Process Photography B.E Question Paper : jaduniv.edu.in

Name of the University : Jadavpur University
Department : Printing Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Code/Name : Process Photography
Sem : I
Website : jaduniv.edu.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dspace.jdvu.ac.in/5425-PROCESS%20PHOTOGRAPHY_%20Seme1-%20Old%20Syllabus_2006.pdf

Process Photography Question Paper

( 1st Semester, Old Syllabus )
Time : Three hours

Related : Jadavpur University Cost Estimation B.E Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5424.html

Full Marks : 100
Answer any five questions :
1. a) What should be the quality of a process lens ? 5
b) What is lens flare ? How is it eliminated ? 2+3
c) Why do the exponire times vary at different magnifications of the image ? 5

d) You are provided with two lenses of 150 mm and 210 mm. Focal length along with a process camera having a maximum bellow extension of 500 mm. Which lens would you use for 1.5 times enlargement ? 5

2. a) What are the baric ingredients of a Lith developing solution ? How these ingredients contribute to the effective working of the solution ? 3+5
b) What do the different parts of a characteristic curve of a film emulsion represent ? Discuss in details. 7
c) Why Fixing is necessary in film processing ? Explain briefly. 5

3. a) What are the basic requirements of a light source for process camera ? 3
b) What is colour temperature ? 2
c) Describe the different light sources used in process photography? 15

4. a) What is optical density ? Describe the basic principle of a densitomerter with supporting diagram. 2+5
b) How optical density of a negative image can be enhanced? 5

c) What sorts of special exposures are required in halftone preparation and why ? 1+2
d) Describe the penumbral theory of halftone photography. 5

5. a) Why halftones are at all required in reproduction processes ? 5
b) Why Moire’ pattern is caused and how it can be eliminated? 4+4
c) How is the Black printer negative prepared ? 7

6. a) What will happen if
i) Lith emulsion is used for continuous tone work ? 3
ii) An orthochromatic emulsion is used for colour separation photography ? 3

b) “Contact screen is simpler and more versatile compared to Glass Cross-line screen”. Explain the statement. 8

c) What are the screen angles normally used for each colour in 4-colour printing ? 2
d) Reason why separate screen angles are used instead of the same angle for screen colour separation images ? 4

7. a) “Indirect method of colour separation films are qualitatively better than direct method of colour separation films.” – Justify it with description of these methods along with flowchart. 10
b) Why colour correction is needed in colour reproduction methods ? Describe any one colour correction technique. 5+5

8. Write short notes on any four : 4×5=20
a) Filter factor
b) Relief printing process
c) Screen printing process
d) Planographic printing process
e) Gravire printing process

Comparative Printing Theories :
1. Answer any five : 5×6=30
a) Why ink-makers supply much higher viscosity inks than that used in flexographic and gravure printing press ?
b) Which type of viscometer is convenient to ink manufacturer’s requirement and why ?

c) Mention the characteristics of dilatant substances with its rheological equation.
d) What kind of rheological material would ink having a high proportion of pigment be ? State its rheological equation and rheogram.

e) Mention the rheological characteristics of thixotropic substances. What do you mean by ‘false-bodied material’ ?
f) Differentiate between capillary viscometer and rotational viscometer.
g) Deduce the rheological equation for a viscoelastic substance.

2. a) State the principle of co-axial cylindrical viscometer. Deduce the basic functional relationship of it and also mention its various limitations.
b) State the principle of cone and plate type viscometer with neat sketch. How can you determine the flow curve using this principle ? 10+10

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