Unified Council UIMO International Mathematics Olympiad Sample Question Paper : unifiedcouncil.com

Organisation : Unified Council
Exam : UIMO Unified International Mathematics Olympiad
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
UIMO Exam Date : 28-01-2020
Category or Subject : Class I – XII
Website : https://www.unifiedcouncil.com/sample-questions-uimo.html

Unified Council UIMO Sample Questions

Download the sample question paper of Unified International Mathematics Olympiad UIMO from the official website of Unified Council.

Related : UIEO Unified International English Olympiad Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/9340.html

Class 1

01. Which option gives the least answer, when the smallest number is subtracted from the greatest number ?
02. If today is Friday and the date is 7th, which option is 3rd Friday in that month ?
(A) 20th
(B) 22nd
(C) 21st
(D) 28th

03. A rabbit has 4 legs. A duck has 2 legs. How many legs do 3 rabbits and 8 ducks have altogether ?
(A) 17
(B) 28
(C) 32
(D) 38

04. Study the figure. How many fewer squares than triangles are there in the figure ?
(A) 1
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 15

Reasoning :
01. Which one does not belong the group ?
02. Which object is different ?
03. Choose the other half of the face of the monster given below.
04. Find the match to form a pair

Key & Solution :
Mathematics :
01. (C)
From the options, we need to subtract least number from the greatest number.
Option A : Greatest number – Smallest number
= 40 – 18 = 22
Option B : 39 – 9 = 30
Option C : 30 – 10 = 20
Option D : 40 – 16 = 24
Option ‘C’ is the least number.

02. (C)
The date on Friday is 7th
The date on Friday two weeks from now = ?
1 week – 7 days
Third week of Friday is – ?
2nd week Friday – 14th
3rd week Friday – 21st

03. (B)
Number of legs rabbit have = 4
Number of legs duck have = 2
1 rabbit = 4 legs
3 rabbits = 3 × 4 legs = 12 legs
1 duck = 2 legs
8 ducks = 8 × 2 legs = 16 legs
Total = 12 legs + 16 legs
= 28 legs

04. (B)
Amount with Anmol = 30
The two items he can buy are book and a pencil.
Cost of a book = 20
Cost of a pencil = 10
Total cost = 30

05. (A)
Number of triangles = 8
Number of squares = 7
8 – 7 = 1 square is fewe

Class 2

Mathematics :
01. A yellow ribbon is 25 cm longer than a red ribbon. If the yellow ribbon is 77 cm long, find the total length of the two ribbons.
(A) 129 cm
(B) 120 cm
(C) 130 cm
(D) 121 cm

02. From the given image the mass of the pineapple is
(A) 1kg
(B) 3kg
(C) 2kg
(D) 4kg

03. David went to the shopping mall at 3.30 p.m. He spent an hour there. What time did he leave the shopping mall ?
(A) 4:30 am
(B) 4:00 am
(C) 4:00 pm
(D) 4:30 pm

04. 2 ladybugs have 12 legs. How many pairs of legs do 5 ladybugs have ?
(A) 30
(B) 3
(C) 15
(D) 18

05. Mr. Krishna has 5 ten-rupee notes. He wants to buy some items shown in the box. Which two items should he buy if he wants to spend as much money as possible ?
(A) R, P
(B) R, Q
(C) S, R
(D) P, S

Reasoning :
01. Choose the correct option to complete the second pair in the same way as the first pair.
02. Which letter comes next ?
03. Which number replaces the question mark ?
(A) 16
(B) 18
(C) 4
(D) 8

04. Which option is exactly the same as the one given ?
05. Find the missing number in the middle figure.
(A) 15
(B) 30
(C) 35
(D) 25

Class 3

01. If today is Thursday, what day was it day before yesterday ?
(A) Tuesday
(B) Friday
(C) Monday
(D) Sunday

02. A truck, which is 20 m long, takes 22 s to travel across a bridge that is 420 m long. Find the speed of the truck.
(A) 10 m\s
(B) 15 m\s
(C) 30 m\s
(D) 20 m\s

