answer should be given approximately in 200 words.

33. Explain major urbanization and environmental challenges in Gujarat.
34. Discuss the salient features of Thornthwait’s scheme of climate classification of world.
35. Comment on the Geo-dynamic implications and earthquakes in India.
36. What is Plate Tectonic concept and how it is capable to explain the evolution of continents and oceans ?

37. Whether the Traditional Wisdom and Techniques in water management are more scientific and beneficial than modern techniques in rural India ? Discuss.
38. Write a critical description of contemporary urbanization policy in India.
39. “Eco-development is a kind of development which is economically viable, ecologically sound and socially justified”. Explain the aforesaid statement with reference to India.

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