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UPSC Indian Statistical Service Exam Sample Question Paper 2015

Name of the Organisation : Union Public Service Commission
Name of the Exam : Indian Statistical Service Exam
Year : 2015
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Subject : General English, Statistics- I,II,III , IV, General Studies

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Indian Statistical Service Exam Sample Question Paper :

General English :

Please red each of the following instructiors carefully before atterrupting questions
There are SIX questions and all are to be attempted.

Related : UPSC Union Public Service Commission CAPF – AC Examination 2016 :

The number of marks carried by a question part is indicated against it.
Arguers frist be writer in ENGLISH only.
Candidates are required to write clear, legible and concise answers and to adhere to LUord irrits, wherever indicated. Failure to adhere to word Err its may be perialized.
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1. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in not less than 800 words.
(a) Leadership is not a position but a responsibility.
(b) Does the rise of materialism lead to erosion of values ?
(c) Understanding is the best form of hospitality.
(d) Individual freedom versus Social responsibility.
(e) The scienti?c temper of the modern world.
2. Write a paragraph in about 200 words on any one of the following expressions/statements.
(a) All that glitters is not gold.
(b) Time and tide wait for none.
(c) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
(d) Brevity is the soul of wit.
(e) To err is human; to forgive is diVine. –

3. Use the following words in sentences so as to bring out their meaning clearly.
(a) Loquacious
(b) Topsy—turvy
(c) Mentor
(d) Enigmatic
(e) Nefarious

4. Use the following homonyms in sentences so as to :
(a) Compliment / Complement
(b) Canvas / Canvass
(c) Device / Devise
(d) Ghostly / Ghastly
(e) Cite / Site

5. Make the directed changes in the following sentences
a) I know him. (Change into passive voice)
(b) The stranger said, “Could you tell me where the post office is ?” (Change into indirect speech)
(c) I did not spend as much money as you. (Change into comparative degree)
(d) You are. allowed into the club only if you are a member. . (Rewrite the sentence using ‘unless

Make a précis of the following passage in about one-third of the original length, using your own Words:
(Note: The précis must be written only on the special sheets provided for this purpose, writing one word in each block.
Two principal forms of the constitution are known to history-one is called unitary and the other is federal. The two essential characteristics of a unitary constitution are : (1) the supremacy of the central polity, and (2) the absence of subsidiary sovereign polities. On the contrary, a federal constitution
is marked: (1) by the existence of a central polity and subsidiary polities side by side, and (2) by each being sovereign in the field assigned to it. In other words, federation means the establishment of a dual polity. The draft onstitution is a federal constitution inasmuch as it establishes what may be a ual polity. This dual polity under the proposed constitution will consist of the

Union at the centre and the States at the periphery, each endowed with sovereign powers to be

exercised in the field assigned to them respectively by the constitution. This dual polity resembles the American Constitution.

The American polity is also a dual polity, one of it is known as the Federal government and the other government of the States which correspond respectively to the Union government and the State governments of the draft constitution. Under the American Constitution the Federal government is not a mere league of the States nor are the States administrative units or agencies of the Federal government. In the same way, the Indian Constitution proposed in the draft constitution is not a league of States nor are the States administrative units or agencies of the Union government.

Here, however, the similarities between the Indian and American Constitutions come to an end. The differences that distinguish them are more fundamental and glaring than the similarities between the two. The points of difference between the American federation and the Indian federation are mainly two. In the USA, this dual polity is followed by a dual citizenship. In the USA, there is a citizenship of the USA.

But there is also a citizenship of the State. No doubt the rigours of this double citizenship are Inuch assuaged by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which prohibits the States from taking away the rights,privileges and immunities of the citizen of the United States. At the same time, as pointed out by © 2021

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