General Human Anatomy including Embryology & Histology BDS Question Paper : kuhs.ac.in

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : BDS
Subject Name : General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology
Paper : I,II,III & IV
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : kuhs.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
February 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3433-General%20Human%20Anatomy%20including%20Embryology%20and%20Histology.pdf
August 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3433-General%20Human%20Anatomy%20including%20Embryology%20and%20Histology.pdf
August 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3433–General%20Human%20Anatomy%20including%20Embryology%20and%20Histology.pdf
February 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3433__General%20Human%20Anatomy%20including%20Embryology%20and%20Histology.pdf
August 2011 :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3433___General%20Human%20Anatomy%20including%20Embryology%20and%20Histology.pdf

KUHS General Human Anatomy Question Paper

First Year BDS Supplementary Degree Examinations – February 2013
General Human Anatomy including Embryology and Histology :
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100

Related / Similar Question Paper :
KUHS BDS Dental Anatomy & Oral Histolog Question Paper

Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
Essays (2×14=28)
1. Describe tongue in detail under the following headings:
external features
muscles, its attachments and actions
nerve supply development (2+8+2+2=14)
2. Describe facial nerve under the following headings:
functional components
extra cranial course.
branches and distribution
applied anatomy (2+4+5+3=14)
Short essays (4×8=32)

3. Describe parotid gland in detail: external features and relations structures within it secretormotor pathway (4+2+2=8)
4. Describe the lateral wall of nose under the following headings:
meatus and openings
blood supply
nerve supply (2+3+1½+1½=8)
5. Describe the muscles of pharynx in detail (8)
6. Describe muscles of mastication: origin insertion nerve supply action (2+2+2+2=8)
Short notes (10×4=40)
7. Styloid apparatus
8. Pterygo palatine ganglion
9. Microscopic structure of hyaline cartilage
10. Notochord
11. Sternocleidomastoid
12. Palatine tonsil
13. Down syndrome
14. Corpus callosum
15. External jugular vein
16. Derivatives of first pharyngeal arch

August 2013

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
Essays (2×14=28)
1. Describe the sub mandibular gland under following headings:
Nerve supply
Applied anatomy (1+6+3+2+2=14)
2. Describe scalp in under the following headings:
Blood supply
Nerve supply
Applied aspects (5+4+3+2=14)
Short essays (4×8=32)
3. Describe lateral wall of nasal cavity under:
blood supply
nerve supply (4+2+2=8)
4. Derivatives of first branchial arch in detail with diagrams (6+2=8)
5. Explain digastric triangle under the following headings:
contents (4+4=8)
6. Explain the lateral pterygoid muscle under following headings:
nerve supply
actions (2+3+1+2=8)
Short notes (10×4=40)
7. Middle meningeal artery
8. Intra cerebellar nuclei
9. Periosteum
10. Scalenus anterior muscle
11. Implantation
12. Barr body
13. Microscopic structure of optic nerve
14. Arterial supply of thyroid gland
15. Superior orbital fissure
16. Ear ossicles

August 2012

Time: 3 Hours
MaxMarks: 100
Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
Essays (2×14=28)
1. Describe the mandibular nerve under following headings :
** nuclei of origin
** functional components
** branches
** distribution
** applied anatomy (2+3+3+5+1=14)
2. Describe the middle ear under the following headings :
** boundaries
** communications
** contents
** applied anatomy (6+2+4+2=14)
Short essays : (4×8=32)
3. Name the anterior triangles of neck, mentioning their boundaries and contents (2+6=8)
4. Describe the nasal septum under following headings:
** formation
** nerve supply
** applied anatomy (2+2+2+2=8)
5. Name all the extrinsic muscles of the eyeball. Mention their actions. (3+5=8)
6. Describe the derivatives of pharyngeal pouches (8)
Short notes (10×4:40)
7. Superior orbital fissure
8. Muscles of soft palate
9. Microscopic structure of pituitary gland
10.Mylohyoid muscle
11.Vocal cords
12.Superior constrictor musc!es of pharynx 13.Trigeminal ganglion
14.Cerebellar peduncles
15.Lingual artery
16.Secondary cartilaginous joint

February 2014

Essays :
1. Explain the muscles of mastication under the following headings :
** attachments
** actions
** relations
** nerve supply
** development
2. Explain the thyroid gland under the following headings :
** parts and capsule
** relations
** blood supply
** nerve supply
** applied aspects

Short essays :
3. Meso dermal derivatives of first and second pharyngeal arches (4+4=8)
4. Relations and tributaries of cavernous sinus ( 4+4=8)
5. Posterior triangle: boundaries, subdivisions and contents (2+2+4=8)
6. Blood supply and nerve supply of face with diagram (4+4=8)

Short notes :
7. Microscopic structure of pituitary gland
8. Microscopic structure of elastic cartilage
9. Branches of external carotid artery
10. Ansa cervicalis
11. Auditory tube
12. Features of Turner syndrome
13. Mastoid process
14. External features of pons
15. Microscopic structure of thymus
16. Naso-pharynx

August 2014

Essays : (2×14=28)
1. Describe the thyroid gland under the following headings :
** position and capsule
** relations
** structures passing through
** blood supply
** applied anatomy
2. Describe the tongue under the following headings :
** dorsum
** muscles-attachments and actions
** nerve supply
** development

Short essays : (4×8=32)
3. Describe the gross anatomy, blood supply and nerve supply of tympanic membrane
4. Describe the lateral wall of nasal cavity under the following headings :
** formations
** openings
** blood supply
** nerve supply
5. Describe the boundaries and contents of sub occipital triangle (4+4=8)
6. Describe the hard palate under the following headings :
** formation and epithelium covering
** development and developmental anomalies

Short notes :
7. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
8. First pharyngeal arch derivatives
9. Microscopic structure of parotid gland
10. Digastric triangle
11. Otic ganglion
12. Circle of Willis
13. Lateral ventricles of brain
14. Cerebellar nuclei
15. X-linked inheritance
16. Structure of a synovial joint

Categories: Medical
Tags: kuhs.ac.in

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