MYNT5 Principles of Yogic Therapy & Patanjali Yoga Sutras MSc Question Bank : msuniv.ac.in

Name of the University : Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Department : Yoga and Naturopathy
Degree : M.Sc
Subject Code/Name : MYNT7/Principles Of Yogic Therapy And Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Year : II
Website : msuniv.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Principles Of Yogic Therapy And Patanjali Yoga Sutras :

Code No. : 8230
Sub. Code : MYNT 7
M.Sc. Degree Examination, November 2013. :
Second Year – Non – Semester
Yoga and Naturopathy — (DD & CE)

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msuniv.ac.in Yoga Question Bank

(For those who joined in July 2008 – 2009 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight. :
1. Define yoga according to Patanjali.
2. Explain the principles of yama.
3. How many koshas are there? Name the koshas and explain.
4. Describe patient education in yoga therapy.
5. How yoga helps to release the stress?
6. Explain the symptoms of Hypertension.
7. Name the peoples who are more prone to back pain.
8. What are Thri Doshas? How can we balance it?
PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight. :
9. What is the first limb of Ashtanga yoga? Explain briefly.
10. What is Chakra Dhyana? How many chakras are there and explain.
11. Explain the process of Digestion.
12. The yogic concept of human body is classified into three. What are they? Explain in detail.
13. Explain the symptoms and causes of Hypertension what are the therapeutic measure to cure it?
14. What is meant by obesity? Explain its effect in body, its causes, clinical features and what are the yogasanas which completely eradicate obesity.
15. What are the Asana, Pranayama and Kriyas to cure obesity and prepare a diet chart to control obesity?
16. Explain Pranamaya Kosha and Annamaya Kosha.

Second Year — Non-Semester
Yoga and Naturopathy (DD and CE)
(For those who joined in July 2008-09 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 * 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of eight.
1. What is Dhayana? Explain.
2. What is Andhar Dhyana? Name the different types of Dhyana.
3. What is Bramacharya? Explain.
4. What are Tamasik foods? Explain.
5. Explain cervical spondylosis and its causes.
6. How indigestion problem arises? How can we improve digestion power through yoga practices?
7. What are Saptadhathus?
8. What are Thri Doshna? How can we balance it?
PART B : (5 * 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of eight. :
9. Describe Patanjali Yoga sutras.
10. What is Chakra Dhyana? How many charkas are there and explain.
11. Explain the need for correct diagnosis in yoga therapy and how to obtain patient’s confidence.
12. What are five elements? Explain in detail about their action in our body.
13. Describe short term physical symptoms and long term physical symptoms of stress.
14. Define cervical spondylosis. Explain its causes, clinical features and how will you cure thought yoga.
15. What are the Asana, Pranayama and Kriyas to cure obesity and prepare a diet chart to control obesity?
16. Maharishi Patanjali explained yoga as “Chitta Vritti Nirodhah” – Explain.

Research Methods In Yoga :
(For those who joined in July 2008 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
PART A : (5 × 5 = 25 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight. :
1. Define Research.
2. Explain research activities in Yoga.
3. What are the difference between educational research and experimental research?
4. Whether the research should be very interested in concerned area of research? Explain.
5. What are the sources of research literature?
6. Explain three types of hypothesis.
7. Define yoga and explain the types of yoga.
8. Explain the characteristics of a goods research.

PART B : (5 × 15 = 75 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions out of Eight. :
9. Describe the introduction and meaning of research.
10. What is hypothesis? Explain characteristics of a hypothesis.
11. Explain the medial benefits of yogasanas.
12. What are importance of yoga in rehabilitation??
13. To become professional in research methodology research may mean a source of livehood – Explain.
14. Explain various areas of research.
15. Explain the importance of yoga therapy in psychological management.
16. Explain the difference between yoga and other sports exercises.

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