IC010803 Instrumentation & Control in Petro Chemical Industries B.Tech Model Question Paper : mgu.ac.in

Name of the College : Mahatma gandhi University
Department : Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Sem : VIII
Website : mgu.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mgu.ac.in/4986-IC010%20803-PETRO%20CHEMICAL%20INDUSTRIES%20_1_.pdf

Instrumentation & Control in Petro Chemical Industries :

Eighth Semester
Instrumentation And Control Engineering

Related : MGU IC010801 Instrumentation System Design B.Tech Model Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4985.html

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer all questions :
Each question carries 3 marks :
1.Explain about different physical & chemical characteristics of crude oil.
2.What are the different variables controls in chemical reactors, How many degrees of freedoms are there?
3.What are the main differences between batch dryers & continuous reactors.
4.What is meant by surge control in pumps?
5.explain about steam enthalpy in evaporators. (3*5=25marks)
Answer all questions :
Each question carries 5marks :
1.Explain about different remote sensing techniques in petroleum exploration.
2.which are the main PH control methods in a chemical reactors
3.Differentiate liquid to liquid heat exchangers, steam heaters, condensers.
4.Explain different throttling controls in centrifugal &rotary pumps.
5 .explain different methods for measurement & control of absolute pressure &conductivity in evaporators. (5*5=25marks)
Answer all questions :
Each question carries 12 marks :
Module 1 :
1.Which are the different depositional systems of petroleum, what are the factors governing hydrocarbon potential.
2.Explain about different basins exploration techniques in petroleum industries.

Module 2 :
1.Explain about reflex & reboiler controls in reactors.
2.Explain se of chromatography in reactors

Module 3 :
1.Give detail explanation of any two batch dryers ,continuous dryers.
2.Give an idea about cascade control & feed forward control in dryers

Module 4 :
1.What are the main controls in reciprocator pumps?
2.What are the different methods for effluent & water treatment.

Module 5 :
1.Explain steady-state model in evaporators.
2.What are the different methods of product density measurement,& its uses. (12*5=60marks)

B Tech Degree Examination :
Eigth Semester :
Instrumentation In Process Industries :
Time : 3 Hrs
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer all questions
Each question carries 3 marks
1) Explain the principle of commonly used unit operations.
2) What are various analyzers in the food industry?
3) Explain the measurement hardware in the iron and steel industries.
4) Write a note on the control rods in nuclear industry
5) List the valves used in pharmaceutical industry (5 × 3 = 15 marks)

Each Question carries 5 marks
6) Explain about heat exchanger with a neat diagram
7) What are the computer applications in food industry?
8) Explain the typical control system in iron and steel industry

9) Write a note on the controllers and displays in the paper industry
10) Explain the measurement hardware in the pharmaceutical industry. (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Each question carries 12 marks
11) Explain with a neat sketch the distillation tower OR
12) Explain with a neat sketch a typical steam boiler used in process industries (12 marks.)

13) Explain in detail the measurement hardware in food industry (12 marks.) OR
14)Write a short note on the following topics with reference to food industry
a) Controllers and displays
b) Valves and feeders 12 marks.

15) Describe the overall process in iron and steel industry 12 marks. OR
16) Write a short note on the following topics with reference to iron and steel industry
a) Analyzers
b) Valves

17) Compare and contrast between analyzers in paper industry and nuclear industry 12 marks OR
18) Explain in detail the measurement hardware in nuclear industry

19) Explain a typical control system in pharmaceutical industry 12 marks. OR
20)Write a short note on the following topics with reference to pharmaceutical industry
a) Analyzers
b) Controllers and displays.

Electrical System Design Question Paper :
Each question carries 3 marks :
1. List the advantages of having large number of poles in a DC machine
2. Explain short term and intermittent rating of transformer
3. Compare water wheel and turbo alternator

4. Explain how you will determine the input current of different types of motors, stating example?
5. What are the general requirements of earthing?

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