kvboudh.org.in Class VII Science Question Paper Sample : Kendriya Vidyalaya Boudh

Organisation : Kendriya Vidyalaya Boudh
Exam Name : Formative Assessment-I 2015-16
Subject : Science
Class : VII
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Location : Orissa, India
Website : https://boudh.kvs.ac.in/

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/7843-scienceviisample.pdf

Science Sample Question Paper :

Formative Assessment-I 2015-16 :
Class: VII
Time: 1.5 hrs
M.M: 40

Related : Kendriya Vidyalaya Boudh Class VI Science Question Paper Sample : www.pdfquestion.in/7841.html

(Sample Question)
1.Choose the correct option: 1×5=5marks
i) Which part of the plant is called its food factory?
a) fruits
b) seeds
c) leaves
d) none of these
ii) Digestion is completed
a) Mouth
b) large intestine
c) small intestine
d) none of these
iii) The largest gland in human body is
a) Salivary glands
b) liver
c) pancreas
d) none of these
iv) The finger like projections in amoeba are called –
a) Food vacuoles
c) pseudopodia
d) none of these
v) Green pigments present in leaves are called –
a) Chlorophyll
b) mesophyll
c) xanthophyll
d) none of these

2.Answer the following questions : 2 x 5 =10 marks
a) What are villi? What is their function?
b) How would you test the presence of starch in the leaves?
c) What are the functions of mucous and hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
d) Why plants are called autotrophs?
e) Write one similarity and one difference between nutrition in amoeba and human beings.

3. Fill in the blanks: 1x 5 = 5 marks
a) The food synthesised by plants is stored as _____________
b) Water from the undigested food is absorbed in the _____________
c) During photosynthesis plants releases _______________gas.
d) All animals are _______________
e) The contraction and relaxation movement of oesophagus is called ______________

4. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements
a) Digestion of starch starts in stomach.
b) Mushrooms are saprotrophs.
c) The tongue helps in mixing the food.
d) Fungi belongs to autotrophs.
e) Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.

5. Match the following: 5marks
Column – A : Column – B :
Salivary glands Bile juice secretion
Stomach Storage of undigested food
Liver Saliva secretion
Rectum Acid release
Small intestine Absorption of water
Digestion completes

6. Answer the following :
a) Why do organisms need to take food? 2marks
b) Explain how digestion takes place in amoeba. 3marks
c) Draw a labelled diagram of stomata and write its functions. 3marks
d) Why do insectivorous plants eat insect? 2marks

Class-VII :
Subject : S.St.
Time : 1.5 hrs.
M.M : 40
M.C.Q : (1X8=8 marks)
1. choose the correct option :
i) The Environment is derived from the?
a. french word
b. lattin word
c. greek word
d. English word

ii) Which is not a human made environment?
a. Mountain
b. school
c. road
d. Building

iii) Which is component of Human environment?
a. Land
b. Air
c. Religion
d. water

iv) Who is Omprakash Valmiki?
a. a dalit writter
b. a teacher
c. a doctor
d. a engineer

v) The Civil Right Act was associated with which country?
a. Britain
b. France
c. America
d. India

vi) In 14th century which famous poet use the word ‘HIND’ ?
a. Kabir
b. Amir Khusrau
c. Rahim
d. Tulsidas

vii) According to Amir Khusrau, Telangani language was spoken in which region?
a. Bengal
b. Tamil Nadu
c. Gujarat
d. Andhra Pradesh

viii) Artcle 15 related with…………….?
a. Freedom
b. Equality
c. Brotherhood
d. None of these

2. Write down the difference between Natural and Human made environment? 3 marks
3. What do you understand by Barter system? 3 marks
4. Write short notes on components of Natural Environment ? 3 marks

5. What do you meant by Equalities? 3 marks
6. Briefly describe about the different kinds of inequalities that exist in India? 3 marks
7. Write about the major sources of knowing history? 3 marks
8. Explain about the Human Environment? 5 marks
9. Describe about the inequalities in America? 5 marks
10. On the outline map of India, locate the following rivers- 4 marks
a. Indus b. Narmada c. Yamuna d. Krishna

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