DSO11 Principles Of Sociology MA Question Bank : msuniv.ac.in

Name of the University : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Department : Sociology — (DD & CE)
Degree : M.A
Subject Code/Name : DSO11/Principles Of Sociology
Year : I
Website : msuniv.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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MS University Principles Of Sociology Question Paper

Sub. Code : DSO 11
First Year — Non-Semester
Sociology (DD & CE)

Related : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University DPA24 Issues In Public Administration MA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7778.html

Paper I — Principles Of Sociology :
(For those who joined in July 2007 – 2008 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Model Questions

Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Mention the methods used in sociology.
2. What is the meaning of the word sociology?
3. What is the relationship between individuals and the society?
4. What is the role of heredity in the life of individuals?
5. What is culture?
6. What is folkway? Give an example.
7. What is conflict in a society?
8. What is the role of marriage as Social Institution?
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Explain the origin of sociology.
10. Explain the scope of sociology.
11. Explain the process of socialization of individuals in a society
12. Explain the impact of society on individual development.
13. Explain the various types of culture.
14. Explain the functions of culture.
15. Explain the process of social interaction.
16. Explain the forms of social institutions.

APRIL 2014

Sub. Code : DSO 11
First Year—Non–Semester
Sociology – DD & CE
(For those who joined in July 2007–08 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Mention the methods used in sociology.
2. What are the uses of sociology?
3. What is Heredity?
4. What is socialization?
5. What is civilization?
6. What is assimilation in a society?
7. What is taboo? Give an example.
8. What is competition in a society?
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Explain the nature of sociology with examples.
10. Explain the process of socialization of individuals in a society.
11. Explain the origin of sociology.
12. Explain the role of environment on individual development in society.
13. Explain the characteristics of culture.
14. Explain the formal agencies of social control.
15. Explain the relationship between culture and personality of an individual.
16. Explain the nature of education as social institution.


Sub. Code : DSO 11
First Year — Non–Semester
Sociology — (DD & CE)
(For those who joined in July 2007 – 2008 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. What are the uses of Sociology?
2. Mention the methods used in Sociology.
3. What is Socialization?
4. What is Heredity?
5. What is taboo? Give an example.
6. What is civilization?
7. What is assimilation in a society?
8. What is competition in a society?
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Explain the origin of sociology.
10. Explain the nature of sociology with examples.
11. Explain the process of socialization of individuals in a society.
12. Explain the role of environment on individual development in a society.
13. Explain the characteristics of culture.
14. Explain the relationship between culture and personality of an individual.
15. Explain the polity and religion as social institution.
16. Explain the nature of education as social institution.

PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. What is the relationship between theory and hypothesis?
2. What is the role of theory in a research?
3. What is Hierarchy of science?
4. What is social evolution according to Spencer?
5. What is Alienation according to Karl Marx?
6. What is social action according to Max Weber?
7. What is paradigm of functional analysis according to Robert K.Merton?
8. What is Modernization?

PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Explain the functions of Sociological theories.
10. Explain the uses of Sociological theories.
11. Explain the law of human progress according to Auguste Comte.
12. Give details of Social statics and social Dynamics according to Auguste Comte.
13. Explain the Materialistic interpretation of history according to Karl Marx.
14. Give details of Max Weber’s Ideal type and Verstehen approach.
15. Critically examine Robert K.Merton’s Theory of Social Structure.
16. Explain the application of Regional Basis of values and symbols theory.

Categories: Sociology
Tags: msuniv.ac.in
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