NIELIT Question Paper : A Level Course Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Through Java

Name of the Institute : National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (nielit.gov.in)
Name of the Course : A Level Course
Subject Code/Name : A10.1R4/ Introduction To Object Oriented Programming Through Java
Document Type : Old Question Paper
Location : India
Website : nielit.gov.in

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NIELIT Object Oriented Programming Sample Paper



(Answer all the questions)
1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1×10)

Related : NIELIT Question Paper A Level Course Data Communication & Network Technologies : www.pdfquestion.in/7082.html

1.1 The method signature consists of
A) Method name and parameter list
B) Method name and return type
C) Method name, return type and parameter list
D) Method name and access modifier
1.2 The dynamic method binding is performed at
A) Runtime
B) Compile time
C) Memory allocation time
D) Class definition time
1.3 In the Java programming environment, which type of programming is required for running in browser.
A) Application pattern program
B) Servelet pattern program
C) Portlet pattern program
D) Applet pattern program
1.4 What is the main difference between Arraylist and Vector?
A) Arraylist is synchronous and Vector is asynchronous
B) Vector is synchronous and Arraylist is asynchronous
C) There is no difference between Arraylist and Vector
D) None of the above

1.5 In character stream I/O, a single read/write operation perform
A) One byte read/write at a time
B) Two byte read/write at a time
C) Three byte read/write at a time
D) Four byte read/write at a time
1.6 In Java programming environment, the throw keyword is used
A) to generate exception programmatically
B) to throw exception object
C) to catch exception object
D) none of the above
1.7 What is the basic difference between Statement interface and PreparedStatement interface?
A) Statement interface is used for static SQL, PreparedStatement interface is used for dynamic SQL
B) There is no difference between Statement interface and PreparedStatement interface.
C) Statement interface is used for dynamic SQL , PreparedStatement interface is used for Static SQL
D) None of the above
1.8 The anonymous inner class
A) has an expect class name
B) has no class name
C) has only methods
D) has no instance variables
1.9 In UML, a use case is made up of
A) a set of scenario
B) a set of steps; together that accomplish a specific goal of the use
C) a set of task, associated with a role
D) All of the above
1.10 On a use case diagram, associations are drawn between
A) actor and use cases to show that an actor carries out a use case
B) use case and clean diagram to show conversion of use case to class
C) use case and activity diagram to show conversation of use case to activity.
D) none of the above
2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1×10)
2.1 Multiple inheritance creates confusion in method overloading.
2.2 Access modifiers are used to implement data encapsulation.
2.3 By default all variables of Interfaces are static and final.
2.4 Object class is the top most super class of any java class.
2.5 AWT component are light weight and platform independent.
2.6 In JDBC, DriverManager class provides Connection object.
2.7 Runnable interface can be used to create a thread.
2.8 Java support stream based I/O. FileOutputStream and FileInputStream are the two abstract base class in Java I/O.
2.9 The Class Diagram describes the types of objects in the system and the static relationship between them.
2.10 An interaction diagram captures the behavior of a single case by showing the collaboration of the objects in the system to accomplish the interaction.


(Answer any FOUR questions)
5. a) What is an Interface? What is package? What is the relationship between classpath and package? What is access modifier? Discuss about the access modifier of Java with respect to package.
b) Give an example of an interface for adding two integers and concatenating two strings. Hence, write a program for getting an object of interface through implementation class. (8+7)
6. a) i) What is the difference between Error and Exception?
ii) What is checked exception and unchecked exception?
iii) Give the keywords given in Java for handling exception?
b) What is user defined Exception? Give an example for demonstrating user defined Exception. ([3+4+3]+5)

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