Dental Anatomy, Embryology And Oral Histology BDS Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 4170/Dental Anatomy, Embryology And Oral Histology
Year : I
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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2009-2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/web.tnmgrmu.ac.in/Dental/3538-544170KU.pdf

TN MGRMU Dental Anatomy, Embryology Question Paper

August – 2009 :
Sub. Code: 4170
(Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2008-09 onwards)

Related / Similar Question Bank :
TNMGRMU BDS General Human Physiology Question Bank

Q.P. Code: 544170
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 70 Marks
I. Essays: 2 x 15 = 30 Marks
1. Classify oral mucus membrane. Write in detail about histology of gingiva.
2. Write an essay about tooth development. Add a note on histological and morphological differentiation of odonto genesis.
II. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON: 6 X 5 = 30 Marks
1. Histology of osteoclasts.
2. Reparative dentin.
3. Spill way spaces.
4. Compensatory curves.
5. Enumerate theories of eruption and write in detail about periodontal ligament traction theory.
6. Difference between deciduous and permanent teeth.
1. Active and passive eruption.
2. Haematoxilin and eosin stains.
3. Branches of mandibular nerve.
4. Von-ebner gland.
5. Tome’s process.

August 2010

Answer ALL Questions :
I. Essays: 2 x 15 = 30 Marks
1. Describe the bell stage of tooth development with the help of diagrams and add a note on root development.
2. Define and classify oral mucosa. Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of gingiva.
II. Short notes on: 6 x 5 = 30 Marks
1. Age changes in dentin.
2. Ligament traction theory.
3. Duetal system of major salivary glands.
4. Differences between maxillary 1st premolar and mandibular 1st premolar tooth.
5. Epithelial mesenchymal interaction in tooth development.
6. Dentogingival junction.
III. Short answer questions: 5 x 2 = 10 Marks
1. pH of saliva.
2. Epithelial attachment.
3. Fibroblasts.
4. Structure of a taste bud.
5. Key of occlusion.

February 2011

Answer ALL questions. :
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Classify salivary glands. Discuss in detail about the histology of major salivary glands with suitable diagrams.
2. Discuss in detail about the chronology and morphology of permanent mandibular right first molar.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Life cycle of Ameloblast.
2. Muscles of Mastication.
3. Theones of tooth eruption.
4. Specialized mucosa.
5. Types of dentin.
6. Composition of raliva.
III. Short Answers questions: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Osteoclasts.
2. Enamel tufts.
3. Stellate Reticulum.
4. Penodontal ligament fibres.
5. Cementocytes.

August 2011

Answer ALL questions :
I. Essay Questions: (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Write in detail about the structure of dentin. Add a note on age changes of dentin.
2. Classify cementum. Write about cementogenesis and the functions of cementum.
II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Serous cell.
2. Occlusal morphology of mandibular second premolar.
3. Deglutition.
4. Zones of pulp.
5. Enamel lamellae.
6. Chronology of permanent dentition.
7. Basal lamina.
8. Fixation.
9. Bell stage of tooth development.
10. Incremental lines.

February 2012

I. Elaborate on : (2X10=20)
1. Define eruption. Explain the theories of eruption. Mention the eruption time period for all the permanent teeth.
2. Describe the morphology of permanent maxillary first molar. Write the differences between deciduous and permanent maxillary molar.

II. Write notes on : (10×5=50)
1. Pain transmission in dentin
2. Ridges
3. Hypo mineralized areas in enamel
4. Development of palate
5. Epithelial cell rests
6. Fibres of periodontal ligament
7. Spillway space
8. Non keratinocytes
9. Myoepithelial cell
10. Alveolar bone proper

August 2012

I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
1. Classify oral mucous membrane. Discuss in detail about specialized mucosa.
2. Describe the differences between deciduous and permanent dentition. Describe the occlusal morphology of permanent right maxillary first molar.
II. Write notes on :
1. Calcium metabolism.
2. Ground section.
3. Development of palate.
4. Functions of the periodontal ligament.
5. Theories of eruption.
6. Minor salivary glands.
7. Enamel lamellae.
8. Types of dentin.
9. Pulp stones.
10. Chronology of permanent teeth.
11. Histology of cementum.
12. Cap stage.

February 2013

I. Elaborate on : (2×10=20)
1. Classify oral mucous membrane. Write in detail about histology of gingival.
2. Write an essay on morphology of mandibular 1st molar tooth.
II. Write notes on : (10×5=50)
1. Types of dentin.
2. Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.
3. Myoepithelial cells.
4. Theories of dentinal sensitivity.
5. Fixation & dehydration in tissue processing.
6. Tome’s process.
7. Endochondral ossification.
8. Functions of periodontal ligament.
9. Mechanism of shedding.
10. Zone of pulp

August 2013

I. Elaborate on : (2×10=20)
1. Explain the various stages in development of tooth in detail with suitable diagrams.
2. Classify Salivary glands. Explain in detail serous salivary gland.
II. Write notes on : (10×5=50)
1. Enamel lamellae and tufts.
2. Theories of tooth eruption.
3. Neonatal lines
4. Histology of Pulp
5. Define the following – Centric occlusion and Centric relation.
6. Types of Cementum
7. Occlusal surface of Mandibular II Premolar.
8. Epithelial Attachment
9. Non-Keratinocytes
10. Functions of Periodontal ligament.

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