DPA21 Public Financial Administration In India MA Question Bank : msuniv.ac.in

Name of the University : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Department : Public Administration — (DD & CE)
Degree : M.A
Subject Code/Name : DPA21/Public Financial Administration In India
Year : I
Website : msuniv.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Financial Administration In India Sample Question

Sub. Code : DPA 21
Second Year — Non-Semester
Public Administration (DD & CE) :

Related : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University DPA12 Administrative Thinkers MA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/7774.html

Model Questions

Public Financial Administration In India :
(For those who joined in July 2003 and afterwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 ? 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Define public finance and explain the scope of public financial administration.
2. Write a note on the estimates committee.
3. Explain revenue budget.
4. Explain the meaning of accounts.
5. What is the need for an independent audit?
6. How does the constitution divide the taxing powers between the centre and the states?
7. Write a note on programme advisors.
8. Evaluate the working of the public accounts committee.
PART B : (5 * 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. What are developments in the definition of public financial administration? Analyze.
10. Critically analyse the techniques of budgeting in booms and depression.
11. Write the role of the current financial ministry and explain the role of the finance minister critically.
12. Which phase of budgeting do you consider as very important? – Justify.
13. Write the role of the central and the state Governments with reference to the separation of audit from accounts.
14. Explain the constitution powers and functions of the finance commission.
15. Write in detail the various facets of the public accounts committee.
16. Examine the agencies involved in controlling the finance of the governments at the centre and the state.

APRIL 2015

Sub. Code : DPA 21
Second Year – Non-Semester
Public Administration – (DD & CE)
(For those who joined in July 2003 and afterwards )
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. Explain Tow–way Budget Organization.
2. Write the difference between balanced and unbalanced budget.
3. What are the non-votable items?
4. What are the two kinds of operations in the collection of revenue of funds?
5. What is the need for an independent audit?
6. What are the objectives and importance of Auditing?
7. What are the obligatory functions of the finance commission?
8. Write a note on the Public accounts Committee.
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Explain in detail the meaning of Budget and bring out the implications of Balanced and unbalanced budget.
10. What are the qualities of a good budget and bring out the techniques of budgeting for the Economic Development of the country?
11. Write the role of the Finance Department of the Financial Ministry in detail.
12. What would you suggest for the betterment of the recent plans in the phases of budget?
13. How importance is the comptroller and Auditor General with regards to the Finance Ministry – which place does he occupy in the hierarchy?
14. Whom does the comptroller and Auditor General of India?
15. Critically examine the recommendations of the Finance Commission to the President.
16. Critically analyze the Financial Administration in India.


Sub. Code : DPA 21
Second Year – Non-Semester
Public Administration (DD & CE)
(For those who joined in July 2003 and afterwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 * 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
1. What does a surplus budget imply?
2. Write precisely any one kind of budget.
3. The consolidated fund of India.
4. What is the role of audit?
5. What are the taxes levied and collected and retained by states?
6. Explain about the composition of planning commission.
7. Write an appraisal of the estimate committee.
8. Write a note on the parliamentary committee on public undertakings.
PART B : (5 ´ 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight :
9. Define public finance and explain the form and features of public financial administration.
10. What are the qualities of a good budget and bring out the techniques of budgeting for the economic development of the country?
11. What would you suggest for the settlement of the recent plans in the phases of budget?
12. All the plans framed in the budget are executed and implemented – Criticize.
13. Is accounts different from audit – Explain.
14. Critically examine the recommendations of the finance commission to the president.
15. Explain the functions of the three committees involved in the financial administration.
16. Critically analyse the financial administration in India.

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