Otorhinolaryngology including Head & Neck Oncology & Endoscopy PG DLO Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : PG Diploma in Oto Rhino Largngology (DLO)
Subject Code/Name : 3116 Otorhinolaryngology including Head & Neck Oncology & Endoscopy
Paper : III
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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Otorhinolaryngology including Head :

September 2008 :
I. Essay questions : (2 X 20 = 40)
1. Describe the aetiology, pathology and management of parapharyngeal space tumor.

Related : TNMGRMU Otorhinolaryngology including Audiology & Neuro-Otology PG DLO Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3446.html

2. Ennumerate the complication of chronic otitis media and describe the clinical features and management of otogenic lateral sinus ihrombosis.

II. Write short notes on : (10 X 6 = 60)
1. Complications of endoscopic DCR surgery.
2. Orbital complications of sinusitis.
3. Surgical steps of external carotid artery ligation.
4. Fungal infections of paranasal sinuses.
5. Sleep apnoea syndrome.
6. Jugular foremen syndrome.
7. External ear canal cholesteatoma.
8. ENT manifestations of leprosy.
9. Carotid body tumors.
10. Noise induced hearing loss

March -2009 :
I. Essay questions : (2 X 20 = 40)
1. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and management of post cricoid malignancy.
2. Discuss the benign lesions of larynx and its management.

II. Write short notes on : (10 X 6 = 60)
1. Role of laser in ENT.
2. Gastro oesophageal reflex.
3. Eagles syndrome.
4. Sleep apnoea syndrome.
5. Post operative salivary fistula.
6. Solitary thyroid nodule.
7. Midline swellings of neck.
8. Chronic retropharyngeal abscess.
9. Cochlear implant.
10. Submucous fibrosis.

September – 2009 :
I. Essay questions : (2 X 20 = 40)
1. Describe the etiology, clinical features and management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
2. Describe the patho physiological principles of functional endoscopic sinus surgery and outline its complications

II. Write short notes on : (10 X 6 = 60)
1. Gastro esophageal reflux disease.
2. Electro diagnostic tests of facial nerve.
3. Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis.
4. Intensity modulated radiotherapy.
5. Merits and demerits of flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscopy.
6. Radial maxillary antrostomy.
7. Conservative laryngeal surgery.
8. Conioscopy.
9. Thyroplasty.
10. Chylous fistula and its management.

September 2010 :
I. Essay questions : (2 X 20 = 40)
1. Describe the indication, procedure and complications of endoscopic Dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery.
2. Classify the benign tumours of larynx and describe their pathology, clinical features and management.

II. Write short notes on : (10 X 6 = 60)
1. Laser in ENT.
2. Tracheal stenosis.
3. Oroantral fistula.
4. Tympanosclerosis.
5. Pharyngeal pouch.
6. Management of bilateral vocal cord palsy.
7. Surgical management of sleep apnoea syndrome.
8. Role of ultrasonography in ENT.
9. Intubation Granuloma.

April 2011 :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Describe the anatomy of the Sphenoid sinus and the various approaches to the sphenoid sinus. What are the complications of transnasal endoscopic hypophysectomy-
2. Describe the application of lasers in the management of laryngeal cancer. What are the complications of transoral laser surgery for laryngeal cancer-

II. Write notes on :
1. Pott’s puffy tumour.
2. Fungus ball.
3. IMRT for laryngeal tumours.
4. Evaluation of patients with snoring.
5. Cricotracheal resection.
6. Management of T3 glottic cancer.
7. Cisplatinum ototoxicity.
8. Steroid therapy of allergic fungal sinusitis.
9. Diagnostic endoscopy in sinonasal disease.
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

October 2011 :
I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
1. Discuss in detail regarding fungal sinusitis with special reference to its complication.
2. Enumerate the complications of chronic otitis media and describe the clinical features and management of otogenic lateral sinus thrombosis.
II. Write notes on :
1. Surgical steps of external carotid artery ligation.
2. ENT manifestations in AIDS.
4. Oro antral fistula.
5. Tracheo Oesophageal Puncture.
6. Cochlear implant.
7. Lefort fractures.
8. Bronchoscopy.
9. Intensity modulated radiotherapy.
10. Unilateral proptosis

April 2012 :
I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
1. Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.
2. What are the causes of Stridor. Discuss the indications for Tracheostomy and its complications.
II. Write notes on :
1. Treatment of Atrophic Rhinitis.
2. Combined Chemo radiation in head and Neck Maliganacies.
3. Types of Thyroplasty. Discuss Type I thyroplasty.
4. Indications and uses of Stroboscopy.
5. Pathology,features and treatment of Rhinoscleroma.
6. Recent trends in septal surgeries.
7. Management of Vocal Nodule.
8. Applications of laser in E.N.T.
9. Nasogastric feeding in E.N.T.
10. Management of Carotid body tumor.

April 2013 :
I. Elaborate on : (2X15=30)
1. Indicate the various classifications used to stage the malignant growth of larynx. Discuss in short the etiopathogenesis, investigations, and management of disease depending upon its staging.
2. Describe in detail about the granulomatous conditions of nose.
II. Write notes on : (10X7=70)
1. Inverted papilloma
2. Difference between vocal cord paralysis and vocal cord fixity
3. Surgeries for juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
4. Spread of pyriform fossa growth
5. Caldwell luc operation
6. Sleep apnea syndrome
7. Intensity modulated radiotherapy
8. Transnasal hypophysectomy
9. Laryngocele
10. PET scan

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