bfuhs.ac.in BPT Anatomy Model Question Paper : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences

Name of the University : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
Degree : BPT
Subject : Anatomy
Year : 2015
Document Type : Previous Years’ Question Papers

Website : http://www.bfuhs.ac.in/examination/oldquespapers/pyqp.html
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BPT 1st Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13248-BPTFIRSTYEAR.docx
BPT 2nd Year https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13248-BPTSECONDYEAR.docx
BPT 3rd Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13248-BPTTHIRDYEAR.docx
BPT 4th Year : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/13248-BPTFOURTHYEAR.docx

BPT Anatomy  Model Question Paper :

Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 80
Note :
** All questions are compulsory.
** Use Separate Answer Sheet For Each Section.

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Section – A : [40 Marks]
1. Answer the following Short Notes upto 5 lines in length. [5×3=15]
(a) Popliteus (b) Clavicle
(c) Testis (d) Foot drop
(e) Radial Nerve
2. Answer the following question upto 3 pages in length. [10]
Describe in detail the Femoral Triangle.

3. Attempt any ONE question out of the following two questions and Answer should be upto 5 pages in length. [15]
(a) Describe the Shoulder Joint under the following headings :
(i) Type (ii) Articular surfaces (iii) Ligaments (iv) Movement (v) Applied Anatomy
(b) Describe the Uterus under following headings :
(i) Structure and Parts (ii) Supports (iii) Relations (iv) Applied Anatomy

Section – B : [40 Marks]
1. Answer the following Short Notes upto 5 lines in length. [5×3=15]
(a) Histology of Hyaline cartilage (b) Sartorius (c) Intervertebral disc
(d) Arches of foot (e) Erb’s paralysis

2. Answer the following question upto 3 pages in length. [10]
Describe in detail the Cubital Fossa.

3. Attempt any ONE question out of the following two questions and Answer should be upto 5 pages in length. [15]
(a) Describe the muscles of posterior compartment of thigh under the following headings :
(i) Enumerate the Muscles (ii) Attachments
(iii) Nerve Supply (iv) Actions
(b) Describe Tongue under the following headings :
(i) Structure (ii) Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles (iii) Nerve supply (iv) Applied Anatomy

Physiology :
Section – A : [40 Marks]
1. Answer the following Short Notes upto 5 lines in length. [5×3=15]
(a) Thrombocytopenia.
(b) Smooth muscle.
(c) Diffusion of gases through respiratory membrane.
(d) Action potential.
(e) Pain.

2. Answer the following question upto 3 pages in length. [10]
Discuss bile, its secretion and role of bile in digestion?

3. Attempt any ONE question out of the following two questions and Answer should be upto 5 pages in length. [15]
(a) Discuss Glomerular filtration rate and factors affecting it ?
(b) Discuss molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction along with well labelled
diagram ?

Section – B : [40 Marks]
1. Answer the following Short Notes upto 5 lines in length. [5×3=15]
Write short notes on :
(a) Cardiac work out put.
(b) Dilution of urine.
(c) Hypothyroidism.
(d) Transport maximum.
(e) Hypoxia.

2. Answer the following question upto 3 pages in length. [10]
Discuss layers of retina and its function ?

3. Attempt any ONE question out of the following two questions and Answer
should be upto 5 pages in length. [15]
(a) Draw well labled diagram of organ of corti and discuss its function ?
(b) Discuss diabetes and its types along with its treatment ?

Biochemistry :
Section – A : [40 Marks]
1. Answer the following Short Notes upto 5 lines in length. [5×3=15]
(a) Discuss clinical importance of enzymes.
(b) Define proteins and classify with examples.
(c) What are properties of Genetic code.
(d) Explain essential fatty acids.
(e) List different types of polysaccharides.

2. Answer the following question upto 3 pages in length. [10]
Discuss Citric Acid Cycle. Explain its regulation and role of different vitamins which are used as co enzymes in this cycle.

3. Attempt any ONE question out of the following two questions and Answer should be upto 5 pages in length. [15]
(a) Discuss metabolism of cholesterol, clinical significance and derivative of cholesterol.
(b) Explain different components of respiratory chain and its inhibitors.

Section – B : [40 Marks]
1. Answer the following Short Notes upto 5 lines in length. [5×3=15]
(a) Write about Vitamin C.
(b) Discuss different types of RNA.
(c) Describe Ketone bodies.
(d) Explain Starch and Glycogen.
(e) Write about protein energy malnutrition.

2. Answer the following question upto 3 pages in length. [10]
What is glyconeogenesis ? Name the substrates for Gluconeogenesis. How is normal blood glucose regulated ?

3. Attempt any ONE question out of the following two questions and Answer should be upto 5 pages in length. [15]
(a) Discuss Urea formation, site of synthesis alongwith enzymes required and its regulation.
(b) Define and classify Vitamins. Describe biochemical role of one fat soluble and one water soluble vitamin with deficiency diseases.

Categories: Medical
Tags: bfuhs.ac.in

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