rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in : Senior Secondary Philosophy Question Paper Board of Education

Name of the Board : Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan
Name of the Exam : Senior Secondary Philosophy
Document type :Sample Question paper
Website : rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in

Download Model/Sample Question Papers :
2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/%20rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/5392-SS-29-1-Psycho.-I-10.pdf
2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/%20rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/5392-SS-28-1%20Philos.pdf

Philosophy Sample Paper :

No. of Questions — 1 + 4 SS—28–1—Philos. I
No. of Printed Pages — 3
First Paper

1. Candidate must write first his / her Roll No. on the question
2. If there is any error / difference / contradiction in Hindi and

Related : Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Home Science Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5391.html

3. English versions of the question paper, the question of Hindi version should be treated valid.
4. Both the Sections of the question paper are compulsory. There are internal choices in all the questions of Section B.

5. Write the answer to each question in the given answer-book only.

Answer The Questions :
1. How does law of Karma, counter the charge that Indian Philosophy is pessimist –
Explain in detail the twelve links or Bhava-Chakra of Buddhism. 10
2. According to Jain Philosophy, Describe the chief characteristic features of Jiva.
Describe the nature of Prakriti and proofs for its existence. 10

3. Yoga means deliverance from the various Chittavrittis. Explain.
Throw light on the nature and various kinds of inference. 10

4. Write a brief essay on epistemology of Nyaya Philosophy.
How does law of Karma, counter the charge that Indian Philosophy is pessimist –

5. Explain in detail the twelve links or Bhava-Chakra of Buddhism. 10
According to Jain Philosophy, Describe the chief characteristic features of Jiva.

6. Describe the nature of Prakriti and proofs for its existence. 10
Yoga means deliverance from the various Chittavrittis. Explain.

7. Throw light on the nature and various kinds of inference. 10
Write a brief essay on epistemology of Nyaya Philosophy.

8. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5 8 4 = 20
(i) Law of Karma(ii) Individual soul/Jivatma
(iii) Asampragyata Samadhi(iv) Nirvana(v) Bondage
(vi) Nishkama Karma(vii) Purusa(viii) Kinds of inference(ix) Extra-ordinary perception i

9. Write an essay on the three Yogas of Geeta – Karma, Gyan, Bhakti.
How does law of Karma, counter the charge that Indian Philosophy is pessimist –

10. Explain in detail the twelve links or Bhava-Chakra of Buddhism. 10
According to Jain Philosophy, Describe the chief characteristic features of Jiva.

11. Describe the nature of Prakriti and proofs for its existence. 10
Yoga means deliverance from the various Chittavrittis. Explain.

12. Throw light on the nature and various kinds of inference. 10
Write a brief essay on epistemology of Nyaya Philosophy.

Philosophy — First Paper 2011 :
1. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5 × 4 = 20
(i) Astika and Nastika (orthodox and heterodox)
(ii) Prakriti
(iii) Brahma
(iv) Noble Truth in Buddhist Philosophy
(v) Triratna
(vi) Astanga Yoga
(vii) Anumana in Nyaya
(viii) Evolution in Samkhya
(ix) Various stages of Jivatma
(x) Upamana in Nyaya.

Section – B :
Instruction : All questions are compulsory.
1. Explain the concept of ‘Sthita-prajna’, according to Gita.
Write an essay on the classification of Indian Philosophical schools. 10

2. Describe ‘Pratitya-Samutpad’ in Buddhism.
Explain the notion of ‘Kaivalya’ in Jainism. 10
3. Give a brief description of Metaphysics of Samkhya.
Explain the stages of Samadhi in Yoga. 10

4. Throw light on nature and types of ‘Pratyaksha’ in Nyaya.
Write a short essay on the importance of Epistemology of Nyaya. 10

Philos. II :
1. What is the main problem of Ethics ? How can it ( Ethics ) be defined ? 12
2. Explain the social contract theory between individual and society. 12
3. Write an explanatory note on Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of ‘Trusteeship’. 12
4. What is Socialism ? What is the difference between Socialism and Communism ? 12
5. Explain the significance and importance of Ashrama system in Indian culture. 12

Write short notes on any five of the following : 5 * 4 = 20
(i) Law of Karma
(ii) Individual soul/Jivatma
(iii) Asampragyata Samadhi
(iv) Nirvana
(v) Bondage
(vi) Nishkama Karma
(vii) Purusa
(viii) Kinds of inference
(ix) Extra-ordinary perception in Nyaya
(x) Pudgala/matter.

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