03. How many squares are there altogether in the figure below ?
(A) 24
(B) 26
(C) 23
(D) 25

04. 3 mugs and 4 bottles have a total capacity of 1500 ml. 1 mug and 1 bottle have a capacity of 425 ml. What is the capacity of 1 bottle ?
(A) 225 ml
(B) 220 ml
(C) 200 ml
(D) 252 ml

05. The table shows the number of different notes and coins. The total amount is 8040. What is the number of 50 paise coins ?
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 20
(D) 25

Reasoning :
01. If 678 means PIT, what does 876 mean ?

02. Which of these shapes is similar to the group of shapes given in the oval ?
03. Which letter appears in MATHEMATICS, but not in MECHANICS ?
(A) E
(B) T
(C) N
(D) C

04. Identify the missing number
(A) 70
(B) 56
(C) 67
(D) 50

05. Which of the following jigsaw piece fits the missing part (the unshaded part) ?

Critical Thinking :
01. How many objects are there in the given picture ?
(A) 10
(B) 11
(C) 9
(D) 12

02. 5 matchsticks are placed at an equal distance away from each other. How many intervals are there ?
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 6

03. Which of the following will form a knot when pulled ?

04. ‘A’ is taller than ‘B’. ‘B’ is taller than ‘C’. Then who is shortest ?
(A) B
(B) C
(C) A
(D) A and B

05. In a group of hens and dogs, there are total of 60 legs. 10 dogs are present in that group. Then how many hens are there ?
(A) 20
(B) 15
(C) 10
(D) 5

Class 4

01. The figure below is a square. What fraction of the square is shaded ?
(A) 1/4
(B) 1/2
(C) 3/4
(D) 1/6

02. The area of a rectangle is 91 m2. If its breadth is 7 m, find its perimeter.
(A) 30 m
(B) 50 m
(C) 40 m
(D) 45 m

03. The time 15 min past 15:30 is the same as _____ min before 16:10.
(A) 20 min
(B) 25 min
(C) 30 min
(D) 35 min

04. Charan is 18 years younger than Karan now. 12 years ago, their total age was 54 years old. If Karan is four times as old as Anil, how old is Anil now ?
(A) 12 years
(B) 11 years
(C) 13 years
(D) 10 years

05. The difference between two numbers is 6252. If the bigger number is 5 times as big as the smaller number, find the sum of the two numbers.
(A) 9278
(B) 9378
(C) 9738
(D) 9387

Reasoning :
01. Which of the given options completes the second pair in the same way as the first ?
02. In an examination, Bindu scored more than Arush but less than Prem. Harsh scored more than Prem. Who scored highest marks among these four ?
(A) Bindu
(B) Harsh
(C) Prem
(D) Arush

03. If A = 2, B = 3, C = 4, . . . . What is the answer to the sum B + E in the above order ?
(A) I
(B) J
(C) G
(D) H

04. Which number replaces the question mark ?
30 6 2 3 25 5 4 1 ? 4 6 2
(A) 35
(B) 40
(C) 32
(D) 38

05. Find the number which is different from others.
(A) 182
(B) 821
(C) 236
(D) 345

Critical Thinking :
01. There are cows and farmers in a field. If Surya counts 22 heads and 66 legs, how many cows are there ? (Surya does not include himself in the count).
(A) 11
(B) 12
(C) 14
(D) 13

03. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P ?
(A) P
(B) R
(C) A
(D) X

04. Henrietta the Hen lays eggs this week. There are more than 3 eggs. There are fewer than 6 eggs. There are not 4 eggs. How many eggs does Henrietta lay ?
(A) 5
(B) 2
(C) 7
(D) 1

05. You are returning home from school. On the way, you find a sealed envelop in a street fully addressed with unused stamps on it you would
(A) leave it there as it was and walk away.
(B) remove the stamps and destroy the envelop.
(C) open the envelop, find out who has dropped it by mistake, and send it to him if possible.
(D) post it at the nearest letter box

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