RR310301 Production Technology B.Tech Question Paper : sphoorthyengg.com

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
Website : sphoorthyengg.com
Document Type : Model Question Paper

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sphoorthyengg.com/4750-RR310301%20-%20PRODUCTION%20TECHNOLOGY.pdf

Sphoorthy Production Technology Question Paper

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : Sphoorthy Machine Tools B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4822.html

Model Question

Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :

Set – I

1.a) List out different types of patterns.
b) What are the basic requirements of the moulding sand in order to achieve a fine finished casting? [8+8]
2. Briefly describe the Cupola furnace. Describe the other operations and zones related to the melting of metals in Cupola furnace. [16]
3. What is the purpose of gate in foundry? How the gates are classified. Illustrate with the help of diagrams? [16]

4.a) What are the different types of welded joints?
b) Classify the welding process and describe the characteristics of groove and fillet weld. [7+8]
5. How resistance welding is performed? Describe various resistance welding processes in detail. [16]
6.a) What are the various welding defects? Explain its causes and remedies.
b) List out the differences between TIG Welding and MIG welding with the help of diagrams and its applications. [7+8]
7.a) List the differences between hot working and cold working?
b) Describe the different stages of recovery, recrystalization and grain growth. [7+8]
8.a) Classify and explain all the estuation processes and sub-processes.
b) How the forging defect can be minimized? [7+8]

Set – II

RRCode No: RR310301 SET-2
1. What is the purpose of gate in foundry? How the gates are classified. Illustrate with the help of diagrams? [16]
2.a) What are the different types of welded joints?
b) Classify the welding process and describe the characteristics of groove and fillet weld. [7+8]
3. How resistance welding is performed? Describe various resistance welding processes in detail. [16]
4.a) What are the various welding defects? Explain its causes and remedies.
b) List out the differences between TIG Welding and MIG welding with the help of diagrams and its applications. [7+8]
5.a) List the differences between hot working and cold working?
b) Describe the different stages of recovery, recrystalization and grain growth. [7+8]
6.a) Classify and explain all the estuation processes and sub-processes.
b) How the forging defect can be minimized? [7+8]
7.a) List out different types of patterns.
b) What are the basic requirements of the moulding sand in order to achieve a fine finished casting? [8+8]
8. Briefly describe the Cupola furnace. Describe the other operations and zones related to the melting of metals in Cupola furnace. [16]

Set – III

Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. How resistance welding is performed? Describe various resistance welding processes in detail. [16]

2.a) What are the various welding defects? Explain its causes and remedies.
b) List out the differences between TIG Welding and MIG welding with the help of diagrams and its applications. [7+8]

3.a) List the differences between hot working and cold working?
b) Describe the different stages of recovery, recrystalization and grain growth. [7+8]

4.a) Classify and explain all the estuation processes and sub-processes.
b) How the forging defect can be minimized? [7+8]

5.a) List out different types of patterns.
b) What are the basic requirements of the moulding sand in order to achieve a fine finished casting? [8+8]

6. Briefly describe the Cupola furnace. Describe the other operations and zones related to the melting of metals in Cupola furnace. [16]
7. What is the purpose of gate in foundry? How the gates are classified. Illustrate with the help of diagrams? [16]

8.a) What are the different types of welded joints?
b) Classify the welding process and describe the characteristics of groove and fillet weld. [7+8]

Set – IV

Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) List the differences between hot working and cold working?
b) Describe the different stages of recovery, recrystalization and grain growth. [7+8]

2.a) Classify and explain all the estuation processes and sub-processes.
b) How the forging defect can be minimized? [7+8]

3.a) List out different types of patterns.
b) What are the basic requirements of the moulding sand in order to achieve a fine finished casting? [8+8]

4. Briefly describe the Cupola furnace. Describe the other operations and zones related to the melting of metals in Cupola furnace. [16]
5. What is the purpose of gate in foundry? How the gates are classified. Illustrate with the help of diagrams? [16]

6.a) What are the different types of welded joints?
b) Classify the welding process and describe the characteristics of groove and fillet weld. [7+8]
7. How resistance welding is performed? Describe various resistance welding processes in detail. [16]

8.a) What are the various welding defects? Explain its causes and remedies.
b) List out the differences between TIG Welding and MIG welding with the help of diagrams and its applications. [7+8]

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