nios.ac.in : Secondary English Sample Question paper National Institute of Open Schooling

Name of the School : National Institute of Open Schooling
Name of the Exam : Secondary English
Document type : Model Question paper
Website : nios.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Papers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/nios.ac.in/5321-Sample%20question%20paper.pdf

NIOS English Sample Question paper

Subject : English (202)
Secondary Course

Related : National Institute of Open Schooling Secondary Science Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/5322.html

This question paper consists of 18- questions and 10 printed pages

General Instructions

1. Write your Roll Number on the first page of the question paper.

2. Please check the question paper to verify that the total pages and total number of questions contained in the question paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page. Also check that the questions are in sequential order.

3. Making any identification mark in the answer book or writing the roll number anywhere other than the specified places may lead you to disqualification.
4. Write your question paper Code No. on the answer book.
5. All answers must be written in the answer book provided to you.

6. In case of multiple choice questions , write only the correct answer from the choices given and indicate it in your answer book by writing (A), (B), (C), or (D) as the case may be. DO NOTwrite the statement or the word chosen by you.

7. In case of questions where you are required to fill in the blanks , the correct answer should be written in the answer book.

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks: 100
The question paper consists of four sections :
Section A : Reading 15 marks
Section B : Writing 25 marks
Section C : Grammar 30 marks
Section D : Literature: 30 marks
Note : All questions are compulsory except where an internal choice is given.


Q.I Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : (8 marks)
In a city ,never mind what it was called, there lived a small girl of about five. The little girl had a mother and no one else. They lived together, the two of them , not well, not badly, but life of some hardship.

The mother was a *charwoman—the income was meagre, every *kopek had to be saved.. But, the girl was fed, dressed and had shoes on her feet. And, the mother brought a lot of different goodies from the hospital—sometime candy, sometimes apples.

The patients often gave her treats, especially when they were being discharged. They were too happy to bother about carrying things back and so gave them away to the little girl’s mother.

They even gave away oranges. But patients who had oranges to give away were few and far between. Perhaps they went to other hospitals ,or, perhaps they were discharged less frequently.

Anyhow this has nothing to do with oranges…
“We’ll still live.”the mother joked.
“We’ll still live,” the girl agreed.

Frankly speaking , the girl badly needed a wonderful blue ball, which she and her mother had seen in a toy shop. She felt she simply must acquire it for a truly happy life.

If you remember what it was like when you were five, you will understand what the girl felt when the blue ball finally turned up in the girl’s hands.

When the ball bounced, the little girl bounced and even mother gave a little bounce. Because happiness makes everyone bounce a bit.

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions. Choose the best option wherever given.
1.1 The passage highlights : (1 mark)
A. the hardships of a widow
B.the sacrifices of a mother
C. the concern of a mother for her child
D. the gratitude of the patients in the hospital

1.2.When the author says, “ If you remember what it was like when you were five,” he means that a five year old child : ( 1mark)
A. feels happy with small gifts.
B.feels protected with her mother.

iii C. does not understand the problems of life.
D. does not know what he/she wants.
1.3. Pick out words from the passage which mean the opposite of : (2 marks)
A. plentiful
B. admitted

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