Community Health Nursing And Hygiene Diploma In Nurisng Aide Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : Diploma In Nurisng Aide Course
Subject Code/Name : 1804/Community Health Nursing And Hygiene
Year : I
Paper : IV
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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2012-2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/web.tnmgrmu.ac.in/Diplomo/3924-84181804KZ.pdf

Community Health Nursing & Hygiene Diploma In Nurisng Aide :

August 2011 :
[KZ 0811] Sub. Code: 1804

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Q.P. Code: 841804
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions. :
I. Elaborate on : (3 x 10 = 30)
1. (a) Define Primary health care (2)
(b) Write the principles of primary health care (3)
(c) Describe the nurse’s role in primary health care (5)
2. Explain in detail about family health nursing care process (10)
3. (a)Write the purposes of home visit (2)
(b) Describe the principles of home visit (3)
(c) Mention the bag technique steps (5)
II. Write notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Dimensions of health
2. Qualities of a community health nurse
3. Community assessment
4. Characteristics of mentally healthy person
5. Levels of prevention of disease
6. Family health records
7. Type of clinics and their functions
8. Uses of records
9. Menstrual hygiene
10. Disinfection
III Short Answer on : (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Define Community health nursing
2. Mention the levels of health care
3. Write the importance of Community health nursing process
4. Enlist the aims of epidemiology
5. Write four Concepts of health
6. Mention four methods of control of infectious disease
7. State any four determinants of health
8. List the four minor ailments
9. Mention the type of reports
10. Write the four purposes of clinic

[LA 0212] Sub. Code: 1804
I. Elaborate on : (3 X 10=30)
1. Explain in detail about community health nursing process (10)
2. a) Define epidemiology (2)
b) Mention the aims of epidemiology (3)
c) Describe the uses of epidemiology (5)
3. a) Write the classification of minor ailments (2)
b) Explain in detail about early detection and management of minor ailments (8)
II. Write notes on : (10X 5 = 50)
1. Concepts of health
2. Principles of Primary health care
3. Goals of Community health nursing practice
4. Identification of deviation from normal health
5. Disease cycle
6. Family health records
7. Principles of home visit
8. Referral systems
9. Cumulative records
10. Immunization schedule
III. Short Answers on : (10X 2 = 20)
1. Define community health
2. Mention the two differences between institutional and community health
3. List the four qualities of community health nurse
4. Write the types of prevention of disease
5. Define immunity
6. Define family health nursing care
7. Mention the four types of exercise pattern
8. Write the uses of records
9. Mention the levels of health care
10. Enlist the responsibilities of community health nurse in mental health

Februray 2012 :
1. a) List down the objectives of Family Welfare Programme. 7 20 10
b) Explain about Temporary methods of Family Planning.
2. a) Define Epidemiology. 7 20 10
b) Levels of Prevention of diseases.
3. Role and function of Community Health Nurse in
Family Health Service. 7 20 10
II. Write Notes on:
1. Explain about health Determinant. 4 9 5
2. Disease cycle. 4 9 5
3. Immunization Schedule. 4 9 5
4. Different types of Disinfection. 4 9 5
5. Principles of Home Visit. 4 9 5
6. List down the objectives of Antenatal care. 4 9 5
7. Principles of Recording and Reporting. 4 9 5
8. Care of Skin. 4 9 5
9. Mental hygiene in infancy period. 4 9 5
10.Malnutrition. 4 9 5
III. Short Answers on:
1. Define Community Health. 1 3 2
2. Define Personal Hygiene. 1 3 2
3. Define referral system. 1 3 2
4. Define Community Health Nursing Process. 1 3 2
5. List down the four uses of Records. 1 3 2
6. List down 4 uses of Epidemiology. 1 3 2
7. Infant Mortality Rate. 1 3 2
8. List down 4 functions of Community Health Nurse. 1 3 2
9. Define Disinfection. 1 3 2
10.Define Primary Health care. 1 3 2

I. Elaborate on: (3X10=30)
1. Explain the elements and principles of Primary Health Care.
2. Discuss the steps of Community Health Nursing Process.
3. a) List down the uses of Epidemiology
b) Explain about Epidemiological Triad
II. Write Notes on: (10X5=50)
1. Dimension of Health.
2. Explain the disease transmission.
3. Principles of home visit.
4. Uses of Records.
5. Explain about Vitamin – A deficiency problem.
6. Management of minor ailments.
7. Role of community health nurse.
8. Referral system.
9. Explain about importance of Exercise.
10. Menstrual hygiene.
III. Short Answers on: (10X2=20)
1. Define Community Health Nursing.
2. Define Epidemiology.
3. List down four characteristics of mentally healthy person.
4. List down four qualities of community health nurse.
5. Define primary Health care.
6. Define disinfection.
7. List down the four methods of temporary family planning.
8. Define Records.
9. Maternal Mortality rate.
10. List down 4 indicators of health.

Categories: Medical
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