gpsc.gujarat.gov.in Administrative Service Main Exam Zoology Sample Paper : Public Commission

Organisation : Gujarat Public Service Commission
Post : Main Exam, Gujarat Administrative Service Class-1 & Class-2
Document Type : Sample Paper
Subject : Zoology
Website : https://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/Archieved/sample-papers.html
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25553-Zoology.pdf

GPSC Main Exam Zoology Sample Paper

Main Examination :
English Medium :
Time : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 200

Related : GPSC Gujarat Administrative Service Main Exam Public Administration Sample Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25548.html


(1) The question paper has been divided into three parts, A, B and C. The number of questions to be attempted and their marks are indicated in each part.

(2) Answers of all the questions of each part should be written continuously in the answer sheet and should not be mixed with other parts’ Answer. In the event of answer found, which are belongs to other part, such answers will not be assessed by examiner.
(3) The candidate should write the answer within the limit of words prescribed in the parts A, B and C.

(4) If there is any difference in English language question and its Gujarati Translation, then English language question will be considered as valid.
(5) Answer should be written in one of the two languages. Write in the language (English or Gujarati) preference given by you. Answer should not be written in both the languages in the same paper.

Sample Question

Instructions :
(1) Question No. 1 to 20.
(2) Attempt all 20 questions.
(3) Each question carries 2 marks.
(4) Answer should be given approximately in 20 to 30 words.

Part – A

1. Enlist major differences between meiosis II and mitosis.
2. Give comparison of prokaryotic ribosome and Eukaryotic ribosome.

3. Draw a labelled diagram of the anatomical and functional compartments of the testis.
4. Give diagrammatical representation of the sweat gland and explain its secretions.
5. Compare histological appearance of stomach with that of intestine including their function.
6. Schematically illustrate hybridoma technique.

7. Name and define the law derived by Mendel on the basis of dihybrid cross.
8. What do you mean by an Operon ? Give structure of Lac Operon in E.coli.
9. Write note on Plasmid.
10. Why mammalian cleavage is different from that of frog cleavage ?

11. What significance does the point of sperm entry carry during the fertilization and development of amphibian embryo ?
12. Why Lamarck’s concept of evolution is often referred to as ‘transformational’ ?
13. How sea weeds and sea grasses are different from each other as marine water inhabitants ?
14. Write role of phytoplankton in marine water food chain and web.
15. Explain on different adaptations found in zooplankton as free floating animal organisms in water bodies.

16. Write importance of omega-3-fatty acids and omega-6-fatty acids and their sources.
17. Explain about static part of circulation with diagram.
18. What are the two entry points of ammonia in urea cycle ?
19. Give list of different types of animal pests and their remedies.
20. Classify Plasmodium by giving reasons.

Part – B

Instructions :
(1) Question No. 21 to 32.
(2) Attempt all 12 questions.
(3) Each question carries 5 marks.
(4) Answer should be given approximately in 50 to 60 words.

21. With the help of a labelled diagram illustrate the function of Golgi apparatus.
22. Explain Hyaline Cartilage with diagram.
23. Give the genetic basis and list abnormalities associated with Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome and Turner syndrome.

24. Write the differences between replication of two complementary DNA strands.
25. Describe the process of formation of three germ layers.
26. Give the evidences of evolution.
27. What basic strategies should be adapted for conservation of biodiversity ?
28. Define term thermoregulation and state its importance.

29. Role of insulin and glucagon in glycogenesis and glycogenolysis.
30. Give list of parasites found in fish as well as domestic animals and explain its control.
31. Write notes on bi-nomial and tri- nomial nomenclature with examples.
32. Justify the statement “All vertebrates are chordates but not all chordates are vertebrates”.

Part – C

Instructions :
(1) Question No. 33 to 39.
(2) Attempt any 5 out of 7 questions.
(3) Each question carries 20 marks.
(4) Answer should be given approximately in 200 words.

33. Write difference between structure and function of cilia and flagella with diagram.
34. Give ultra-structure of chromosome.
35. Compare molecular structure of DNA with that of RNA.
36. Define term spermatogenesis and with labelled diagram explain the process.
37. Describe why biodiversity is a good indicator for sustainable development in human communities.
38. Describe the molecular events of muscular contraction.
39. Define term induced breeding, give its importance and also include notes on different inducing agents and their importance in fisheries.

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