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All posts from Electronic & Physical Science Model Question Paper : Karnataka State Eligibility Test

Organisation : University of Mysore
Exam : Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) Center for Lecturership
Document Type : Model/Previous Question Paper
Subject : Electronic & Physical Science
Year : 2015

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Electronic & Physical Science Model Question Paper :

Subject Code : K-3115
Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks : 100

Related : Karnataka State Eligibility Test Environmental & Earth Science Model Question Paper :

1. If the barrier width and carrier velocity of PN junction diode is ‘W’ and ‘V’ respectively, then the classic transit time of diode is given by
(A) W × V
(B) W V
(C) V W
(D) W + V

2. In the thermal oxidation process, wafers are placed in fused quartz cassettes that are pushed in to the pre-heated furnace tube at a temperature in the range of
(A) 90°C to 120°C
(B) 160°C to 240°C
(C) 500°C to 800°C
(D) 900°C to 1200°C

3. If Z is the input impedance of a given source, for which of the following load impedance ZL the power would be maximum.
(A) Z L
(B) Z*
(C) Z
(D) Z*L

4. The function is said to have simple poles and zeros only if
(A) The poles are repeated
(B) The zeros are repeated
(C) Multiple poles exist at the origin
(D) Both poles and zeros are not repeated

5. R.C. phase shift oscillator will not work until and unless the voltage gain of its amplifier
(A) Slightly greater than 3
(B) Slightly greater than 15
(C) Slightly less than 15
(D) Slightly greater than 29

6. Schmitt trigger is
(A) Amplifier
(B) Buffer
(C) Comparator
(D) Free running oscillator

7. The Boolean expression X YZ + X Y Z + X Y Z + XYZ + XY Z can be simplified to
(A) XY+Y Z+Y Z
(B) X Y+Y Z +YZ
(C) XZ+Y Z +YZ

8. The initial content of 4-bit serial in parallel out right shift register is shown below is 0110. After 3 clock pulses content of shift register will be
(A) 0000
(B) 0101
(C) 1010
(D) 1111

9. The following programme is run on an 8085 microprocessor. Memory address Instruction in Hex 2000 L × 1 SP,After execution of the first instructions of sub-program, the program counter of the 8085 contains _________ and the stack pointer contains ___________
(A) 2251, OFFC
(B) 2051, OFFC
(C) 1025, OCCF
(D) 1025, OFFC

10. The flag register in 8051 is called
(A) Program Counter
(B) Program Status Word
(C) Stack Pointer
(D) Data Pointer

11. In C, executable program is created by
(A) Compiler only
(B) Linker only
(C) Compiler and linker
(D) Editor

13. Power in the negative resistance device is said to be
(A) Absorbed
(B) Constant
(C) Halved
(D) Generated

14. Cavity magnetron uses strapping for
(A) Prevent mode jumping
(B) Prevent cathode back heating
(C) Ensure bunching
(D) Improves the phase focussing effect

15. Which type of noise is of great importance at high frequencies ?
(A) Transit time noise
(B) Short noise
(C) Random noise
(D) Impulse noise

16. How many levels of synchronisation is there in TDM ?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Zero

17. In 3-phase semiconverter feeding RLE load, for a firing angle delay of 0°, the output voltage of semiconductor would be
(A) Symmetrical four pulse per cycle
(B) Symmetrical 3 pulse per cycle
(C) Symmetrical five pulse per cycle
(D) Symmetrical six pulse per cycle

Test Paper : II
Test Subject : Physical Science
Test Subject Code : K-2515
Maximum Marks : 100
Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes
Note :
** This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions.
** Each question carries two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory

1. . Dimensional formula for Hall coefficient is
(A) M0L3A–1T1
(B) M1L3T3A3
(C) M–2L3T1A–1
(D) M1T1L3A1

2. In a binomial distribution, values of mean and standard deviation are 9, $ respectively then the values of n and p, respectively are
(A) 27
(B) 81
(C) 36
(D) 18

3. Which one of the following functions is not analytic, where z = x + iy ?
(A) R e(z)
(B) z–1
(C) sinz
(D) esinz

4. If the forces acting on a particle are conservative, then which of the following quantities is conserved ?
(A) Total energy
(B) Linear momentum
(C) Angular momentum
(D) Both linear and angular momentum

5. For circular and parabolic orbits in an attractive H potential having the same angular momentum, perihelion distance of parabola is
(A) Double the radius of circle
(B) Equal to the radius of circle
(C) Half the radius of circle
(D) Thrice the radius of circle

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